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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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My camera batteries died and had to recharge.

Wanted to say thanks to Pat for the beautiful square! Wish my cruddy camera caught the great buttery gold color.


That's a pretty square~



Who knew Brenda could sing so well

It's the only song I know all the words to.:fame:fame:fame


Am I the only one here that doesn't do Facebook? I have a hard enough time keeping up with things here.

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NM, found it... :)


So I hate to ask when so many seem to be asking right now.


Here's a lil info



My sister has been having unbearable pain for the past year and a half. Eventually (more recently) she started having short term memory loss, migrains to the point where she throws up, and still the pain. She's super skinny now at just barely 100 pounds. she can hardly get out of bed some days. It took them almost a year to tell her she has the beginings of M.S. then just two weeks ago she finally had a cat scan ( a lil late if you ask me) and was told she has a tumor on her brain. Now it is benign but it's pressing against her nerves causing the deep pain she's feeling. So now she's taking so many pills a day it's hard to keep track. She's on pain killers, anti depressiants, anti phsyotics, steroids. She got a steroid shot right in her head. They are attempting to shrink it, and doing a scan again in a month. Then if no change operateing to remove it. It's not inoperable but it a big risk and a very serious surgury. She also has four kids. Three who are currently visiting for the summer(she's divorced) and she's been getting up every day, living off pills saving face for her kids. Then on top of that put together a party for my birthday this sunday and went out of her way. It's a bit hard for me as we've never been that close until recently. & it's hard to watch her miss out on her kids birthdays and holidays and when she finally gets them for the summer she has to deal with this.



Anyways. I'm asking for 12 inch squares with this pattern in WW yarn


if it's too difficult please let me know, I can find something else I just want a uniform look to the afghan.


& I'm looking for the colors in the picture below. Red heart colors, Petal pink, rose pink and coffee (minus the white as I'm joining it in white and doing a white border.)

Thanks for reading if you read all that I know it's a bit long.

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Pirates of the caribbean? not sure how to spell that >.>


Sorry, you didn't specify which one of the 3.


sent you a pm


You were first with the right answer! Pick your patterns! :cheer


It's Pirates of the Caribbean at World's End! :D


Sorry, it was actually Dead Man's Chest. Tia says something similar in At World's End, but not that.



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So today I went to Michaels to get TWO (2) things I needed for my grandma's birthday cake (party's on Sunday, wooohooo) so I told myself "Nichole, you only need 2 things for the cake, that's all you're getting, don't even LOOK at yarn" I didn't have any coupons so I didn't want to buy more than what I needed, right? I didn't grab a basket/cart, I walked right up to the cake decorating isle, grabbed what I needed and headed back to the checkout area... Wilton has a magazine/book I haven't seen before "Gifts From the Kitchen" (baking is my other main hobby, and I almost always do baked goods as Christmas gifts) so I pick that up... then the Breast Cancer Awareness display catches my eye and before I know it, I've got 2 freebie tear off patterns, 3 balls of Bernat Satin in Flamingo and 2 balls of Bernat Handicrafter Cotton in Pinky Stripes.... so the $7-ish that I would have spent quickly turned into $42


I'm no longer allowed to go to the craft stores unsupervised...

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Let's play again. Same prize. This one will be a little harder and you will have to think. Now I love movies with special effects, like the Pirates triology. What character in what movie did I name my turtle Lucy after? A hint: the movies come from classic books.



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So today I went to Michaels to get TWO (2) things I needed for my grandma's birthday cake (party's on Sunday, wooohooo) so I told myself "Nichole, you only need 2 things for the cake, that's all you're getting, don't even LOOK at yarn" I didn't have any coupons so I didn't want to buy more than what I needed, right? I didn't grab a basket/cart, I walked right up to the cake decorating isle, grabbed what I needed and headed back to the checkout area... Wilton has a magazine/book I haven't seen before "Gifts From the Kitchen" (baking is my other main hobby, and I almost always do baked goods as Christmas gifts) so I pick that up... then the Breast Cancer Awareness display catches my eye and before I know it, I've got 2 freebie tear off patterns, 3 balls of Bernat Satin in Flamingo and 2 balls of Bernat Handicrafter Cotton in Pinky Stripes.... so the $7-ish that I would have spent quickly turned into $42


I'm no longer allowed to go to the craft stores unsupervised...


I'm allowed in craft stores unsupervised, but not in the pet store. :lol



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Sorry, it was actually Dead Man's Chest. Tia says something similar in At World's End, but not that.




That was my first thought and talked myself out of it...didn't figure it mattered because I thought there was already a winner.

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That was my first thought and talked myself out of it...didn't figure it mattered because I thought there was already a winner.


Bruce goes on the computer at 4, then out in the garage (man cave) at 5, so I watch movies and crochet. The last 3 days has been the Pirates triology. :)



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I'm allowed in craft stores unsupervised, but not in the pet store. :lol





HAHA... DH and I were in Petsmart today (I like to look at the critters) and it was "adoption day" so they had puppies... there was the cutest chihuahua puppy named "peanut" and I wanted to take him home... but since we're living at my parent's house and they already have 3 dogs, 5 cats, and a tank full of fish, I resisted

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Let's play again. Same prize. This one will be a little harder and you will have to think. Now I love movies with special effects, like the Pirates triology. What character in what movie did I name my turtle Lucy after? A hint: the movies come from classic books.




Nikster guessed Chronicles of Narnia, which is RIGHT! I thought that one would have been a little tougher. Now to think of another one...:think



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HAHA... DH and I were in Petsmart today (I like to look at the critters) and it was "adoption day" so they had puppies... there was the cutest chihuahua puppy named "peanut" and I wanted to take him home... but since we're living at my parent's house and they already have 3 dogs, 5 cats, and a tank full of fish, I resisted


I can resist pretty good, but they've had the wee wittlest baby turtles lately. So hard to resist! :lol



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x3melissa3705 are you still needing squares for your sister's ghan? I have looked through about one hundred posts here; and can't find a link to the pattern for that square..


NM, found it... :)


Yes I'm still needing squares


I'm sure she is. Here's the link where you can find all the info.





Thanks for taking the time to find that for her.. :blush I totally just too like a 5 hour nap.:eek I was so tired

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I'm allowed in craft stores unsupervised, but not in the pet store. :lol





the pet store ALWAYS ends bad. lol last time I walked out with Bunz. I literally walked in seen him picked him up and and hour later walked out and not once put him down... :lol Craft Stores are usually okay becaues I'm given a set amount of $$ and let loose :rofl

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i like to watch movies and crochet also...or bones episodes that i have bought via amazon unbox. i have the pirates trilogy with me on the truck...


I always have the TV on when I'm crocheting...usually if I'm crocheting in the evening, I have the Cards game on so I can crochet and listen to the game at the same time. :)

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