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Almost 8:30 AM- still have power, still raining, and winds seemed to have died down somewhat for now. My DD lost power last night- and she is about 5 miles away from me. Her DH got home last night ok so I was relieved to hear that.


Heard about lots of road closures all around and flooding.


BBL as I'm able.

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hello, hello ladies....


i must say ive been very fortunate :yes no flooding at my place and still have power...it just flickered a couple times last night :xfin that it doesnt go out yet. i dont count it out yet since beth didnt lose hers until the storm was moving out. we had tornado warnings until 5 am so i slept downstairs off and on, but consider myself extremely lucky right now. alot of our roads r flooded too and will continue since its supposed to keep raining all day :(


i'll text beth in a bit to see how she's making out :yes


joanne...glad to head sil got home ok and ur all doing well up there :hug

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Glad to hear you are OK Marisa! I consider myself lucky too! Still not out of the woods as far as potential loss of power, but Irene has moved to the northern part of the state and made landfall in Coney Island, Brooklyn NY.


Lots and lots of road closures- even the NJ Turnpike- (Route 95) closed from Exit 11-12 due to flooding. There is a ban on driving in my county (unless you are essential personnel). Still have power- and found out that my DD's MIL has power too- she lives about 2 min in the same town as my DD and SIL.

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Good Morning friends!

I am so happy to hear that each and every one of you is ok and unharmed. I could cry. :hug

Beth-:hugI hope that you get power back soon and that nothing is damaged nearby but so happy that all of your family is doing fine. How is your dh? Is he near?

Joanne-so sweet of you to baby sit little Ryan while mom ran out. Oh my! Not being able to drive on the roads sounds a little scary. Glad that you were able to get your coffee before power goes out. Maybe it will skip you?:hug

Marisa-happy happy that all is well and that you are safe.:hug did your box work for your leak? Did the area where your parents get hit? How's Mary?

Yesterday was a good day, I took all of my new craft soaps and lotion bars to the new shop. I was so nervous! She does a lot of marketing and was super impressed with everything, she is positive that my goodies will sell. My etsy shop is empty tho, need to start making goodies for that as I have sold almost everything that I had in stock. I now have two shops that carry my products-but they both have different items as that is one of the conditions to listing.... my etsy must have different items as well. Going to have to think of new things to create. Any ideas?

I also stopped at the local Farmers Market for peaches for dh. They sure smell heavenly. And stopped at a fabric store as they had the zippers buy one get one half off...not a bad deal. Now just have to find time to sew.

Finished another SBT in baby yarn, I think I am going to make a round ripple to put inside.

Thank you for all of the compliments, my kiddos are so much fun to hang out with. Yesterday they went to visit the in-laws, because I had to take my products to the shop in a differnt direction, they went without me,...I sure did miss them. :lol

going to go make a pot of coffee and get the day started...maybe I can get a little bit of hook time before the family gets up.

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thats wonderful news LeeAnn--you are on your way!!! How exciting that you now have things in two shops!!!!


Happy hooking today!!!


I was having a really hard time concentrating on crocheting- even a mindless RR--I think this afternoon, though I should be able to finally get something accomplished.


I saw a post on FB from Beth- picture of the utility company truck--so hopefully she'll have power soon.


A friend texted me a picture of her sister's house- flooded up to the windows---thankfully they are all ok.....there is just so much flooding all over the state....i am truly blessed....

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I'm Baaaaacccccckkkkkkkk!!! The utility people worked so for so long. There were two damaged main lines on the pole outside my house, and a couple fried transformers. It's all up and running, and looks so shiny and new. We lost our street light on that pole, though. I'm not complaining. I like it dark at night! I just hope I can find my house at night now without the light to pinpoint it.


Joanne and Marisa, I hope you are staying safe, dry, and in the light. Did your dd get her power back, Joanne? Extra hugs to all of you!


LeeAnn, congratulations on your sales. I am so happy for you! You have most excellent items. I'm glad you have an outlet for them. We'll have to think about something else for you to make.


