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It's a rainy, yucky Sunday here- still in my pj's with coffee in hand and hook in the other! Working on the RR and DH fell back asleep on the couch-


We are planning to go visit the little guy later this afternoon- other than that it's going to be a very lazy Sunday here!!!

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Sorry long time no post. I'm mainly on Ravelry and Facebook only now. I got a job that I love. I've been there 2 months now. I'm working in a shop that does signs/trophies/plaques/embroidery. I'm running the embroidery department and get to do all the embroidery stuff. They have 2 machines with 2 heads each so I can embroider up to 4 items at a time (2 different designs). My co-workers are great and I've been absorbed into the family environment (there's only 6 of us TOTAL, they're like a family in how they interact with each other so it's been wonderful for me). I'm also getting to see Keith on my weekends even though it's only for a couple of hours usually.

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Good day all!


Joanne-it was a lazy kinda of Sunday, I loved it! Did you get to see Ryan? the little cutie pie!


Beth-how ya feeling today? did your dh leave for his trip? I bet your dd will wear her sweater soon.


I finally finished the bag lady, my lil sister asked me to make her one for her new appt. She has a bubble bee cookie jar and wanted something to match, she came out soo cute! Am also enclosing pics of the delicious yarn, can't wait to play with it.


best get my tush to bed, tomorrow will be here soon. Hugs n squishes!



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Morning, I think??? :scrachin I've been to the airport and back. I had help staying awake on the way home. The car in front of me was weaving so badly, it scared me awake!


Today will be a busy one, but it will be nice to get a bunch of stuff done. I'm also hanging with two of my favorite ladies: My dd and my MIL. We're doing a ladies' night out!


LeeAnn, love the bag lady and the yarn. Yummy! Any ideas for it?


Joanne, I hope your week goes more smoothly than last week. Did you get to see your little guy this weekend? Is he growing already? As far as my dd's bag -- I made it up as I went along. I took pics. I just need to get them uploaded.


Sarah, so good to hear from you. It sounds like you found a great job. I hope things continue to look up for you.

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Hi all,

Today was busy again!!! I'm getting tired of all the craziness at work-but at least I have a job so I should stop complaining about it!


Beth- I did visit with DD and Ryan yesterday- DH came for a while but since SIL was at his fantasy football gathering, DH left before me. We had come separately since he was running an errand and just met me there. Ryan is too cute--but he IS still a newborn- so not too much interraction going on yet! It felt so nice to hold him though!


Enjoy your ladies night out!!!


Marisa- Glad you made it to the beach safe and sound- lots of flooding around yesterday!!! Hope the weather clears up for you.


LeeAnn- Hope work flew by for you today!!


Stacy- How are you and the girls? How was the soccer game? Did you get any more hours at work?


Sarah Nice to hear from you!


Off for the night- want to work a little more on the RR!

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Hello there ladies!

Joanne-glad that your day flew by but hope and pray that it calms down a little bit. You do a great job at leaving work at work. I need help with that, sometimes I can bring the stress home. Crocheting does help tho.

Stacy-how ya doing? any big plans for the week?

Beth-you sure were up early! How scary to be behind a dangerous driver. Glad that you made it back home. How was your Ladies night out? how fun!

Sarah-so happy for you! Glad you found a job that you enjoy, makes working so much more worthwhile.

Today wasn an ok day, my little sister stopped by at my work to pick up her bag lady, She was so happy with her, I am glad! I loved her myself.:devil Dh fixed dinner, just had to wash dishes. I have been crocheting since, working the Light & Lacey ghan, hoping to finish soon as the new yarn is calling my name. I am thinking of a hat/scarf combo for myself with the new yarn. But ya never know, it may decide to be made into something else. Back to :hook

hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!!!


LeeAnn- I'm glad your sis loved the bag lady!!! Who wouldn't? I think she is adorable! I also bought some delicious yarn at a LYS in Maryland when we were there- probably enough for a scarf- it's alpaca/silk and I'm almost afraid to use it!:lol


I don't always leave work at home- especially when it's super busy and stressful- but I try to--and find that :crocheting really helps!


Beth- Hope you had a great ladies night with your two favorite people!!!:hug


Marisa- Fingers crossed for some sunshine at the beach today for you!


Stacy- Any time to do any :crocheting?


Off for another day in paradise- make it a good one everybody!!! Going for a pedicure (and the awesome massage chair) after work!!!:)

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Oh, I had SUCH a good time with my MIL and dd yesterday. We went to Uno's Chicago Grill, then to Hardees for peach shakes.


I am glad you got to spend some time with your little guy, Joanne. I close my eyes and can almost smell the new baby scent. I hope you get to see him often, and remember to always give him an extra kiss on the top of his fuzzy head (is it fuzzy?) from "Auntie Beth!"


LeeAnn, it is hard to leave the stress at work. I'm glad Crochet helps you with destressing. So, what is your amazing family going to do this weekend? When does school start for your kids?


Stacy, are the boxes out of your front room? Are you working any more hours? What fun and exciting adventures are you and the girls having? How is Olive behaving?


