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To Store Hooks.....easy idea

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Hi Everyone....

This is such a wonderful forum. I see good ideas posted for storage here so I thought I'd throw in a couple Ive used myself. :)


First is to store my hooks either in the cupboard or for taking along (esp if I have to take a couple) I found that plastic baby bottles (the regular larger ones) work great! You can get cute colorful ones, use the regular collar and the plastic snap on nipple cover (no nipple used). Then when you want a hook, snap off the cover and shake out what you need--. It holds alot of hooks and if you are using it for travel you can fit a cutter of some kind, gauge/ruler or whatever in there too. Stays dry at the beach too!

And for airports--they're clear so they can check them at security if needed.

BTW--if no scissors allowed save the cutter from your dental floss container--works fine and is "allowed".


Also, when I go to the beach or park and want to take work--I found that using a quaker oats container with a hole in the top works to carry yarn and keep it clean while I work--or using those cute little plastic zippered bags that come with linnens (like when you buy pillow cases) work well also--especially if you take to the Doctors or hospital and want to be careful where you set your stuff!! :eek (had ailing family lately and have spent ALOT of time waiting .....)


Oh, and page protectors are great for patterns--and yes sometimes you can find them at a bargain: But I found that some of the larger zip-loc type bags (read the box for dimensions) work great for patterns too. I've used my 3 hole punch and put the pattern in (usually the pattern does not need punching) and they fit and some zip so they stay securely. If they are a bit shy on the height I cut the last 1/4 inch off the bottom so it zips. They work great in large 3 hole notebooks for storage--you can even put a few pages in each bag unlike the page protectors where it's only 1 or2.


Anyway, don't know if these ideas are new to any of you or just old news--but thought I'd share.

Thanks to all and happy stitches! :hook Cshellz

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Terrific ideas. Love the baby bottles to hold hooks. There are always tons of baby stuff at garage sales so I have added the "bottles" to my "look-for list". Hadn't thought about the floss cutter either. That's a great idea to slip into my purse with small thread projects I take with me.


Thanks so much for all the suggestions and welcome to the C'ville family.

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I just thot of something. If you had an old parmesan cheese can, could get the smell out, & it was tall enuf, you could store hooks in it. Cause they have that wide opening to pour instead of shake. I can't think of any other things that come in that type of can that wouldn't smell:eek:think

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I've seen some hard sided pencil cases/containers that would work well also. The one I have has a snap closure and the hook slide out. its made of a harder plastic and I got it at either Staples or the Dollar Tree.

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You know those reading glasses that they sell everywhere now in the hard shell cases? They're small, half-lenses and they come in hard-shell, pull-apart cases. When the glasses get all scratched up and become unuseable, as they all do after some point, I get rid of the eyeglasses and use the hard-shell case to store my steel thread hooks. They're not quite long enough for the aluminum hooks, I use a makeup bag for those, but they're perfect for the steel hooks because those hooks, being heavier than the aluminum ones, always sink to the bottom of the makeup case and I was ending up having to take ALL the hooks out to find the steel hook that I wanted. Now I know exactly where they are, in the red eyeglass case!

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I have a travel toothbrush holder in my purse at all times.


.. it holds about4 hooks in various sizes and 2 pr of short knitting needles. When I go shopping, I have a hook or needle that makes the bus trip time well spent. Well i always buy yarn for the trip home.. doesn't everyone :rofl


I must pick up on that dental floss for a cutter but I don't "travel" and I have folding scissors on my keychain.

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Thanks for sharing. I love your ideas! My grandma used to tape one end closed on a paper towel roll and crochet a cozy for it, with a draw string top. My mom found it last winter. It made me smile, but I love the idea of reusing items like the oats box. Very cool. Thanks for getting my creative uses juices going. :)

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When I was quite young, we used to use the large oatmeal containers as s knitting case. We pasted finger-painted paper around the container. (But you can use contact paper or gift wrap paper, fabric or even wallpaper.) Then we made a hole on each end of the lid, threaded some sturdy cord through down through both holes and then made a hole near the the top of the container. The cords were then brought down the inside of the container and out each side of the holes and we knotted the cords. This way you pull the lid up the cords and you wouldn't losse it as it would be threaded on the cord and you could keep crochet projects in it or possibly knitting projects if you used short needles.

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I'm a nurse, and we have these very large syringes at work that come in a plastic holder. When the syringe is used the cover is left and it is PERFECT for several crochet hooks. I think it can hold 20 or so. The covers also have a "lid" but it was kind of loose, so I just folded a piece of tape around the bottom of the lid and now it fits tightly and securely, comes off easily and I can shake out my hooks for selecting the one I need.

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