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Baby blanket. What would you do?

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A neighbor asked me to make a yellow blanket for a friend of her's who was having a baby. I made it and gave it to her, and was waiting to be paid. Her payday is every other Thursday.


So she came to pay me the money for it and then told me the baby had not made it And that she didn't really know anyone that is having a baby to give it to. So I gave back the money and took the blanket back. I told her we'll sell it on Craig's list or something and not to worry about it.


Would you have done the same thing? The baby was almost 8 months along when it died. I just couldn't take the money from her. I just felt so bad about the baby.


I'll put it on Craig's list and see what happens.

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I would have given the money back and taken the blanket back if that is what she wanted and not said I sell it on Craigs list as the lost of of a child is such tragedy of a lost child is so hard on family and friends who know them. It may upset the friend how it was handle. Instead I would donate the blanket in memory of that child to help another. That is just my opinion. Each person has their way of handing things that come through our lives.

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Yeah, I would of not taken the money either. Also not of said to sell on "Craig's List".

You could've said "No problem". And either added a border of a different color or passed it on to someone else. Or just donated to ICU ward in Memory of or an old folks home.

Just my opinion though.



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It would have been alright to not say anything to your neighbor about your plans for the blanket, unless she asked what you were going to do with it. I don't think it was wrong to tell the neighbor that you was planning on selling it on Craig's list. After all you did spend money and time making it and should get compensated.

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My son lived two days before he died. One thing I told everyone who had gifts for him, was "I want it." There are so few tangible things that remain after losing a baby. All of Xavier's things fit into a few boxes. Having something that was Xavier's even though he never used it was important to me. I have crocheted clothes and blankets others made for him that I cherish. I didn't get any store bought stuff, but I didn't really want that.


So, I make things for women who are pregnant. If the child doesn't survive, all of the gifts (especially handmade gifts) will be cherished by the parents.

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I would definitely take the blanket back and returned her money to her. Then I would have donated the blanket to my local hospital or birthing center.

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I made a baby blanket that someone gave a friend. I asked if she had a boy or girl, and was told the boy died (3 weeks early with complications). I offered her the money back, but she said no, they buried the baby wrapped in it. I found out later the parents thought that was the only gift that was special enough. I didn't know them, but I cried.

Ellie 13

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I made a baby blanket that someone gave a friend. I asked if she had a boy or girl, and was told the boy died (3 weeks early with complications). I offered her the money back, but she said no, they buried the baby wrapped in it. I found out later the parents thought that was the only gift that was special enough. I didn't know them, but I cried.

Ellie 13


That's really the point I was trying to get across. Those gifts mean a lot to the parents.


Now, I'm not at all saying that the poster did something wrong. She did what she felt was right and that's okay. Hopefully by this thread though I can stress how much it means to bereaved parents. The handmade items mean a lot to us.

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