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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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teakaycee- hope your headaches and everything else gets better and aint you glad it's back to school time


Sue- hope you have fun on vacation


Mom w/a Motif- puppy is so cute reminds me of my cat Jack he come and sits on my yarn ball I usually have it beside me on couch or bed


I also like your afghan. The black does make all the colors pop. Can't wait to see it finished.


Whoever was talking about not having a Hobby Lobby or Michaels close by I feel for you. My Hobby Lobby is right next to my Wally World and Michaels is like 5 mins away from that. Don't know what I would do if I didn't have all three so close.

I got 11 skeins of yarn Saturday when I went to Hobby Lobby it was all but one on sale. I'm trying Vanna's choice baby yarn for the first time. I spent like 30 bucks I couldn't believe it. But like my mom said you usually spend that much or more just not all at one time.


Now I need some projects. I would like to make some stuff for Christmas presents. Although I have no idea what.



SOOOOO SORRY for such a long post.

Wish everyone well and good crocheting.

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.:: Where is my day going? ::.


Michelle.... I sent two blue squares out today! :hug


Tina....... your friendship'ghan is coming out great!!! And as for puppy germs... um... Love 'em! :D


Actually Amber... I'm not really looking forward to school... I miss my boys somethin' awful when they're gone. :(

Thanks for the get well wish though!! :hug... sweet of you!




off to tend to laundry... and get more :mug



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I am using the Flat Braid Join. There's some good videos here:

. There are four videos.


Cute puppy. Did you whip stitch or sc the squares together to join?




Puppy germs are the BEST!!!!!
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Thank you Ambi. I think my puppy is part cat, sometimes. You should have seen her last night. :think Congratulations on your yarn deal! :yay Any Michaels or JoAnns is over an hour away from us. (I got to go yesterday, to JoAnns though. Always fun. :D)


I finished my Polka Dot Christmas Stocking this morning. I posted it here. Only probably seven more to go... :sigh


teakaycee- hope your headaches and everything else gets better and aint you glad it's back to school time


Sue- hope you have fun on vacation


Mom w/a Motif- puppy is so cute reminds me of my cat Jack he come and sits on my yarn ball I usually have it beside me on couch or bed


I also like your afghan. The black does make all the colors pop. Can't wait to see it finished.


Whoever was talking about not having a Hobby Lobby or Michaels close by I feel for you. My Hobby Lobby is right next to my Wally World and Michaels is like 5 mins away from that. Don't know what I would do if I didn't have all three so close.

I got 11 skeins of yarn Saturday when I went to Hobby Lobby it was all but one on sale. I'm trying Vanna's choice baby yarn for the first time. I spent like 30 bucks I couldn't believe it. But like my mom said you usually spend that much or more just not all at one time.


Now I need some projects. I would like to make some stuff for Christmas presents. Although I have no idea what.



SOOOOO SORRY for such a long post.

Wish everyone well and good crocheting.

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Well I am going to join the fun..I after all have all of that birthday stash just sitting around..lol.


[ATTACH]43388[/ATTACH] Good Morning.........

Hope all is well with everyone!! I'm still fightin' this headache... but thats not new ... so on I move!




Well... off to get more :mug and start :hook

check in again in a while!



boy, that's no fun! That darn headache has just been hanging around for way too long! Hope it goes away soon and stays away! :hug


I got some black yarn! My husband called me on his way home from work & said "Instead of me picking you up some yarn, do you want to go tomorrow & we can do some more school shopping for the boys?". So, I got to go to JoAnns, yesterday. :D I just got black yarn & some baby boucle for a stocking I want to do. But... I was able to finish edging all my squares & joining most of them. Not sure where I want to put these four yet. But. This is what I have so far. :clap

Looking GOOD!!!


My puppy was helping me crochet squares last night.. She kept putting her paw on the yarn, like "Here, use this color" :lol It was funny. (I was crocheting my square, so no one has to worry about puppy germs on their sqaures. :P)

:lol Love puppies, nothing wrong with their germs! :lol


Whoever was talking about not having a Hobby Lobby or Michaels close by I feel for you. My Hobby Lobby is right next to my Wally World and Michaels is like 5 mins away from that. Don't know what I would do if I didn't have all three so close.

