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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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:sun .:: Good Morning ::.


Well… I have a load of laundry going… the dishwasher empty… 4th pot of coffee going and my crocheting ready to get back to. Good day so far!!! Still fussin’ with this headache…. Dang thing… I cant seem to get it down to a dull roar. Yesterday I tried hard to visit on here… head was hurtin’ so bad I couldn’t see well so to read or type was difficult :sigh.



Well………… back to my crocheting!!!! :hook and of course… more :mug



:hug Time to see a dr? :yes


I'm back. Had fun, but messed up my back. :(


Anyone wanting the list please send me your e-mail in your request. I have most saved, but some I don't. The ladies that know I have their e-mails don't need to send it. Thanks! :)



Glad you had fun! Not so glad about the back! :(:hug

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The squares that are in single pictures are from bgs. and the 2 squares in the same pic. are from baseballmom18.

Thank you guys so much for sending me squares they are greatly apprieciated :)


You are welcome. I am relieved the PO finally decided to deliver them.

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I got a beautiful bright pink square today, from Grannyannie!:hug My picture taker (Sopo) is sick so, I'll get a picture up as soon as I can. :think Thank you so much!! :yay


Hope everyone's having a good cool week. :D

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Just poppin' in to say :hi HI

Fed the turtle... cat.. dogs... guinea pig.. and sugar glider... laundry tended to... kitchen clean... fresh pot of coffee done... got my knitting here in front of me ... (making something for my swap buddy) and saying good morning to you ladies!

I hope to get a couple squares made today. I want to pop them in the mail tomorrow! :hook


okay... back at it.

have a great day

check in more later!




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So far today all I have done is make coffee,get 3 kids and hubby up/showered/out the door, fed the cats,made more coffee, put some yarn on tp tubes for my new yarn holder that is coming soon, played outside with the little guy, and played on the computer for a bit. Haven't gotten any cleaning of any kind to add to my list of DONE things. (that sounds like a lot but not really since I didn't really accomplish anything productive)

About to give him a bath and take me a shower....does that count as doing "cleaning"? hahahahaha

I do have a square to finish and several others to work on. But I have time to work that in. It is still sort of early.

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I miss you guys....just dealing with a dose of life right now.


I do have SEVERAL squares to get out, and Im thinking we gotten a few newbies. Welcome


Sue can I get a new list....I think you have my work email...I'll sent it again tho


Have a great day Ladies

I think Im back LOL




PS So sorry to hear about your mom Michele. I got squares for Dad if you still need them


Tina I have a square for you too so don't finish it yet. I too just learned to flat braid join...I love it

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I got a beautiful bright pink square today, from Grannyannie!:hug My picture taker (Sopo) is sick so, I'll get a picture up as soon as I can. :think Thank you so much!! :yay

Hope everyone's having a good cool week. :D

You're very welcome. Glad you like it! Sorry to hear that Sopo is still feeling sick. Sending healing thoughts her way. :hug




Just poppin' in to say :hi HI

Fed the turtle... cat.. dogs... guinea pig.. and sugar glider... laundry tended to... kitchen clean... fresh pot of coffee done... got my knitting here in front of me ... (making something for my swap buddy) and saying good morning to you ladies!

I hope to get a couple squares made today. I want to pop them in the mail tomorrow! :hook


okay... back at it.

have a great day

check in more later!




Hey there busy lady! How you doing today?


So far today all I have done is make coffee,get 3 kids and hubby up/showered/out the door, fed the cats,made more coffee, put some yarn on tp tubes for my new yarn holder that is coming soon, played outside with the little guy, and played on the computer for a bit. Haven't gotten any cleaning of any kind to add to my list of DONE things. (that sounds like a lot but not really since I didn't really accomplish anything productive)

About to give him a bath and take me a shower....does that count as doing "cleaning"? hahahahaha

I do have a square to finish and several others to work on. But I have time to work that in. It is still sort of early.

You've got me worn out! :lol


thank you sopo for the friendshipghan square I :manyheart it. :hug


grannieannie thank you for the friendshipghan square I :manyheart it too :hug


I have some squares to send out soon



You're very welcome! :hug

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I got a square today from bgs!!! :mail

Very Beautiful and again I love the color. It's a 12 incher too :manyheart

Thank you very much :hug




Got a card too :)

My 3 year old "read" it and it says (according to him) " Happy Birthday Claire!" (Claire is our kitten lol)

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What beautiful squares! I've gotten 2 different squares started plus I'm working on something for a swap partner. I'm so bad about starting a ton of projects at the same time! lol


It is SO HOT outside right now. UGH! I'm starting to see the Fall issues of various crochet magazines come out, can't wait for the weather to catch up! lol


Oh, and I won a Knook kit from the Leisure Arts Knook blog tour! :woo I can't wait to get it, I couldn't find any Knooks at all around here...