Hugs to Stacy and family, too.

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Great news Beth!!

We have been having winds- but so far no trees down. The sun is trying to come out- there is just so much flooding all around --luckily not where I am.


DD is still without power- but hopefully they'll get it back soon. Some of the news reports are saying it could be DAYS before power is restored to NJ!


There was a pic of RT 18 in New Brunswick by Rutgers- shut down- the Raritan River flooded the hwy and it is closed. The picture had a person in a canoe on the hwy!!! I take this route to work---so unless it's clear tomorrow, I guess I'm not going to Paradise.


Hugs to all

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Hey ladies, on my nook so typing is a bit harder than on the phone but thats charging now.


Sorry i forgot to check in again but i got mkving on packing and lost traack of time until beth text me to check on me. All is well here and i never did lose power.


Leeann, my parents had rain but nothing like the rest of us. Awesome job with the soaps, lotions, and candles.


Joanne, we werent aloud on the road either around here. Glad to hear ur alright.


Ill be back ttomorrw


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Hi all!


So glad to hear you are all okay. :hug:hug:hug


Beth, :yay for the power being back on!


Joanne, will you be working from home tomorrow? Or will Paradise be closed? Glad you got to spend some time with Ryan, and gave your dd some time out. :manyheart


Marisa, WTG on getting your packing finished. :h5


Leeann, WTG on selling in yet another store! I am so proud of you! :yay:cheer


We wanted to do something for the girls this weekend since we couldn't go to SD, so we spent the night at the Knott's hotel and went to the park on Friday and Saturday. We left when it closed at 10 Saturday night- needless to say, we all slept in this morning! :lol Work called while I was in the shower, but by the time I called them back, they had found someone else to work. Boo! The only day I work this week is Wednesday- my birthday. :sigh

Tomorrow I start school! I am excited to get back into the school routine again. :yes Mia has an ENT appt. tomorrow morning- dh will have to take her. They will probably schedule her surgery. I am nervous about that. We also find out if the warranty will cover my car problem. :xfin that it does.


Well, I better scoot and get everything ready for the morning. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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just called my work- no power- they are planning to open at noon, but we have to call back at 10 to see if they are still planning to open. There are many, many road closures due to flooding and who knows if they'll get power back. If they do open, and there are still many road closures, I'm just taking personal time- I'm not working from home!


Thankfully, all three of my DD's are fine-My youngest was the only one to lose power- it was out for about 12 hours- and is back on. She said they may lose their water though, so her bathtub is full and she has plenty of drinking water.


Stacy- Happy First DAy of School!! Do you have a nice new outfit all picked out?:lol Seriously- good luck! And fingers crossed that the warranty covers the car repairs. That's too bad about the work- that you have one day scheduled and that it's on your birthday no less.


Beth and Marisa- WE made it through the storm!!! Thank goodness!!!!!


LeeAnn- Have a good day at work today!!

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Hello ladies! I'm so happy to have coffee and electricity and my computer!


Joanne, enjoy your day off from Paradise.


Marisa, I hope you are getting a lot done, since you move tomorrow.


LeeAnn, I don't know how you find time to stock 2 or 3 stores with your goods, but I am really proud of you!


Stacy, It sounds like you had a great family adventure. Keep it up!!! What classes are you taking in school this time? When do your girls start back?

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Work is officially closed- still no power over there. Isn't that a shame?:devil


I feel for the people in that area, but not that work is closed.;)


Still many, many road closures and so many folks without power and having to deal with flooded houses and the aftermath...I'm very fortunate and thank the angels who were watching out for me!


Off to figure out what to do- (and no, it won't involve cleaning:lol) I'm thinking a little hooky, a little reading, and a little Ryan time!

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Just a quick check in. I have to go get ready to go out to rumn a couple errands and then to meet my parents in allentown. Im also taking all my cable and internet stuff back today since it has to go to bethlehem....good bye tivo. And since ill be that far im also leaving time to go t hobby lobby. I probably wont check back until tomorrow evening from my parent, but you never know....

