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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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I still have 1 square from a month or so ago that I have not heard about, plus 3 more from a couple weeks ago I have not heard from.


I guess it really is send at your own risk.

I just want to know that they made it safe and didn't get lost in the mail.


I know how you feel! Still haven't heard about 4 that I sent out a couple of weeks ago....


If anyone has sent me squares and I have not acknowledged them please let me know!!!!! I am usually pretty good about it but sometimes I may slip! Thanks

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I got 2 great squares from grannyannie yesterday! I wasn't able to post until this morning after the kids went off to school and I had a moment to sit down...phew!

But anyway, Thank You very much!


You're very welcome! Glad they made it safe and sound! :)


I finally sent out the two squares I made on my road trip last month. They should make it to their destination some time between monday and wednesday.




I get charged parcel price for bubble envelopes but only large envelope price for manila envelopes (depending on what is in them). The postmaster told me that small-med bubble envelopes always get charged parcel price because they are over 1/4" thick. Large envelopes, bubble or not, get charged large envelope price if they are no more than 3/4" thick.

Good to know, thanks!

Hi Everyone! :hi


It's normally $1.71 for me to ship a big square or 2 smaller ones. Not sure how they classify them.


I need to get back to making some now that I feel better. I only sent one out last week but I had 2 other packages go out as well. I found a new pattern I want to try. I have been in a traditional granny mode for a while now. It's so relaxing to me.


Oh yeah, I got kissed by an Alpaca yesterday!!! My friend's family used to have an animal rescue. Well, her parents have died so while she's not taking in more in, she still has a lot of animals. I took my mom and Brittany over to see them. This adorable Alpaca came walking up and she said he likes to kiss you. O--K-- So he is making kissy noises and I bend over. He touches his nose to mine and makes a perfect kissing sound. Then he backs up a bit and actually SMILES! I totally fell in love with him. She is trying to downsize so I could easily bring him home. I'm telling myself we do not need another animal but who can't resist a cute wooley guy that follows you around making kissy noises!!! :lol


Anyway, hope you are all doing great and have a great weekend! :hug

Love your alpaca story! :) I was paying about the same as you for my pkgs, so I was shocked when I only paid $1.08 for these! :eek What a big difference.

:sun.........::Good Morning::............


How is everyone today?

The squares that are being sent out are just awesome!

I have a couple here I need to mail. I really need to make more!


I just wanted to pop in and say :hi HI and am thinking of you all!


Abby....... adorable pic of your son and the squares


Michelle.......... Prayers to you for fast healing! :hug


KatieBug.......... you can do it! You'll get those gifts done! I have faith!


Ann............. love ya honey! :hug So sorry about your headache!


I'm so sorry so many of you arent getting "Thank You's" I dont understand! I try my best to make sure I at least post here on thread my Thank you's ... but also try to get a personal PM out too.


Oh Susan........... that is awesome what the folks do at Christmas where you work! If you need an extra stocking or two... just yell... .I can help.


hey miss Stephanie.......... I love your alpaca story! I think you need to take that baby home! :D






Hiya Tam!!!


I got another square!

Thank you soooo much Karishema!

The angel pin will find a very good home here. I just have to have a battle with my daughter later to see who gets to keep it :lol




Ooohhh, very pretty!

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:ty Granniannie for the beautiful square. I received it on Thursday, but had to wait until I got to work this morning to post. Then I forgot my camera at home so I will post the picture on Sunday.
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:clap:c9 I got my first square today! I almost couldn't believe it when I checked the mail. Thank you so much Karishema for the beautiful square and angel pin! I love it!!!! :yay


Isn't it exciting?! That is a gorgeous square! :manyheart

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I got not one but TWO gorgeous squares in the mail! The one on the right is from bgs and the one on the left is from Nira. Aren't they beautiful? :c9


Y'all have no idea how happy I am and how blessed I feel to have joined this group. I stay at home with the girls and my husband works a retail job so he's not home so much. I'm pretty "landlocked" for lack of a better term and with no real life friends that do much crochet, groups like this really help me keep my crafty sanity. :lol Thank you to everyone that has sent squares for thinking of me and sending such gorgeous squares!


