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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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wow, a bunch of bad new'es since my last visit. Sorry about the wallet neighbor, daughter once left hers on the tilt a whirl, never saw it again, I ended up replacing EVERYTHING in it for her, plus a new purse! ah well, this too shall pass........as for hurt pinching nerves, and recovering from surgeries, my thoughts are with you both, don't play around with that nerve thing, and don't you over do it either just home from surgery! Yay, dragonracer, the internet is at your fingertips once again...did I address all, I don't know, my thought for the day is how come glue doesn't stick to the container it comes in, not even super glue??? take care all!

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Hi Everyone! Went to the PO today and dropped off 4 more envelopes! DH was like, "I thought you said you only had one thing to mail?" Me, "Umm, well, that was yesterday!" :lol I got lucky too. It was the postmaster that waited on me! I got the lower price again! :)


Thank you!!!!! :hug


Hubby bought him a new wallet last night on the way home from work. It upset him so much that his son had to go through something like that. The mistrust of friends... the loss of his personal items.

I had an extra pic of my son and his little girl friend ... so gave that to him. He still has the paper copy of his permit.. so he's still legal... just have to get a new hard copy. The money is sad.. but he doesnt even care if he sees it again.

It just hurt so much last night on the drive home from school... he sat so quiet with tears just falling. :sigh






That was so nice of hubby to do that. I hope he is starting to feel better and that the wallet still shows up. :hug


Well, maybe I'll call on you when I need someone to play a weekly challenge game on Pogo with me. :lol And you feel free to call on me. Although, the best place to reach me is on Facebook. :yes

You got a deal! :D


Yayy!! Not that I ever say much of grave importance here. But I do have the internet I got to watch the nice (and cute) XD guy install it for me!!

WOOHOO! It's great to have internet isn't it! Mine keeps going out today! :(


Glad your hubby did that for him. It's a start to making him feel better. Hopefully he still finds it though.


No crocheting for me today again. :( I pinched a nerve in the back of my neck and the right side of my face is numb. I believe it will get better in a day or two. If not I will have to see what the doc wants to do. It's just hard to focus on any one thing for too long though.

Ewww, that's nothing to mess with. Hope it's better soon. :hug


wow, a bunch of bad new'es since my last visit. Sorry about the wallet neighbor, daughter once left hers on the tilt a whirl, never saw it again, I ended up replacing EVERYTHING in it for her, plus a new purse! ah well, this too shall pass........as for hurt pinching nerves, and recovering from surgeries, my thoughts are with you both, don't play around with that nerve thing, and don't you over do it either just home from surgery! Yay, dragonracer, the internet is at your fingertips once again...did I address all, I don't know, my thought for the day is how come glue doesn't stick to the container it comes in, not even super glue??? take care all!

Hmm, how does that work? :think Thanks for the brainteaser! :lol

:( praying for Patrick!


Michelle (hershey038), do you have an idea of how many more squares you need for your stepdad's comfortghan? :hook I was just wondering if you were close, or not even close... :think


Tina, I'm not sure... :(. I guess I should have thought this through. He is 6 feet tall, although he's lost so much weight he's a tall beanpole, but I would like him to be able to cover up with it, while he is watching TV. esp since it's fixing to turn cool. I have 9 collected and fixing to start crocheting some myself to add with it. I just really wanted to get caught up on some long overdue friendship squares first. Not sure the best way to trim them, or join them. Maybe you can give suggestions on all this? ;):hug


I'm feeling a little better today. Wanted to go to church tonite. DH said NO!! Just beginning to feel better, said I am not overdoing it again! Especially while he's home to get me better! :P


Hope everyone else is well. Been praying for all you flood victims up north from Irene... Happy :crocheting everybody!!

JMO, but please don't overdo. Been there, done that and it isn't a good thing. :hug

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I just wanted to stop in and say hi. I'm sending:hug to all those kids, the seem to be having a rough time this week. :hug.


Michelle I hope you are feeling better, take care of yourself.


The squares are all so pretty.

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Yayy!! Not that I ever say much of grave importance here. But I do have the internet I got to watch the nice (and cute) XD guy install it for me!!


YUMMY!! nothing like eye-candy!!!




No crocheting for me today again. :( I pinched a nerve in the back of my neck and the right side of my face is numb. I believe it will get better in a day or two. If not I will have to see what the doc wants to do. It's just hard to focus on any one thing for too long though.


:hug take care of yourself!! At least FYI the doctor....


I'm getting ready for bed, tomorrow I start the testing and Friday I go in to get the hole fixed....:eek I'm really nervous so if anyone wants to send a few extra vibes over the next few days I could sure use it!!