Dentist appointments today. First time to this dentist. I am nervous, but looking forward to getting this done.


I hope you all have a good one!

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Morning, all!!


Joanne, glad you had a great time visiting dd and Ryan. Have fun getting your pedi (and spending time with the massage chair! :lol)


Leeann, your bag lady is super-cute! Is it a pattern or did you work it up yourself? Did your wax come in yet? Your comment about how the yarn "may decide to become something else" reminded me of a HP comment where Ollivander says, "The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter." :lol The yarn chooses the pattern! :yes Have fun!


Beth, yikes @ how early you made the airport run. And double yikes @ the scary driver. :eek Your ladies' night sounds fun! How awesome that you have a MIL you can hang out with. :yes


Marisa, glad you got in a nice beach day before the rain hit. How is your vacation going? Have you heard from the people at the bank?


Sarah, it's good to hear from you. I'm glad you've found a job you like, and are seeing Keith on the weekends. :hug:hug:hug



Yesterday, I was finally able to speak with the manager about my hours, and she told me she gives them to people who have never called in. :eek:think I have never called in...the only thing I can think of is that she did call me to work once when we were painting and I said no because I wouldn't have made it there in time. (She called like 1/2 hour before the shift started.) Anyway, I told her that I will take any hours she can give, as long as she calls with sufficient amount of time for me to find a sitter.

Yesterday we just puttered around and cleaned up the apartment. Today we are going to the Gene Autry museum, and Mia has a soccer game later. I also have to do laundry...probably should have done that first but the girls are excited to go somewhere. :lol


I better get moving! Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Good evening ladies and Happy Tuesday!

Joanne-how was the pedi? :c9:c9I am sure! I have never had a proper pedi as I am too ticklish and would probably jump right out of the chair, but a massage would sure be wonderful. How was Paradise? You are right, crocheting helps a ton, I notice when I do not get a chance to get hook time in that I feel stressed.

Beth-how was the dental appt? I hope it went well. Did the weather clear up near you? I had a dental appt last week, no cavities.:cheer I was super happy about that, but I do need a nght gaurd as I press down really hard when I am stressed, me teeth are starting to flatten out:eek I have to go back in this Friday for a fitting.

Stacy-that sure was not nice about your boss not giving you more hours..she should balance out the hours between employees. How was your afternoon? My wax just came in today as well as a new fragrance Midnight Pomegranate-I had smelled it at Bath & Body Works and fell in love with the fragrance...oh my gosh! It is soo yummy! I can't wait to play with it.

This weekend we are relaxing, I am hoping to craft and spend time here at home. School starts next Tuesday...uggghhh. Ds is doing better, he is working part time doing yard work for a few friends this week and has continued to see his counselor. That is helping him so much, his confidence levels have increased. I am so proud of him!

going to sit and :hook hugs n squishes!

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Quick stop in and it was nice to read about all the wonderful news- Beth's great outing- Stacy going to have fun with the kiddos- and LeeAnn's DS doing so well.


Pedicure (and massage chair) was awesome- and now I'm home and just finished eating dinner- time to continue on with the de-stressing!


See you all in the AM!

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Good morning!

I worked a little on the RR and the repetitiveness of the stitching, made me sleepy- so only got one round done and went to bed. Got a good night's sleep for a change- and now I'd better skoot and get ready for Hump Day in Paradise!


Have a wonderful day----and STACY--love the picture of your DH and DD on FB-it's so awesome!!!

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Note to self: Get on FB and check out Stacy's pic...


Joanne, Happy Hump Day!!! I'm glad to hear you got a good night's sleep. I hate to say it, but I've been sleeping in until 6:30 every day with my hubby gone, and it feels wonderful!!! I've been too busy to miss him yet.


Stacy, I'm glad you talked with your manager, but there is a big difference between calling in and not accepting an extra shift at the last minute. I hope you get more hours now.


LeeAnn, Congrats on the new scent. Is that just for candles, or can you use that for the lotion bars and soap as well?


Marisa, thinking of you. I hope you are enjoying your temporary "unemployed" status.


The dentist went OK. I need 3 fillings, which may sound like a lot, but I have bad enamel from the celiac disease. And 2 of the fillings are going to replace some very old fillings that just aren't cutting it any more.


I finished afghan number 2 for the sale. Finally. I restarted number 4, and started number 5. I just need to get number 3 done.

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Hi all!


Joanne, I love that photo, too! I almost dropped my purse trying to get my phone out in time. LoL :clap for the pedi! So very relaxing after a day in Paradise, I'm sure.


Beth, how nice that you are sleeping in! :manyheart Mia has bad enamel, too- she had a ton of dental work two years ago, and some of her teeth that are capped but loose are not coming out- you just reminded me that I need to call the dentist about that.


Leeann, how fun that your wax and scent came in! :clap Hope you get to play with it soon. I'm happy to hear that the counseling is working for ds.