Now if you will excuse me, I've got some squares of my own to hook. I'm planning on bombarding the post office on Monday. :hook



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Now if you will excuse me, I've got some squares of my own to hook. I'm planning on bombarding the post office on Monday. :hook


That is so funny. I live on the edge of a small town,our post office is teeny tiny. So you can imagine the look in his eyes :eek when I brought in all my packages last time. He said that was the busiest he had been all day.

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I got not one but TWO gorgeous squares in the mail! The one on the right is from bgs and the one on the left is from Nira. Aren't they beautiful? :c9


Y'all have no idea how happy I am and how blessed I feel to have joined this group. I stay at home with the girls and my husband works a retail job so he's not home so much. I'm pretty "landlocked" for lack of a better term and with no real life friends that do much crochet, groups like this really help me keep my crafty sanity. :lol Thank you to everyone that has sent squares for thinking of me and sending such gorgeous squares!


Now if you will excuse me, I've got some squares of my own to hook. I'm planning on bombarding the post office on Monday. :hook


I'm glad you liked it. I know just how you feel. I am a stay at home mom with my 4 year old son and my fiancee works long hours sometimes. I don't have any family in the town I live in and although the friends I do have here are crafty they don't crochet. One makes handmade tutus and other stuff (sewing) and one does beadwork (she tried crocheting but didn't have a feel for it). So this site is about my only outlet! :)


Those who are in Irene's path.. Prayers and :hug

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First square is from Mom w/a Motif. Thank you for this lovely square called Frame-a-Flower from CPC. :ty


The 2nd square is from a friend I used to be in a CAL with, grannyannie. Pattern is Amber Waves by Priscilla Hewitt in lavender and soft white.



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Me, too... And I don't know anyone here. I was starting to get to know some people at my sons' old school. (I volunteered there every week.) But now he will be going to a new school. And I doubt I will be volunteering there. So I can relate when you say this group helps keep your crafty sanity. Nice squares, btw! :yes


I got not one but TWO gorgeous squares in the mail! The one on the right is from bgs and the one on the left is from Nira. Aren't they beautiful? :c9


Y'all have no idea how happy I am and how blessed I feel to have joined this group. I stay at home with the girls and my husband works a retail job so he's not home so much. I'm pretty "landlocked" for lack of a better term and with no real life friends that do much crochet, groups like this really help me keep my crafty sanity. :lol Thank you to everyone that has sent squares for thinking of me and sending such gorgeous squares!


Now if you will excuse me, I've got some squares of my own to hook. I'm planning on bombarding the post office on Monday. :hook


You are welcome, Jeannie! I made a bunch of those squares (one for myself, included.) I really like that one. :hook Your square from grannyannie is beautiful, too. :manyheart


First square is from Mom w/a Motif. Thank you for this lovely square called Frame-a-Flower from CPC. :ty


The 2nd square is from a friend I used to be in a CAL with, grannyannie. Pattern is Amber Waves by Priscilla Hewitt in lavender and soft white.

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Nice to know I'm not alone! lol :hug


First square is from Mom w/a Motif. Thank you for this lovely square called Frame-a-Flower from CPC. :ty


The 2nd square is from a friend I used to be in a CAL with, grannyannie. Pattern is Amber Waves by Priscilla Hewitt in lavender and soft white.


Beautiful squares, both of them! :c9

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I got another square!

Thank you soooo much Karishema!

The angel pin will find a very good home here. I just have to have a battle with my daughter later to see who gets to keep it :lol

You are very welcome, hope that you like it, and enjoy it!





:clap:c9 I got my first square today! I almost couldn't believe it when I checked the mail. Thank you so much Karishema for the beautiful square and angel pin! I love it!!!! :yay


Glad that it arrived safely, and you are so very welcome. Hope that

you enjoy it.