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:coffee Good morning everybody!! This is how I feel this morning. 5th cup of coffee is still not doing its job!!

Ann and Pat --- Thanks for the advice/ well wishes!! Trust me I am learning my lesson! Bad as I hate this, I will behave!

Nira--- so sorry for the pinched nerve. had one in my neck one time for weeks. Know how you are feeling. Please take care of yourself too!! Hope you get to feeling better quick!! :hug

Susan----Good vibes, pleasant thoughts and prayers being sent for you and your surgery!!! :hug:hug:hug

Please keep Arthur(SD) in your prayers today! He had a long chemo yesterday (he takes 2 kinds) this one always last from 5:30 am to 9:00 pm. Ran fever during the night and this morning can't hardly breathe and says he feels like fluid has come back in lungs/ around heart. :(

Guess I will get more crocheting done today. :lol and tomorrow and ....:lol. Good side-- College football is here!!! :cheer:cheerLooking forward to Saturday and watching my team play!!

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Hey everyone! Good vibes, happy thoughts and prayers are being sent to you smith! :manyheart and super :hugs too!!!


i have almost a third of my multi color coasters done for Christmas...now to make about 80 more and then get the amethyst ones started and done, then on to the book marks! :hook been crocheting my backside off! :crocheting plus i start baby sitting today for a friend of mine :eek thats ok tho, her daughter is really well behaved :cheer well, back to hookin it! :hook


:hugs and happy thoughts for all!!! :D:hug:manyheart:hook:crocheting

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:coffee Good morning everybody!! This is how I feel this morning. 5th cup of coffee is still not doing its job!!

Ann and Pat --- Thanks for the advice/ well wishes!! Trust me I am learning my lesson! Bad as I hate this, I will behave!

Nira--- so sorry for the pinched nerve. had one in my neck one time for weeks. Know how you are feeling. Please take care of yourself too!! Hope you get to feeling better quick!! :hug

Susan----Good vibes, pleasant thoughts and prayers being sent for you and your surgery!!! :hug:hug:hug

Please keep Arthur(SD) in your prayers today! He had a long chemo yesterday (he takes 2 kinds) this one always last from 5:30 am to 9:00 pm. Ran fever during the night and this morning can't hardly breathe and says he feels like fluid has come back in lungs/ around heart. :(

Guess I will get more crocheting done today. :lol and tomorrow and ....:lol. Good side-- College football is here!!! :cheer:cheerLooking forward to Saturday and watching my team play!!

Glad you're going to behave and know that our "advice" is because we care :hug. Prayer going up for Arthur too!


Hi every one, just checking in :hug s to everyone

Hi there! :hi

Hey everyone! Good vibes, happy thoughts and prayers are being sent to you smith! :manyheart and super :hugs too!!!


i have almost a third of my multi color coasters done for Christmas...now to make about 80 more and then get the amethyst ones started and done, then on to the book marks! :hook been crocheting my backside off! :crocheting plus i start baby sitting today for a friend of mine :eek thats ok tho, her daughter is really well behaved :cheer well, back to hookin it! :hook


:hugs and happy thoughts for all!!! :D:hug:manyheart:hook:crocheting

You're just a crocheting machine aren't you! :lol Keep going, you'll get them all done! :cheer


Susan (smith), good vibes, prayers and positive thoughts going out to you during your testing and procedure. :hug


Nira, hope your neck is feeling better today. :hug

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wow katie bug! that';s a whole lotta work there! You must be very fast at crocheting! Id love to see some pics, when and if you can find the time to put your hook down for a spell, and let us see some of your eye candy!! Last seven puffy's going out either tomorrow, or monday, I will post when the deed is done!

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Hello everyone. Just stopped in...


Smith, I hope all goes well today. Sending up good thoughts for you. :manyheart:hug And Michelle, for your stepdad, too. :manyheart:hug


I have a sick child home already. :blush (They just started Monday..) I had to force him to get on the bus this morning. (We did this almost half of the school year last year w/ the "stomach hurts and I have a headache".. :sigh:sigh:sigh)

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Afternoon all. Tina.. I used to pull that same stuff on my mom. I'm glad she forced me to get on the bus now. Hang in there and hopefully he gives up on it before too long. I used to get bullied and didn't want to go to school.

Hope everyone else is doing well or getting better (whatever the case may be).

Thanks grannieannie. My neck is getting better. I'm actually able to crochet for little bits at a time now and my right side of my face is tingling (in a good way). Called the doc and they told me to get some anti-inflammatory pills. Your basic ibuprofen and also if needed take 1 Tylenol too. Did that this morning and hopefully by tomorrow I will be all better.

