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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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I got these 2 squares in the mail Thank you

Mary Yeary and Kattyallen8090 I love them :manyheart:manyheart

Ooohhh, very pretty!


Thank you grannyannie for My Pretty Purple Square and Madyson Says TY for her Pretty Pink square. she's excited.. she almost only needs mabey 6 more squares for a afghan.. so she was very happy to see me carry in the brown envlope ;) she just knew rite away and yelled SQUARESSSSSS

You're both very welcome!

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I received 4 beautiful squares in the mail today from bgs! Thanks so much!!


You're welcome. They got there really fast. I just mailed them Wed.


Sorry to make this so long, but is it too much to ask if I could have some 8" squares for a comfortghan to let him know there are people that care? If I could have them in WW and different shades of blue since that is his favorite color?


Thanks for letting me vent a little on here.

Hope everyone is doing well tonite.


I will get busy on a blue square or two!




/)__) ‘~~Good Morning………..

-"--"- ˚* ˚ ˚* ˛˚ .. \\..° ˚ • ★ *˚ .


Well…… today is the day……… hubby gets his groshong out today. It’s a line that was placed in his chest so that blood draws and his treatments could be done without stabbing him with an IV every time.

The Dr. doesn’t want to see him for a blood draw for 2 months…. And every 2 months after that. If blood work looks good each time… they wont do a biopsy for a year. Talk about excitement here!

Michael is still doing great! He is still in remission and enjoying his summer!

Thank you all for your love and continued prayers for my family!

Thank you all for being the best bunch of ladies ever… for creating a safe place for me to come vent…cry…. And rejoice!










Great news!


I rec'd a beautiful square in the mail today! It's from Brenda (bgs). Thank you so much! The picture doesn't really do it justice. The colors are more vibrant. I love it! I've been having a very difficult day and having this lovely square in the mail made my day so much better! :hug


You're welcome!

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/)__) ‘~~Good Morning………..

-"--"- ˚* ˚ ˚* ˛˚ .. \\..° ˚ • ★ *˚ .


Well…… today is the day……… hubby gets his groshong out today. It’s a line that was placed in his chest so that blood draws and his treatments could be done without stabbing him with an IV every time.

The Dr. doesn’t want to see him for a blood draw for 2 months…. And every 2 months after that. If blood work looks good each time… they wont do a biopsy for a year. Talk about excitement here!

Michael is still doing great! He is still in remission and enjoying his summer!

Thank you all for your love and continued prayers for my family!

Thank you all for being the best bunch of ladies ever… for creating a safe place for me to come vent…cry…. And rejoice!






Glad to hear the great news. Will continue to keep your family in my prayers.:hug






Ladies, I'm wondering if I can ask this? We found out 2 weeks ago my step-father has inoperable lung cancer at stage 4. This has been very hard as my brother and I are very close to him. Also my mother is mental ( I still debate this one- she is just "mental" enough to be mean as a junkyard snake. Always been that way, even before we were told a couple of years ago she was mental. ) They are having a very hard time financially and with just my brother and I it is very hard and I live 1 hour and 1/2 away. They have no friends or church family that come around because over the years my mother has driven them all away. He is fighting hard to conquer this but living in such an evironment is hard. I went to visit and help them some this evening and I was so depressed coming home, I can only imagine how depressed he is.

Sorry to make this so long, but is it too much to ask if I could have some 8" squares for a comfortghan to let him know there are people that care? If I could have them in WW and different shades of blue since that is his favorite color?


Thanks for letting me vent a little on here.

Hope everyone is doing well tonite.


I will get started on some blue ones right away :hug



I'm making them, now I just need to send them :yes I'm hoping to pack them up this weekend.


I did get a beautiful square today from Karishema, thank you and for the adorable angel. I will post a pic tomorrow.

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ohhhhh grannyannie sent me two gorgeous squares today, one in cream, and one in a deep blue, how pretty, thank you so much, will post a pic tomorrow, its late, and light is not gonna be kind with my camera tonight! Thank you so much for thinking of me, I love them both, they will fit in so well!!

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ohhhhh grannyannie sent me two gorgeous squares today, one in cream, and one in a deep blue, how pretty, thank you so much, will post a pic tomorrow, its late, and light is not gonna be kind with my camera tonight! Thank you so much for thinking of me, I love them both, they will fit in so well!!

You're very welcome! Glad they made it safe and sound and you like them! :hug

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::: (\_(\

*: (=’ :’) :*

•.. (,(”)(”)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`» Good Morning •¨¯`•

Thank you all for the love and prayers!

Hubby is doing good! The groshrong is out .... and he feels like a free man!


Originally Posted by hershey038 Sorry to make this so long, but is it too much to ask if I could have some 8" squares for a comfortghan to let him know there are people that care? If I could have them in WW and different shades of blue since that is his favorite color?

Honey.... I have 2 squares done. If I get anymore done before Monday... I'll mail them ...if not... you'll still get these two mailed Monday.



Have a great day everyone.

I'm going to try... as its my daddy's birthday today and I'm stuggling with missing him somethin' awful!




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Pat, you are very welcome, it is so much fun to do, I enjoy it!


Tam, I am so happy for you and your family, the blessings goes around!


Have a great day, everyone:manyheart

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:hi Good Afternoon ladies!!! I love seeing all the squares and can't wait to see the completed projects.


