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Christmas 2010 - 12 months of Crochet Christmas Caroling


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I'm one day behind on my Christmas afghans, but I will catch up by the end of the month. I had to take apart what I'd already sewn together -- WONKY! I really dislike sewing. The two for the nieces are moving along quite well.

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I'm behind on this month project... .but I'll get there........ my whole family

has been sick.............. yuck.









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Feel better, Tam, and your family, too.


I'm keeping up with the nieces' afghans, but not my SIL's. I will finish the assigned work on the twins' on Tuesday next week, so I'll have a few days to concentrate on the other one. Right now, I need to make myself a sun hat. Gotta shade my delicate complexion. :rofl I'm so not delicate!

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Can't wait to see what you come up with for your sunhat Beth!!! I could probably use one of those too for my (not) delicate complexion too!!


Didn't finish the tote last night- but should get it done this weekend!

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:yay Joanne! That tote is pure gorgeousness!


I haven't crocheted anything green yet.:( I may work on something today. I'm feelin' crafty!:hook

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Oh my gosh I've been busy! I haven't even touched yarn or hook for 2 weeks now :(


Tam - Sorry to hear your family has been sick! I hope everyone is feeling better soon :hug


Joanne - That tote is pure delight! I love it!


Beth - WTG keeping up with those Christmas afghans for your neices! Lucky girls!


Shannon - I hope you turn your feeling craftiness into something fun! I love those moods. Enjoy.


Here are my sweetie the snowflakes. I believe the pattern link has been posted here before. It's a 'ville member's pattern. Fun and easy to work up! They just need ribbons to hang them on the O Christmas Tree.




This week is the week! Watch for April's song later this week. The only hint I'll give you is that it is going to be a fun one :wink

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Joanne~ your tote looks great! I don't know if I could pick that many colors and make then work together.


Colleen~ the snowflakes are just too cute! I love that pattern.


Can't wait for the new song.:yay

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Welcome Jadzia- Love your avatar and your siggy- gets us all in the Christmas mood- and its only March!! I have about 4 afghans to make for Christmas- can't wait to see what April's song is to see what I'll start then!! Funny- when we start April's Christmas Carol project, it will be Easter!!:lol

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Here are my sweetie the snowflakes. I believe the pattern link has been posted here before. It's a 'ville member's pattern. Fun and easy to work up! They just need ribbons to hang them on the O Christmas Tree.


I made a whole pile of those snowflakes this past year to put on gifts. They are adorable & it's a quick, simple pattern. My 23 year old DD has nicknamed them Yonnie Googly Eyes. I joked with her that I was going to make her some with glow in the dark yarn. The pattern was made by Sally Ives. Here's a link to the pattern for any who might have missed it.

Now that I (finally) have my computer back I'll have to get pictures of my projects loaded.

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Well, here's the pic of progress on the twin nieces' ghans. Sara's is dark country blue and off white. Sasha's is soft pink and chocolate brown. The yarn is Caron's Simply Soft. The pattern is from a Herrschnerr's afghan book. I got it when I bought the "Mrs. Claus" afghan kit, which I made for my SIL last year. Then her twins saw it, and wanted their own.



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