I have 1 square going out this next week for this cal. I have another to send for a different project. I have a financial limit of only two things every two weeks, but I am loving making them.

Have a good day all. :hook

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:( I'm sorry you got bullied. :hug I don't think he's getting bullied (I asked him that), and he likes riding the bus/his new school. We'll see...


I hope your neck gets back to normal soon. :manyheart


Afternoon all. Tina.. I used to pull that same stuff on my mom. I'm glad she forced me to get on the bus now. Hang in there and hopefully he gives up on it before too long. I used to get bullied and didn't want to go to school.

Hope everyone else is doing well or getting better (whatever the case may be).

Thanks grannieannie. My neck is getting better. I'm actually able to crochet for little bits at a time now and my right side of my face is tingling (in a good way). Called the doc and they told me to get some anti-inflammatory pills. Your basic ibuprofen and also if needed take 1 Tylenol too. Did that this morning and hopefully by tomorrow I will be all better.

I have 1 square going out this next week for this cal. I have another to send for a different project. I have a financial limit of only two things every two weeks, but I am loving making them.

Have a good day all. :hook

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Hello everyone. Just stopped in...


I have a sick child home already. :blush (They just started Monday..) I had to force him to get on the bus this morning. (We did this almost half of the school year last year w/ the "stomach hurts and I have a headache".. :sigh:sigh:sigh)

Hope it's nothing. :hug Seems like there's already lots of germs spreading this year. Geesh, it's only Sept 1st and I keep hearing of kids being home sick! Hope this doesn't mean it's going to be a bad flu season!


Afternoon all. Tina.. I used to pull that same stuff on my mom. I'm glad she forced me to get on the bus now. Hang in there and hopefully he gives up on it before too long. I used to get bullied and didn't want to go to school.

Hope everyone else is doing well or getting better (whatever the case may be).

Thanks grannieannie. My neck is getting better. I'm actually able to crochet for little bits at a time now and my right side of my face is tingling (in a good way). Called the doc and they told me to get some anti-inflammatory pills. Your basic ibuprofen and also if needed take 1 Tylenol too. Did that this morning and hopefully by tomorrow I will be all better.

I have 1 square going out this next week for this cal. I have another to send for a different project. I have a financial limit of only two things every two weeks, but I am loving making them.

Have a good day all. :hook

Glad you're feeling some better. Just remember to take it easy. :hug

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:hug:hug for everyone needing them. Susan you are in my thoughts and prayers. Waiting to hear back from one of the packages I mailed last week. Seems like people go absent as soon as I mail them a square.


I am still in a daze from last week. We made a 4 hour drive to go to my uncle's funeral and graveside and then a 4 hour drive back. We made another day trip the week before and got to visit with him before he passed. Meanwhile my dad wound up in the ER the day before and they kept him for a few days. My niece made it through her surgery this am. I have been busy getting things cleaned and set up to extract honey. Our lawn tractor is in the shop and we really need to mow. 5 acres+pushmower=exhausted.

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YUMMY!! nothing like eye-candy!!!




:hug take care of yourself!! At least FYI the doctor....


I'm getting ready for bed, tomorrow I start the testing and Friday I go in to get the hole fixed....:eek I'm really nervous so if anyone wants to send a few extra vibes over the next few days I could sure use it!!


Extra vibes, coming your way:hug


:coffee Good morning everybody!! This is how I feel this morning. 5th cup of coffee is still not doing its job!!

Ann and Pat --- Thanks for the advice/ well wishes!! Trust me I am learning my lesson! Bad as I hate this, I will behave!

Nira--- so sorry for the pinched nerve. had one in my neck one time for weeks. Know how you are feeling. Please take care of yourself too!! Hope you get to feeling better quick!! :hug

Susan----Good vibes, pleasant thoughts and prayers being sent for you and your surgery!!! :hug:hug:hug

Please keep Arthur(SD) in your prayers today! He had a long chemo yesterday (he takes 2 kinds) this one always last from 5:30 am to 9:00 pm. Ran fever during the night and this morning can't hardly breathe and says he feels like fluid has come back in lungs/ around heart. :(

Guess I will get more crocheting done today. :lol and tomorrow and ....:lol. Good side-- College football is here!!! :cheer:cheerLooking forward to Saturday and watching my team play!!


Prayers for you and Arthur :hug


Glad your hubby did that for him. It's a start to making him feel better. Hopefully he still finds it though.