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thank you sopo for the friendshipghan square I :manyheart it. :hug


grannieannie thank you for the friendshipghan square I :manyheart it too :hug


I have some squares to send out soon




I got a square today from bgs!!! :mail

Very Beautiful and again I love the color. It's a 12 incher too :manyheart

Thank you very much :hug




Got a card too :)

My 3 year old "read" it and it says (according to him) " Happy Birthday Claire!" (Claire is our kitten lol)



Beautiful squares ladies!!!!

bgs... what pattern is that?



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There have been a TON of great squares getting sent! I know I keep saying it but I have to get back to making them!!


Kim, got your e-mail and sent you the list. :)



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I got a beautiful bright pink square today, from Grannyannie!:hug My picture taker (Sopo) is sick so, I'll get a picture up as soon as I can. :think Thank you so much!! :yay


Tell your mom to take care and get well soon!


Hope everyone's having a good cool week. :D


I got a square today from bgs!!! :mail

Very Beautiful and again I love the color. It's a 12 incher too :manyheart

Thank you very much :hug


You're welcome!




Got a card too :)

My 3 year old "read" it and it says (according to him) " Happy Birthday Claire!" (Claire is our kitten lol)




Beautiful squares ladies!!!!

bgs... what pattern is that?








That is my go to square. Sometimes I work it in two colors. There is a 7 inch version which is easy to make 8 inches.









Hope everyone is okay. I am just trying to handle the little stuff getting thrown my way. Some days my computer will let me on line and other days it won't. Still missing our dog. He's been gone one month today. We have been waiting for a stray dog to show up ever since our other dog passed a couple of years ago. I guess we are supposed to take care of a cat now as a tiny kitten showed up a couple of weeks before Onery passed. Last week the brakes went out on my car at a bad intersection but we were lucky and made it home safely. I have an uncle who is not expected to make it much longer and an aunt that was just hospitalized. My dad's 40 foot fully furnished trailer was stolen a week ago along with a lot of stuff out of his sheds. My niece is going to have to have gall bladder surgery. Our neighbor is putting in new fence (we are in a rural area) so he has brought in large equipment to clean out the fence line which was so overgrown. It looks so different now I hardly recognize where I am at. I do miss the privacy and dust control it provided but it needed to go as there were a lot of large dead trees.

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I just made 2 squares with a free pattern I found. I made them black and white but reversing each other. My problem is that they are wonky!! I know that once they are attached to other squares they will look fine.

As I was writing that above my daughter came in and picked up the two squares and goes "OOOO she sent you two?" I said "No I made those" "wow those are neat mom"

So I guess the wonkyness isn't as big of a deal as I thought :D

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I just made 2 squares with a free pattern I found. I made them black and white but reversing each other. My problem is that they are wonky!! I know that once they are attached to other squares they will look fine.

As I was writing that above my daughter came in and picked up the two squares and goes "OOOO she sent you two?" I said "No I made those" "wow those are neat mom"

So I guess the wonkyness isn't as big of a deal as I thought :D



One your daughter sounds really cute. The square is just great Abby. Wonky just means it has personality. you didn't just make a normal square made a wonky square. How kool.

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:cheer I received two packages yesterday. One from Bgs and one from KatyAllen. The squares are remarkable. I took pictures on my phone, then left my phone at home this morning :blush, so I will post the pictures in the morning. Thank you both, I love the colors and they are going to help make my friendship-gan lovely.

KatyAllen, I think I am going to use yours as my center square. It is GORGEOUS!!!!!!

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Sounds like you are feeling better, Tam. (I hope!!) :manyheart




Just poppin' in to say :hi HI

Fed the turtle... cat.. dogs... guinea pig.. and sugar glider... laundry tended to... kitchen clean... fresh pot of coffee done... got my knitting here in front of me ... (making something for my swap buddy) and saying good morning to you ladies!

I hope to get a couple squares made today. I want to pop them in the mail tomorrow! :hook


okay... back at it.

have a great day

check in more later!





Thank you, Kim! It is nowhere near done yet. I still would love more squares! :hug


I miss you guys....just dealing with a dose of life right now.


I do have SEVERAL squares to get out, and Im thinking we gotten a few newbies. Welcome


Sue can I get a new list....I think you have my work email...I'll sent it again tho


Have a great day Ladies

I think Im back LOL




PS So sorry to hear about your mom Michele. I got squares for Dad if you still need them


Tina I have a square for you too so don't finish it yet. I too just learned to flat braid join...I love it


So pretty!!

thank you sopo for the friendshipghan square I :manyheart it. :hug


grannieannie thank you for the friendshipghan square I :manyheart it too :hug


I have some squares to send out soon




Lovely square! That is so precious! I used to write down all the cute things our kids said. I wish I had wrote down more of them. Kids are so cute!!