Well I seen the cardiologist last week and yes I do need surgery to fix the hole in my heart, soon. In the meantime I have have to wear an event monitor to capture all my heart palpitations and flutters. I so feel like an old, old lady. Work is more interesting with new mangers and now they are moving my office to the other end of the building.

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::: (\_(\

*: (=’ :’) :*

•.. (,(”)(”)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`» Good Morning •¨¯`•

Thank you all for the love and prayers!

Hubby is doing good! The groshrong is out .... and he feels like a free man!

Have a great day everyone.

I'm going to try... as its my daddy's birthday today and I'm stuggling with missing him somethin' awful!





:cheer for hubby! :hug for you!


Well I seen the cardiologist last week and yes I do need surgery to fix the hole in my heart, soon. In the meantime I have have to wear an event monitor to capture all my heart palpitations and flutters. I so feel like an old, old lady. Work is more interesting with new mangers and now they are moving my office to the other end of the building.


Keep us posted Susan! :hug



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Susan- Prayers and positive thoughts for a very successful surgery!!!


Love the squares!


I haven't been making any squares this past week- I 've been busy getting to know my new grandson- and also making a baby blanket for a co-worker- we are having a shower at work next week for her. Thankfully, it's almost done- so then I hope to get some time to make and mail out some squares!

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Nice squares Katie.


Susan, I know it sounds like a pain with the wires, but so glad they can fix it. :hug


Joann, kiss that baby for me!! Would love to have a wee one around to fawn over. :U


I have some squares to go out, just got to get invoices in so can get them out. :lol

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Susan, keeping you in my thoughts for your surgery.:hug



As I promised, here is the picture of the square and lovely angel pin I received from Karishema. Thank you again.


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Good Morning!


I rec'd a beautiful square yesterday from baseballmom18! I'll take a pic and post it once the sun comes up! Thank you so much Trish, I love it! :yay



::: (\_(\

*: (=’ :’) :*

•.. (,(”)(”)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`» Good Morning •¨¯`•

Thank you all for the love and prayers!

Hubby is doing good! The groshrong is out .... and he feels like a free man!




So happy for Ken! Prayers for your family! :hug


as promised, pics of the sqaures Grannieannie sent me!! here they are!

Is it a little bright in the sun or what, lol sorry about the glare on the white one, but trust me, it's as pretty as the blue one!


Glad you like them! :hug


:hi Good Afternoon ladies!!! I love seeing all the squares and can't wait to see the completed projects.


Well I seen the cardiologist last week and yes I do need surgery to fix the hole in my heart, soon. In the meantime I have have to wear an event monitor to capture all my heart palpitations and flutters. I so feel like an old, old lady. Work is more interesting with new mangers and now they are moving my office to the other end of the building.

Positive thoughts and prayers for your surgery....


As I promised, here is the picture of the square and lovely angel pin I received from Karishema. Thank you again.

Very pretty!


I bought 2 skeins of yarn today . They were on sale . 2for5 so you know I had to get them. Now Im not sure what my new wtd is it was +1 before I bought yarn. Can someone help me? WTD:+1/YTD:+6 what is my new number now that I bought yarn?

Sorry I can't help. I don't keep track. I'd be in big trouble! :lol


Got 2 new skiens of Caron yarn today. I'll be pushing out some squares with it & mail them as soon as I get paid from ebay sales!

:yay I tried to get DH to stop by an LYS yesterday, but no go! :( (like I really need more yarn! NOT! :lol)

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Here's the pic of my square from Trish. It's a gorgeous plum color, but for some reason my camera won't cooperate. :( I wish you could see how pretty the color is! I love it! :yay


I love the design of that square!!!!

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Here's the pic of my square from Trish. It's a gorgeous plum color, but for some reason my camera won't cooperate. :( I wish you could see how pretty the color is! I love it! :yay


You are very welcome! I really had fun making it!:hug


I love the design of that square!!!!


Joanne-The name of the pattern is Wandith, it's by Drew Emborsky(the Crochet Dude) I love making it!:hug

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Good Afternoon Ladies. I need some help here is a pic of all the squares i have gotten. My questions is im trying to cover a twin bed. how many more would i need and what color should i join them with?


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Good Afternoon Ladies. I need some help here is a pic of all the squares i have gotten. My questions is im trying to cover a twin bed. how many more would i need and what color should i join them with?

Humm, I would measure where i wanted the afghan to fit on the twin bed, whether I would want a lot of hangover, or to fit just the top, then I would measure the afghan as is, and go from there, give or take a couple inches for them all to be joined, and any trim you might put on it..

As for what color, any would look great, there is no ugly granny ghan, lol I used buff, and mine is looking nice, what I have done so far, but you could use any color that is predominant in your room, or even a contrasting accent color. Play around with it, don't be afraid to border one in several diff colors, and see what you might like best! good luck, it's lovely so far!

PS i hope you can use one more, I have one made for you but not in the mail yet, he he he, Are you asking for 8 inch sqaures, cause the size you probably have now, (minus border and trim) would be approx. 40 something, by 48+. I put on one more row on all of mine, then I flat braid them adding almost another inch, and will border the entire thing when finsihed with a couple more rows....Probably end up with 60 by i dunno, 70? I will have to measure when completed.

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