I got 11 skeins of yarn Saturday when I went to Hobby Lobby it was all but one on sale. I'm trying Vanna's choice baby yarn for the first time. I spent like 30 bucks I couldn't believe it. But like my mom said you usually spend that much or more just not all at one time.


Now I need some projects. I would like to make some stuff for Christmas presents. Although I have no idea what.



SOOOOO SORRY for such a long post.

Wish everyone well and good crocheting.

I have to travel an hour to get to either a Michael's or AC Moore, and a 1/2 hr for a Walmart :(. I really wish there was a HL around! Sounds like you got a pretty good deal! I haven't tried the Vanna's baby yet, but I love the Vanna's Choice. :yes I need to get to work on some Christmas presents too! Hmmm, better put my thinking cap on! :lol

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Thank you Ambi. I think my puppy is part cat, sometimes. You should have seen her last night. :think Congratulations on your yarn deal! :yay Any Michaels or JoAnns is over an hour away from us. (I got to go yesterday, to JoAnns though. Always fun. :D)


I finished my Polka Dot Christmas Stocking this morning. I posted it here. Only probably seven more to go... :sigh

Looks great!

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Ok, grannygroupies, five more puffy's are on their way to new homes in someone's friendship ghan! Schel, I may have put the wrong square in your envelope, if you can't use it, let me know, Im not sure of course, as I stuffed them ages ago, but if anyone can't use what I sent, please let me know, and Ill resend another! Im into having nothing in my tote, in envelopes that is, I do however have some to package, the 10s and 12s! I will have some ready for next weeks mailing, don't worry! If you let me know when you get your squares I will check you off the pending list in red! lol THanks all!:clap:cheer

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I was just wondering what everyone is working on. I know from looking at the first post what y'all want for your friendship-ghan. But what are y'all making them for yourself, husband, other family member or friend?


I am not making one. Never actually joined squares together. I don't need another afghan right now. Am working on two big grannies. One I am kind of stuck on I uses different kinds of yarn on it to use them up. Think green, little less thick yellow, and caron simply soft in orange. I think I have over 20 rounds but could have less. Cann't find any colors to go with it to finish it. Nothing really looks good. I have taken it with me to about 3 or 4 stores and can't find a thing I think looks good.


The othr one is just like one I made my nana for Christmas last year or the year before. It is green brown and blue varigated. I had 2 skeins left over so I started another one. Big grannies are like my thing. I have made like 9 or more of them.

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I was just wondering what everyone is working on. I know from looking at the first post what y'all want for your friendship-ghan. But what are y'all making them for yourself, husband, other family member or friend?


I am not making one. Never actually joined squares together. I don't need another afghan right now. Am working on two big grannies. One I am kind of stuck on I uses different kinds of yarn on it to use them up. Think green, little less thick yellow, and caron simply soft in orange. I think I have over 20 rounds but could have less. Cann't find any colors to go with it to finish it. Nothing really looks good. I have taken it with me to about 3 or 4 stores and can't find a thing I think looks good.


The othr one is just like one I made my nana for Christmas last year or the year before. It is green brown and blue varigated. I had 2 skeins left over so I started another one. Big grannies are like my thing. I have made like 9 or more of them.

I'm making this ghan for me! :)

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Michelle.... I sent two blue squares out today! :hug



Michelle I also mailed out two blue squares today.



Ok, grannygroupies, five more puffy's are on their way to new homes in someone's friendship ghan! Schel, I may have put the wrong square in your envelope, if you can't use it, let me know, Im not sure of course, as I stuffed them ages ago, but if anyone can't use what I sent, please let me know, and Ill resend another! Im into having nothing in my tote, in envelopes that is, I do however have some to package, the 10s and 12s! I will have some ready for next weeks mailing, don't worry! If you let me know when you get your squares I will check you off the pending list in red! lol THanks all!:clap:cheer


I also mailed out a few more puffies today. I still haven't heard back from one of mine that went out two weeks ago. I don't know why but there have been a few people that don't seem to get around to acknowledging receipt. In the beginning I PM'd some people to follow up but now I just mark them off as mailed. I only follow up if it is someone that is pretty active here and I just know would have acknowledged receipt.


Oh, and sorry Katy I am still working on yours.

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I'm making this for me. Since it's a 'friendship' ghan, it's extra special. Every time you look at a square in it, you know there are people out there that care about you.


