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craftroom pictures

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What a good idea.:think Pictures of our craftroom. I would enjoy looking at those pictures and getting ideas. When my husband and I bought our house almost 20 years ago we designated one of the rooms as a "Hobby Room." It started out organized all those years ago. But since then I have added to my crochet pattern collection and to my yarn stash. He has added to his baseball card collection. So now that room is full of boxes. There are a number of metal shelving units in there as well but they are loaded down with my crochet pattern books and magazines, craft books and magazines, and books. Mostly mysteries and mostly they are paperbacks. When he retired last year we decided to try to downsize but just recently got started on that. So I would love to see how others are doing their craftrooms and see if I could get some ideas for ours.:scrachin

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I remodeled my craft room this summer to make a 3-generation "playroom" for myself, my daughter and my granddaughter. My daughter doesn't have room to have her paper crafting supplies out at home so she was leaving them in a corner of what was my small craft room and my granddaughter always wants to play in the room where we are working, it was a little crowded. So I tore down a wall between two small bedrooms that we had created years ago by putting the wall up in the middle of a 14 x 20 family room to give my daughters each their own bedroom. And then we painted with some fun colors. Here are some pics.









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Nice room and the generations is special.3 ofMy 4 kids especially my dd who will be 20 next month has no interest in my crochet. She informed a couple of friends that I knit all over the place. I corrected her and her friend told her that she wished her mom did crafts because that was special. Now my 14 going on 15 son will crochet with me.

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I just moved and the moving truck hasn't delivered my furniture etc. But, as soon as I get my craft room painted, put together and everything organized and put away I will be more than happy to take pictures and share with you all!!!!

:yay:cheer:clapLove your craft room Cshort!!!!! Thanks for sharing.

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Oh, I've been wanting to share photos of my new craft room! We've just moved into a home in June after 7 years of full-time RVing. I chose a sunny, street-facing room with built-in cabinets and shelves. My desk top is what was once my dad's desk. I painted it and mounted new Ikea legs underneath. :clap




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Roli- I love your craft room. I'm so jealous---I want a craft room too. Right now, a corner of my family room is my "craft room" LOL. Thanks for sharing your pictures! WE are planning on moving to an adult community (once our house sells) and I am going to insist on a craft room!

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Roli, I love the built in shelves and cabinets in your room! One of these days when my kids grow up and move out, I'm going to claim one of their rooms. They've already been warned that the first person to move out is going to lose their room! LOL! I'm saving ideas for the perfect room, so you've given me something to think about!

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Another message for Roli................!!

I love your craft room! You have cabinets, shelves and a work table!

That is a nice room. You are a very blessed lady.

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Thank you for all the feedback on my craft room. :) But don't forget, for 7 years I traveled in an RV and had only a tiny cabinet for my supplies. I was constantly juggling patterns, yarn, and hooks and trying to find places to put everything.


You are a very blessed lady


Catlyn, you are absolutely right. I am thankful every day for my good fortune. :yes

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I haven't a craftroom per say -not for lack of a room, though, as I have plenty, but just for total lack of organizational skills. So, presently, it's my comfy chair for crocheting or knitting; the kitchen table for space to lay out; doorknobs slung with plastic bags; bags under beds, in closets and on cupboards; more bags and bins stuffed to the max within...skeins and balls, fabrics and patterns, odds and ends...and odder ends. BUT, one day, on a 'get-my-act-together' day, here is what I wish my craftroom to look like:: Dream Room

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Of couse looking at it, I am placing all my stuff in your shelves and drawers.:devil

Mary Jo, you can come and put your stuff in my craft room any day!;)


My craft room is my dining room - I should of taken a pic yesterday before I folded up all my fabric, etc.


But I am sure it will be a mess in the near future, so I will take a pic then


:lol Most of us have used this method for years! I remember sewing my daughter's wedding gown on my diningroom table. Lace and satin was all over the house for over a month.

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  • 5 weeks later...

:cheer:clap:yayI finally got my craft room as done as it is going to be at this point. I still have a few totes and a couple of boxes in my bedroom closet that are full of yarn that I don't have room for, and about 15 baskets of yarn sitting in the living room/dining room. In the closet is where I had to put my wreaths,embroidery, plastic canvas, cross stitch and other crafting supplies. I also had to put all the smaller totes with notions in them under the bed. But here are the pics.









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I love it, it is perfect. My husband is great about me buying yarn and stuff as long as he can buy tools. He is a mechanic. He even stopped at an estate sale and asked about yarn. I want to come and play in your room, heck I just want feel your yarn.

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I love it, it is perfect. My husband is great about me buying yarn and stuff as long as he can buy tools. He is a mechanic. He even stopped at an estate sale and asked about yarn. I want to come and play in your room, heck I just want feel your yarn.


TY. My fiance is great about me buying yarn and he is a mechanic too. Although he doesn't buy a lot of tools as he says he has more than enough. But, I can never have enough yarn :lol. You can come and pet the yarn, I don't mind.

Just one question... When can I move in?!? :yes


:DCome on over. :devil

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