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:ty Granniannie for the beautiful square. I received it on Thursday, but had to wait until I got to work this morning to post. Then I forgot my camera at home so I will post the picture on Sunday.

You're very welcome! :)


I got not one but TWO gorgeous squares in the mail! The one on the right is from bgs and the one on the left is from Nira. Aren't they beautiful? :c9


Y'all have no idea how happy I am and how blessed I feel to have joined this group. I stay at home with the girls and my husband works a retail job so he's not home so much. I'm pretty "landlocked" for lack of a better term and with no real life friends that do much crochet, groups like this really help me keep my crafty sanity. :lol Thank you to everyone that has sent squares for thinking of me and sending such gorgeous squares!


Now if you will excuse me, I've got some squares of my own to hook. I'm planning on bombarding the post office on Monday. :hook

Very pretty squares! I understand how you feel. Even though my kids are long grown, I am disabled and stay at home all day long these days. Hubby works nights. We live in a small town and don't have any family near us and no real friends close by either. Coming on here keeps me sane! :lol


First square is from Mom w/a Motif. Thank you for this lovely square called Frame-a-Flower from CPC. :ty


The 2nd square is from a friend I used to be in a CAL with, grannyannie. Pattern is Amber Waves by Priscilla Hewitt in lavender and soft white.

You're welcome for the square :hug. I love the one from Mom w/a Motif too!

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wow me gotz a square today!! After running out for diet coke, and cat food, and getting caught up in the traffic from a town parade that I forgot was happening today, (since daughter doesn't march anymore, all grown up, I don't keep track of them, like I used to, lol) and let me tell you, traffic was horendous, plus im behind these two motocycles that are dancing across lanes, slowing and stopping, etc, grrrr very frustrating! And then got turned finally to my street, thought I would hit the mail while I was out, put the key in, and wala, a puffy!! I was so excited I dropped the remainder of my burger king small diet coke on the ground, but it's ok, it was nearly empty! Got home, and just now opened it,a nd it's from Bgs!!!!!! Its two lovely turquoise and coffee grannys!! The one is a heart pattern, i would love to try, the other has raised post stitches and a turquoise center, I will photo them, here in a bit, but they are totally gorgeous! Thanks so much brenda! You do beautiful work!! Stay tuned for pics of above mentioned goodies!!:yay I certainly DID need this today! What a lovely surprise!! I hate making post stitches, but envy those that do so, they are so pretty!!



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Just checking in to say Hi!! :hi Sure are a lot of beautiful squares to look at today!!! They are all so nice! Been trying to recover from surgery. At that stage just feeling yucky and can''t do anything. I AM getting a lot of squares crocheted, though! :) Getting many puffies ready to go out when I can drive and get back out.

Thanks to all for the well wishes!!

Been keeping everyone in the way of Irene in my prayers. So glad it downgraded before actually hitting. We live in hurricane territory, so trust me! I know how they can be! :eek

Been reading all the posts about how important this site is. Same here! I love this place and each of you are so valuable to me!! I live in small town also and even though I have family and very involved in my church with something going on all the time, this place is my lifeline. We live in such a busy world that sometimes we don't fully connect to people, but everyone here is so giving and so nice. Am getting to "know" each of you more and more and looking forward to getting to "know" everyone even better!! This place truly supports that :crocheting side in each of us with so many "fringe" benefits to boot! Some of the most giving caring people I'm coming to know are on this site!! :manyheart

Anyway, blessings to all and hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

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Ann, you're in this group? Fantastic! Although I'm not around very much. I hope this finds you well. Was gonna send you a thank you on Facebook but saw this first. Fantastic! :hug

You're welcome for the square :hug. I love the one from Mom w/a Motif too!
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Ann, you're in this group? Fantastic! Although I'm not around very much. I hope this finds you well. Was gonna send you a thank you on Facebook but saw this first. Fantastic! :hug

:lol Surprise! Yes, I'm here! I'm not on Facebook very much these days. I got a virus over there so I'm very careful what I do. You can find me here, on Ravelry or on Pogo! :D:hug

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Hi Michelle hope you feel better soon. I have a couple of squares for your stepdad's ghan.


