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Lucy and Sierra in the picture outfits(Img heavy sorta)


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Okay I had about a week to get these outfits done so here is what happened in that week. Mind you I also have two jobs so i am doing this in between them:

Sunday: Started on a jumper pattern for a size 6 and a size 8, liked the way it looked so kept going.

Monday: Was still working on the jumpers got not even halfway done with them both decided I didn't like them so I frogged them.

Tuesday: Started on a long sleeved top pattern, didn't like how it was turning out so frogged it.

Wednesday: Started on another long sleeved top pattern, didn't like how that turned out so I frogged it.

Thursday: Bought a polo like top used it as a template and made my own tank like top in both a size 6 and a size 8. Got them done now onto some skirts.

Friday: Remembered how I did the last set of skirts and started on some more.

Saturday: Got everything done, sewed up the tops, finished the skirts even went to wally world and bought two long sleeved tops to go under the tops I made.

Sunday: Went to Wal Mart and got pics done. Here are pictures of the outfits and my god daughters in them:






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I just love those outfits. You did a very, very good job on them. But I can't decide which is prettier, the girls wearing the outfits or the outfits. That's two happy little girls in the pictures. They are very lucky to have someone like you.

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Thank alot everyone for the nice comments. My right hand and wrist were killing me after I did their outfits b/c I went so fast to get them done. It didn't help that both my jobs involve using my hands alot(stocker and pizza cook) but I am happy as long as my god daughters like what I make for them.

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Those are nice outfits, as usual! I love the outfits you've made. I always check and see what you make and the kids always look so happy:) Have you made any more Bratz clothes? (I think that was you who made the Baby Bratz some clothes??)

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Those are nice outfits, as usual! I love the outfits you've made. I always check and see what you make and the kids always look so happy:) Have you made any more Bratz clothes? (I think that was you who made the Baby Bratz some clothes??)


Yes I got to test a panda bear outfit for the Bratz Big Babyz. I also got a pattern to make a devil costume for the bratz dolls as well. I am thinking of a xmas dress for my god daughters but I haven't quite started on it yet.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Aelita. It's been a long time. Glad to see you again. Love the outfits. But then, everything you make is so good. :yes Can't wait to see your next projects. :)


Thank alot everyone for the nice comments. My right hand and wrist were killing me after I did their outfits b/c I went so fast to get them done. It didn't help that both my jobs involve using my hands alot(stocker and pizza cook) but I am happy as long as my god daughters like what I make for them.
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