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Hi all!


Joanne, it's too bad that Paradise is closed. :devil Hope you found something fun to do with your free day.


Marisa, good luck moving! And have fun at Hobby Lobby!


Beth, I'm so happy that you have your electricity back. :yay Is your area flooded also?


Has anyone heard from LeaAnne? I used to have her phone number, but when I switched phones, all of my contacts were lost. I hope that the chicken coop was not hit hard by the hurricane.


So, all the news from here...

School went well. I am taking Spanish, Anthropology (which is online,) and the Astronomy lab. Today I only had Spanish, and tried to get into other classes with no success. Tomorrow there are a few others I plan to try, because I really want on-campus classes.

After I picked up Eva, we went to Target and bought cupcakes to share with her class tomorrow. I can't believe my baby is 4 already! Although the way she speaks, sometimes I think she's about 15, in a toddler body. LoL

The warranty covered all of my car repairs except for a small deductible. :yay:yay:yay

Mia's surgery hasn't been scheduled- we have to wait for the approval from our insurance company. Dh said the dr. just went over the risks associated with the procedure, and filled out the paperwork. I am very nervous, although I know it is a routine procedure.

Today was supposed to be dance classes at the Y, but I realized too late that the dance clothes/shoes are in my car, at the repair shop. :blush:lol


Time to figure out dinner! Love and hugs!



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Good Evening all!

Joanne-that is great that you were able to stay home and not have to work. Did you get lots of hook time in? Happy happy that all of your family is well and have power and water.

Beth-how was your day? did you tutor? how about the cats?

Marisa-oh my gosh! you will be moving so soon! Seems like the time just flew by. :lol

Stacy-new classes? How exciting! your weekend geteway sounded :c9 how fun! Hope that you get into the classes that you want/need.

Work was kinda slow, seemed to drag on and on. Did get the kiddos picked up from dh's work, grocery shopping done, dinner, dishes, homework and made a Peas In A Pod-small order...going to sit and just veg...too tired to :hook. Came up with a few new soap ideas but have to order a few supplies, can't wait to share the finished products with all of you!

Hugs n squishes!

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Good morning.

Still no power at work---message says they are planning to open at noon- but to call back at 11---guess if there is no power by then, we'll be closed again. Still lots of flooded areas in NJ and no power in many towns. Please say prayers for these folks!


I had a lovely day off--and even took a short nap yesterday. I'm ready to go back to paradise- only because we have to use our own vacation time when they close- or make up the hours. I don't feel like making up the hours so I'll just use my vacation time. Thankfully I still have quite a bit left!!!


Hope you all have a good Tuesday---and MARISA- Good luck with the packing up the U-Haul!!!!!


Stacy- How did the first day of school go?


LeeAnn- Busy, Busy, Busy is what you are--but I'm so happy that your little business is taking off!!


Beth- Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. In a few short days, your DH should be coming home, shouldn't he? how's the afghans coming along?


Off to re-fill my coffee. Now that I'm up and had a cup already, there is no sense in going back to bed.

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hi all,


Stacy, I texted LeaAnne today -- she's fine -- she lost power for 14 hours, but claims that Mother Nature was quite kind to her -- no major problems. I hope you enjoy school today.


Joanne, enjoy your morning off. I'm very curious to know if your work got power back in time to open. My son wanted the day off very badly, but he's at the pool, probably working very hard cleaning up all the debris.


Marisa, thinking about you and your moving experience. I hope things go well for you today.


LeeAnn, Have you decided what new items you are making?


Well, I've been working hard on my Virginia Tech afghan for the sale. I am going to take a break from it this afternoon and clean up some of the mess that's accumulating in my house. Amazing how dust can grow so quickly...

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Hi all!


Beth, I received a text from LeaAnne this morning. Thank you for letting her know I was thinking of her. :hug Hope you got things straightened up. Dh will be home soon, right?