I also have couple of others all packed up and they will all go out on Monday if Irene doesn't cause a problem. It was raining so hard and windy this afternoon and about an hour ago everything stopped. Now it's kind of eerie around here, just waiting for the next round to hit. Yuck, I just keep on praying no one is hurt in all this. NJ just isn't use to this kind of weather.


I am enjoying looking at all the squares, they are so pretty. I'm going to try and work on a few more this evening if I can sit still, I'm kind of nervous.


Everyone stay safe.

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I like seeing the new squares. They are always so lovely!

I didn't get to crochet at all or think much about it today. Helped a friend move from a 3rd floor apartment to a 2nd floor one across the apartment complex yesterday and today. I also think I strained a muscle in my neck a 3 days ago. I can't find a comfortable position sitting or lying down and my usual alleve isn't helping the pain at all. :( Ibuprofen isn't helping either, which is weird because it helps my shoulder pain (I damaged my rotater (sp?) cuff when I was working laundry at 21 years old and the injury rears it's ugly head every few months). I did get some pain patches and that helps but some of the muscle pain is under my hair so I can't apply them there. It's also affecting my right ear. But I think it will only be temporary. A few days and I should be right as rain. :P

Thinking of all of you in Irene's path. Stay safe!:hug:manyheart

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I like seeing the new squares. They are always so lovely!

I didn't get to crochet at all or think much about it today. Helped a friend move from a 3rd floor apartment to a 2nd floor one across the apartment complex yesterday and today. I also think I strained a muscle in my neck a 3 days ago. I can't find a comfortable position sitting or lying down and my usual alleve isn't helping the pain at all. :( Ibuprofen isn't helping either, which is weird because it helps my shoulder pain (I damaged my rotater (sp?) cuff when I was working laundry at 21 years old and the injury rears it's ugly head every few months). I did get some pain patches and that helps but some of the muscle pain is under my hair so I can't apply them there. It's also affecting my right ear. But I think it will only be temporary. A few days and I should be right as rain. :P

Thinking of all of you in Irene's path. Stay safe!:hug:manyheart

Hope your neck feels better soon! :hug We're getting the rain and winds right now. DH is at work, ( he works night shift) so I'm a bit nervous, so I got a square made last night and will work on more today or some other small projects. I just hope we don't lose power. I need my internet! :lol

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Alrighty, Finally got a day that i go to stay with grama, Tuesday. Just thought I'd tell ye folks again DX just incase some missed it before and worry or something. Anyway.. I may not be able to get on the webs but that dunna mean I cant/dont want/get squares I do/can! XD I just wont get them for a day or two after their recieved by this address here.(Parents house) Dad said he'll bring anything I get in the mail to gramas on his way home from work. So yeah.. incase I dont have the internet and i end up getting put on hiatus or whatever it was called for not logging in in time! Oh! on a small note Im lookin for buttons! all sizes shapes for a few projects plus extras for future ones.. I think ive added more specifics on my wishlist Its in my Sig. Thank you in advance! And Thanks again for all the squares Ive already recieved.

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Alrighty, Finally got a day that i go to stay with grama, Tuesday. Just thought I'd tell ye folks again DX just incase some missed it before and worry or something. Anyway.. I may not be able to get on the webs but that dunna mean I cant/dont want/get squares I do/can! XD I just wont get them for a day or two after their recieved by this address here.(Parents house) Dad said he'll bring anything I get in the mail to gramas on his way home from work. So yeah.. incase I dont have the internet and i end up getting put on hiatus or whatever it was called for not logging in in time! Oh! on a small note Im lookin for buttons! all sizes shapes for a few projects plus extras for future ones.. I think ive added more specifics on my wishlist Its in my Sig. Thank you in advance! And Thanks again for all the squares Ive already recieved.

Good luck to you and check in when you can! :hug

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