No crocheting for me today again. :( I pinched a nerve in the back of my neck and the right side of my face is numb. I believe it will get better in a day or two. If not I will have to see what the doc wants to do. It's just hard to focus on any one thing for too long though.


I certainly hope you are feeling better soon.:hug


Hello everyone. Just stopped in...


Smith, I hope all goes well today. Sending up good thoughts for you. :manyheart:hug And Michelle, for your stepdad, too. :manyheart:hug


I have a sick child home already. :blush (They just started Monday..) I had to force him to get on the bus this morning. (We did this almost half of the school year last year w/ the "stomach hurts and I have a headache".. :sigh:sigh:sigh)


I hope your son is feeling better :hug


:hug:hug for everyone needing them. Susan you are in my thoughts and prayers. Waiting to hear back from one of the packages I mailed last week. Seems like people go absent as soon as I mail them a square.


I am still in a daze from last week. We made a 4 hour drive to go to my uncle's funeral and graveside and then a 4 hour drive back. We made another day trip the week before and got to visit with him before he passed. Meanwhile my dad wound up in the ER the day before and they kept him for a few days. My niece made it through her surgery this am. I have been busy getting things cleaned and set up to extract honey. Our lawn tractor is in the shop and we really need to mow. 5 acres+pushmower=exhausted.


You certainly can use some :hug:hug:hug I'm sorry to hear all that you have been going through.

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:hug:hug for everyone needing them. Susan you are in my thoughts and prayers. Waiting to hear back from one of the packages I mailed last week. Seems like people go absent as soon as I mail them a square.


I am still in a daze from last week. We made a 4 hour drive to go to my uncle's funeral and graveside and then a 4 hour drive back. We made another day trip the week before and got to visit with him before he passed. Meanwhile my dad wound up in the ER the day before and they kept him for a few days. My niece made it through her surgery this am. I have been busy getting things cleaned and set up to extract honey. Our lawn tractor is in the shop and we really need to mow. 5 acres+pushmower=exhausted.


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Popping in to say hugs to everyone. Sounds like we all could use them. Haven't sent squares out in a few weeks, didn't hear from the last one but hope to get some done over the weekend. Hope you all have a safe and fun holiday weekend.



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Just wanted to say Hi to everyone...I've been slacking (again :blush ) due to taking care of sick family member's, but hopefully everything has calmed back down and get some sent out soon. :hook


I hope everyone's is doing awesome!! Have a great holiday weekend! :cheer:yay

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hello all,

Well the last 7 puffy's that I am able to do, went out this am! I still have a couple, but not the right yarn/material/color for and one out of the country. I will do those, when and if I get more supplies. Might be a while, my stash is large, and I can't justify buying more yet, when I have so much here to work with, such is the life, huh! So, those of you receiving, lets see if I can remember Mi, Co, Pa, and four more! KS OH NC FL are the others....Keep on the LQQK out!!

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Hey everyone! Good vibes, happy thoughts and prayers are being sent to you smith! :manyheart and super :hugs too!!!


i have almost a third of my multi color coasters done for Christmas...now to make about 80 more and then get the amethyst ones started and done, then on to the book marks! :hook been crocheting my backside off! :crocheting plus i start baby sitting today for a friend of mine :eek thats ok tho, her daughter is really well behaved :cheer well, back to hookin it! :hook


:hugs and happy thoughts for all!!! :D:hug:manyheart:hook:crocheting

I'm one that would love to see the pics!! Congratulations on all your hard work!! I'm just now starting to think of Christmas. Would love to make some hand-made gifts also, just don't know what. Last year I did some real skinny scarves ( since we DO live in the South) for my DIL's and some camo skull caps for hunting for my sons.

What are some things or ideas that maybe others of you are doing??



:hug:hug for everyone needing them. Susan you are in my thoughts and prayers. Waiting to hear back from one of the packages I mailed last week. Seems like people go absent as soon as I mail them a square.


I am still in a daze from last week. We made a 4 hour drive to go to my uncle's funeral and graveside and then a 4 hour drive back. We made another day trip the week before and got to visit with him before he passed. Meanwhile my dad wound up in the ER the day before and they kept him for a few days. My niece made it through her surgery this am. I have been busy getting things cleaned and set up to extract honey. Our lawn tractor is in the shop and we really need to mow. 5 acres+pushmower=exhausted.


:hug:hug to you bgs!!! So sorry about your uncle and dad and niece. Arthur is in the hospital today. He started running fever and they had to open his lung and draw off 2 + quarts of fluid.


Thank you Pat54 for the comfortsquares!!!! I'm going to start edging them ( what I have) this weekend. They are beautiful!!!


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