Joanne, I'm also curious to know if Paradise was open today. I hope your drive wasn't too bad, if you did have to go in.


Leeann, how was work today? Can't wait to see your new creations. :yay


School went well today. I am waiting for my Spanish book to arrive- I hope it does soon. The teacher seems a bit peeved that 75% of the class is without it, although generally speaking, most classes don't require them for the first week. I am also very close to being added to a sociological analysis class. The instructor said we are welcome to attend the class until she has openings, because she is sure 1/2 of the class will drop by next week. :yes


Mia has a game tonight. On the way home, we will pick up a pizza. I stopped for a cake on my way home from school- Eva picked it, and it is pure chocolate. That's my girl. :lol



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hello hello!

Joanne-did you get the entire day off? sure hope so, but bummer about using your vacation days.

Beth-sounds like your ds was working hard today. Yikes! Cleaning up pool debris must be exhausting. I bet you are super excited that your dh will be home soon.

Stacy-Happy Birthday to your dd and Happy Happy Happy birthday early to you as well! Chocolate cake sounds yummy! mmmm mmmm good! Keeping my fingers crossed that you get into your class.

Marisa-hoping that the Uhaul process goes smoothly for you.

Today was stressful, uggghhh...drama drama drama. I am not good with it all, I tried to keep the peace but it sure was icky. I should be working on my newest soap inventions but I think I am just going to veg.

hugs n squishes!

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:cake:birthday to Eva, Stacy-

She is a girl after my own heart with the chocolate!!! Fingers crossed that you get the Soc Analysis class!!!!!


Beth and Stacy- Yes, we had work this afternoon as power was restored around 11---it was crazy busy!!! And 2 new employees started today---it was slightly insane--but it's over--and nothing like what a lot of people are going through so I won't complain!!!


Glad to hear LeaAnne made it through Irene ok...my dD didn't lose power up there so she was lucky like me...14 hours isn't terrible---still folks down here w/out power since early Saturday morning !!


LeeAnn- hope you had a good day today


Marisa- I was thinking about you today while I was crazily busy working- hope the packing up the u-haul went smoothly


See you in the AM

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I'm kind of vegging too LeeAnn---sometimes that is what we need to do to re-group and de-stress...


Oh my- I just remembered--Yankees are playing the Red Sox now----think I'll get my pj's on and veg with that!!!

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I just typed a long message and it's gone :eek Anyways, it was a LONG day and then my mom colored my hair tonight. We have more to put in the truck here and then driving to Pitt thurs morning.


I'll try to stop back tomorrow :xfin Night night

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Marisa- :clap for making it to your parents!!! Good luck today---and tomorrow you will officially be on your way to the start of the next chapter in your life:hug


Beth and LeeAnn- Hope you have a nice relaxing Hump Day today..I'm heading to Paradise early- I'm planning to try and make up the 4 hours from yesterday by going in early the rest of the week. This way I only take 8 hrs vacation time for Monday---and yes, it sux that we have to use our own time when the office was closed- but it is what it is....


Finally--- :bday:bday:birthdayDear Stacy, Enjoy your day!!!!!:cake:cake:cake

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It's Stacy's Birthday!!! Let's celebrate!!!


Just a quick stop-in here. Gotta get a lot of cleaning done before my hunny gets home tomorrow!!!:c9

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:bday:birthday Stacy-hoping you had the bestest day ever!:haha Filled with lots and lots of yummy :cake


Joanne-that is a bummer that you have to use vacation time, good thing you can make some of it up tho. I would be doing the same thing.


Beth-how exciting! Dh will be home by the time you read this. :cheer:clap


Marisa-safe travels my friend! Super duper duper excited for you!


Today was a good day, I felt more energized, came home and cleaned the bathrooms. I volunteered dh to cook dinner:devil I think I may try to work on a few soap goodies. BBL!


hugs n squishes!

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