Marisa, hope all is well with you! :hug:hug:hug


So last night Mia scored the only 2 goals for her team! They still lost, but there was a really mean little boy on the other team who ended up playing goalie because they couldn't take him out of the game, and she scored the goals during that time. I am so proud of her! She really tries and puts her heart into the game. Isabella was crying last night because she's not as good as Mia. Sad to say but she is the brainy one, the one who is good at school and loves to read, whereas Mia is the one who is more active/physical. :shrug

Today we went to the beach. I also found out that the girls were accepted into open enrollment at their old school. :yay:yay I wanted to do cartwheels when I heard that. Isabella really needs to be with her friends this year, instead of bouncing her around to a new school. I'm actually thinking of starting counseling for her, too, because she seems to be really down lately. :(


Well, I am going to scoot and figure out dinner. I think we will have tacos. Yum! Love and hugs!

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Stacy- Funny that your Isabella is the "brainy"one- so is my oldest- she did dance- but didn't want anything to do with sports! the middle one and youngest were much more active and physical- middle one was on a gymanastics team, and youngest danced, played soccer, softball and was a cheerleader! They all have their special niches--and I'm so happy that they get to go to the same school!!!!!! Yippee


Beth- WTG on the afghans- you can do it, you can do it, you can do it!!!!


LeeAnn- how was your day today?


I had a long one, and now getting ready to settle in for the Yankees and crocheting- my little slice of heaven!

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Hello all!


Quick stop in, today was kinda long and somewhat strange,...stayed late to catch up on a few things then had to make dinner and housestuff..just now going try to get a few minutes of hook time in. Will be back later!


hugs n extra squishes dear friends!

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Good evening yet again!


Wanted to chat with everyone before heading off to bed.


Joanne-it's almost the end of the week! Yippee! Any big plans for the weekend? I bet you are about half way done with your rr?


Beth-the new fragrance can be used for both candles, soaps and lotion bars. Not all of them are compatible, but so happy that this one is. Do we get to see pics of the new ghan? So proud of you! When will your sale be?


Stacy-my kiddos are the exact opposite in many ways yet so much alike. How special for each of your dd's to be close in age. Makes growing up fun!


Marisa-sure miss you but hoping that you are having a great vacation!


best get my tush to bed. Night all!

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Good morning!


LeeAnn- I've got about 24 1/2 rounds done- the do seem to take longer....and longer..... Tonight I think I'm going to go back to the felted ripple tote I had started a few nights ago- and see if I can make some progress on that.


No big plans for the weekend other than I do want to go to the new Lion Brand Outlet that is opening up here in NJ. It's about 45 minutes away. I got an email and the official opening is the day after Labor Day, but they are having preview hours. They are open 11-7 M-Thu and 11-4 on Friday (not good hours for working folks, IMO), they are closed Saturdays, but open Sunday. Not that I need any more yarn---but you know how it is---an outlet--yarn---well, that equals wanties!!


Marisa- yesterday here was gorgeous- hope it was at the beach in MD as well!!! Hope you are enjoying your vacation and relaxing!!!


Stacy- Hope that the mgr gives you some more hours. And I'll think of you on my way to work today when I stop at Starbucks!


Beth- How's the new afghan coming along? I love starting afghans- but then I need to break up making them with some instant gratification projects!


I'd better skedaddle- time to get ready for Paradise. Hope it's a good day for all.

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Hi again! Just got home a few minutes ago but wanted to check on ya all. Work was kinda slow today, no complaints tho. :-)


Hope everyone is doing well, going to get a few minutes of hook time in before dh gets home, he is cooking tonight. oh and have another lotion bar and candle order,...should get to that too.


hugs n squishes!

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Joanne, please send the rain down here. If they get 6 days of good rain in a row, the fire might go out, and I'm tired of breathing smoke!


I am having a hard time getting on-line with my laptop in Seattle with my sweetie. I am sorry. I already have a line waiting for take my place at this computer...


I'll get on when I can. :hug to everyone!

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Good morning!


Beth, I hope you were able to contact your sweetie. :manyheart The fires have been going for a while over there, haven't they? I hope the rain comes to knock them out soon. :hug:hug:hug:hug Any big plans today? It's Friday- is it pizza night? Will Shrimp Boy be coming over?


Joanne, I read last night that pumpkin spice latte is on it's way back! Seems too soon for that. :shrug That's okay, though- just means my caramel brulee is, too. :lol Did you work on the ripple tote? That sounds interesting- can't wait to see it!


Leeann, :yay for more soap/lotion orders! You go girl! Have a great day- it's Friday! Any fun plans with the fam this weekend?


Marisa, hope all is well! :hug:hug:hug


So, that fever and lethargy Isabella was feeling? Yea- coxsackievirus. Hand, foot, and mouth disease. :yuck She has sores on her cheeks, gums, and tongue- poor girl. Mia came down with a high fever last night, but so far no sores, so I'm hoping that is the worst she will get. I gave Eva some kids' immunity booster, so hopefully she won't get it at all, or it will be really mild.


No big plans for today- I really, really need to clean/organize the girls' room. Been saying that for weeks now, but it has to get done- I can't even walk in there and their dressers are so unorganized. :xfin that I can get that done today.


Well, I'm going to scoot. Love and hugs to all! :hug:hug:hug

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