Brenda, I'm with you on that. If a person cannot take the time to say thank you, it got here... well, that's just good manners. I mark when I mail them out. I used to pm them like you to ask but anymore, I just move them to a list and it's doubtful I'll send something out to them again if they don't at least acknowledge it. That may be mean but it doesn't cost but a minute to tell someone thank you and who knows, that one thank you just might make their day.

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I'm making this for me. Since it's a 'friendship' ghan, it's extra special. Every time you look at a square in it, you know there are people out there that care about you.


Brenda, I'm with you on that. If a person cannot take the time to say thank you, it got here... well, that's just good manners. I mark when I mail them out. I used to pm them like you to ask but anymore, I just move them to a list and it's doubtful I'll send something out to them again if they don't at least acknowledge it. That may be mean but it doesn't cost but a minute to tell someone thank you and who knows, that one thank you just might make their day.


There have been a few that took a long time to acknowledge (weeks even months) but it turned out they were in life crisis situations. Afra sent a very nice letter and said she no longer had internet access. Then someone else after acknowledging receipt here sent me a very nice card and the cutest little bluebird.;) I am always excited when I mail out squares hoping that they arrive and make people happy.

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There have been a few that took a long time to acknowledge (weeks even months) but it turned out they were in life crisis situations. Afra sent a very nice letter and said she no longer had internet access. Then someone else after acknowledging receipt here sent me a very nice card and the cutest little bluebird.;) I am always excited when I mail out squares hoping that they arrive and make people happy.


Trust me, I know life can get in the way. I meant the ones that you see online all the time. It happens more off the forum than on. People outside the crochet world that I send things to.. some with delivery confirmation and they never acknowledge receipt. Just makes me sad.


Afra was a sweetheart. I got a card from her too. :U


I know overall it doesn't matter. I just love to give things to others. :hug

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This will be the biggest thing I make myself (with help from here of course;)) Other than a washcloth, a dicebag, and a wip pinwheel sweater. I currently am trying to make at least one thing for all my nieces and nephews. I have 15 of them! I do have a few squares made and a few more in mind and I'm hoping to get them mailed by Friday. I can't wait until someone receives their first square from me! I think it is the natural disposition of crocheters to be giving! :)

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Yup, I'm being totally selfish and making this ghan for me! lol I never make anything for myself normally so I thought this would be a good chance to have something for me, myself and I! :lol


The way I look at is is that all of you are making me a super comfy friendship-ghan. It just comes with some assembly required.

I did make me a wavy stitch blanket out of all cotton.(I adore this blanket <3) So I can't say I NEVER make myself anything. Just rarely. My daughter asked me the other day when I was going to make something and actually keep it.


I could never give this friendship-ghan away knowing that people put all this love into the squares just for me. :manyheart

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The squares that are in single pictures are from bgs. and the 2 squares in the same pic. are from baseballmom18.

Thank you guys so much for sending me squares they are greatly apprieciated :)






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The squares that are in single pictures are from bgs. and the 2 squares in the same pic. are from baseballmom18.

Thank you guys so much for sending me squares they are greatly apprieciated :)

Very nice squares!!!

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:sun .:: Good Morning ::.


Well… I have a load of laundry going… the dishwasher empty… 4th pot of coffee going and my crocheting ready to get back to. Good day so far!!! Still fussin’ with this headache…. Dang thing… I cant seem to get it down to a dull roar. Yesterday I tried hard to visit on here… head was hurtin’ so bad I couldn’t see well so to read or type was difficult :sigh.



Well………… back to my crocheting!!!! :hook and of course… more :mug



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I'm back. Had fun, but messed up my back. :(


Anyone wanting the list please send me your e-mail in your request. I have most saved, but some I don't. The ladies that know I have their e-mails don't need to send it. Thanks! :)



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:sun .:: Good Morning ::.


Well… I have a load of laundry going… the dishwasher empty… 4th pot of coffee going and my crocheting ready to get back to. Good day so far!!! Still fussin’ with this headache…. Dang thing… I cant seem to get it down to a dull roar. Yesterday I tried hard to visit on here… head was hurtin’ so bad I couldn’t see well so to read or type was difficult :sigh.



Well………… back to my crocheting!!!! :hook and of course… more :mug




I think it may be time to see a dr. dear friend......

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