I got a square today from bgs!!! :mail

Very Beautiful and again I love the color. It's a 12 incher too :manyheart

Thank you very much :hug




Got a card too :)

My 3 year old "read" it and it says (according to him) " Happy Birthday Claire!" (Claire is our kitten lol)


Brenda, :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug






That is my go to square. Sometimes I work it in two colors. There is a 7 inch version which is easy to make 8 inches.









Hope everyone is okay. I am just trying to handle the little stuff getting thrown my way. Some days my computer will let me on line and other days it won't. Still missing our dog. He's been gone one month today. We have been waiting for a stray dog to show up ever since our other dog passed a couple of years ago. I guess we are supposed to take care of a cat now as a tiny kitten showed up a couple of weeks before Onery passed. Last week the brakes went out on my car at a bad intersection but we were lucky and made it home safely. I have an uncle who is not expected to make it much longer and an aunt that was just hospitalized. My dad's 40 foot fully furnished trailer was stolen a week ago along with a lot of stuff out of his sheds. My niece is going to have to have gall bladder surgery. Our neighbor is putting in new fence (we are in a rural area) so he has brought in large equipment to clean out the fence line which was so overgrown. It looks so different now I hardly recognize where I am at. I do miss the privacy and dust control it provided but it needed to go as there were a lot of large dead trees.


Oh, and Sue... :blush I need a new list. Oh, and I mailed a square out yesterday, and have some more ready to go out. But I need addresses. :) Amazingly, I don't have anything to do or anywhere to go today. So I am hoping to make more squares and re-organize my friendship squares list: Sent to/ Going to make for.. It would be so much easier if we had printer ink... :rolleyes

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Morning Everyone! Boy, lots to catch up on today! :lol


I got a square today from bgs!!! :mail

Very Beautiful and again I love the color. It's a 12 incher too :manyheart

Thank you very much :hug




Got a card too :)

My 3 year old "read" it and it says (according to him) " Happy Birthday Claire!" (Claire is our kitten lol)

Beautiful square! Love the card! :lol You're 3 yr old sounds so cute!


What beautiful squares! I've gotten 2 different squares started plus I'm working on something for a swap partner. I'm so bad about starting a ton of projects at the same time! lol


It is SO HOT outside right now. UGH! I'm starting to see the Fall issues of various crochet magazines come out, can't wait for the weather to catch up! lol


Oh, and I won a Knook kit from the Leisure Arts Knook blog tour! :woo I can't wait to get it, I couldn't find any Knooks at all around here...

Congrats on winning the Knook! Those look so cool! Let us know all about it when you get it!






That is my go to square. Sometimes I work it in two colors. There is a 7 inch version which is easy to make 8 inches.









Hope everyone is okay. I am just trying to handle the little stuff getting thrown my way. Some days my computer will let me on line and other days it won't. Still missing our dog. He's been gone one month today. We have been waiting for a stray dog to show up ever since our other dog passed a couple of years ago. I guess we are supposed to take care of a cat now as a tiny kitten showed up a couple of weeks before Onery passed. Last week the brakes went out on my car at a bad intersection but we were lucky and made it home safely. I have an uncle who is not expected to make it much longer and an aunt that was just hospitalized. My dad's 40 foot fully furnished trailer was stolen a week ago along with a lot of stuff out of his sheds. My niece is going to have to have gall bladder surgery. Our neighbor is putting in new fence (we are in a rural area) so he has brought in large equipment to clean out the fence line which was so overgrown. It looks so different now I hardly recognize where I am at. I do miss the privacy and dust control it provided but it needed to go as there were a lot of large dead trees.



I just made 2 squares with a free pattern I found. I made them black and white but reversing each other. My problem is that they are wonky!! I know that once they are attached to other squares they will look fine.

As I was writing that above my daughter came in and picked up the two squares and goes "OOOO she sent you two?" I said "No I made those" "wow those are neat mom"

So I guess the wonkyness isn't as big of a deal as I thought :D

That's what makes the squares so wonderful! They are unique and special, just from you. I'm sure they are lovely!


:cheer I received two packages yesterday. One from Bgs and one from KatyAllen. The squares are remarkable. I took pictures on my phone, then left my phone at home this morning :blush, so I will post the pictures in the morning. Thank you both, I love the colors and they are going to help make my friendship-gan lovely.

KatyAllen, I think I am going to use yours as my center square. It is GORGEOUS!!!!!!

Looking forward to the pics!


I hope everyone is doing well


Thanks for my list Sue

Good morning! Hope you're doing well to!

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Well, I have a few squares done now and I was hoping to send them out tomorrow. Due to unseen circumstances I may have to put that on hold for 2 weeks. I have to get new couches. Let's just say it involved a 4-year old and a pitcher of kool-aid. :rolleyes We are getting some used ones from a friend that are pretty cheap but in good condition. I hope I can still send them out tomorrow but if not I will be getting a little stockpile going. Hope your day is going better than mine! :lol

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