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Happy First Day of Fall!!!!


Must admit it doesn't feel very "fall-like" out there today- grey, humid, with rain on the way----the perfect stay at home, reading and crochet day!!! (of course, may head over to visit with Ryan, too)


Have fun with the applique class tomorrow LeeAnn


Great news on the dentist Beth! I go back next week for a small filling and then I'm done for 6 mos too--I had gone last week for a cleaning.. The dentist is my least favorite place to go---so when I was there last week, I booked the 6 mo check up so I wouldn't "forget"


Marisa- Thinking of you and sending positive vibes


Stacy- It's Friday---how's the week going? Did you drop the one class?


Have a great day!

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Joanne, enjoy your gray, rainy day off. I am taking a mostly-day off. I have to tutor, but besides that, I'm in my sweats, relaxing, and plan to stay home, if I can get away with it. I am making great strides on my steelers afghan. I hope to get half done today. I'm at the part with the longest stripes. Make it through a couple more stripes, and it will start getting shorter again.


LeeAnn, it never was my wrist that bothered me. I have tingly fingers -- my pinky and ring finger on my left hand. It's like carpal tunnel, only on the opposite side. I don't know the name, but I just take lots of breaks, stretch the wrist the opposite way from when I'm crocheting, and it's getting better.


Marisa and Stacy, I hope you have a great TGIF day!

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Evening all!


Just got home...woohooo! It's FRIDAY! This was a long week.


Beth-ouch! Glad that you were able to stay home and relax, how fun!


Joanne-did you make it to see little Ryan? Little sweetie!


The kiddos are going to the in-laws, they should be picking them up in a little bit and then dh and I are going out to dinner. yummy!


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning- and Happy Saturday!!!


LeeAnn- Have fun at the applique class!!! Yes, between raindrops I did visit Ryan again yesterday!!!


I also pulled out a wip http://www.lionbrand.com/patterns/90689AD.html?noImages=

I had to frog back 10 rows because for some reason the last time I was working on it (months ago) I apparently wasn't paying attention and the rows were getting longer and longer:eek


Going to a friend's 50th birthday party today--should be a lot of fun---and then the rest of the weekend is football/crocheting !!!!


Hugs to all:hug

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Joanne, that shrug looks great. I hope you have fun at the party.


LeeAnn, I hope the kiddoes have fun at their grandparents.


Today is quite rainy, but I've been having a good day. I went to my IRL crochet buddy's house for coffee and crochet and chat. then my dd and I went shopping. We were looking for ideas for the craft fair, how to set up the table. We bought a table cloth on sale, and found some possibilities for a way to arrange the afghans. it's right around the corner -- about a month from now.

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Hello hello!


It's been a fun day! My class was so much fun! I am finished piecing the elk together and will go back Monday to finish the batting and putting it all together, I hope that it is not too difficult.


Glad everyone had a wonderful Saturday! hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!


Beth- Sounds like a fun day yesterday with your IRL crochet buddy and with DD!!! It was rainy here too, on and off...and supposed to continue for the next few days. Where is the FALL weather that I so love????


LeeAnn- It sounds like the applique class was a success:yes Glad to hear you had fun.


Stacy- How's life in Cali- do you have a moment to yourself?


Marisa-:hug Thinking about you!!!!


Had a great time at the 50th birthday party and then relaxed last night with :crocheting. I don't know why I started that shrug- it's all SC with homespun yarn....but I'm determined to finish it! But will probably take a break from it today to work on DD's RR!! So many projects, so little time:lol


Have a great day!

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Joanne, I know what you mean about so many project, so little time. I would love to start about 15 things right now, but need to concentrate on the afghans for another month. Then i can play.


LeeAnn, so glad you enjoyed your applique class. I hope you will post a pic of the finished project when you are done. What a great technique to know. Do you have any further plans of things to make with it?


Stacy, I hope you are getting to relax some this weekend.


Marisa, I miss hearing from you. I hope all is well.


Today is my oldest son's 19th birthday. I cannot believe my "baby" is that old already when I feel stuck at 27 years old. He's gaining on me.

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Beth- Happy Birthday to your Son!!!! Tell me about it---just wait till they are in the 20's and then their 30's:eek


I seem to get younger, while they continue to get older:lol


I went to ACM this morning- and you can't enter the contest for $100 shopping spree and free basket of new yarn until 1. You have to enter between 1 &4 and be present at 4 to for the $100 shopping spree. So guess where I'm headed at 3:30? :devil

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Top of the morning ladies, or should I say afternoon.:manyheart

Joanne-I hope! I hope that you win! How exciting! Is the store close to you? The 50th birthday party sounds like a blast, I love parties. Your dd is going to love her rr. You are so right, I want to make so many things and craft but that housework has called my name, so had to do that this morning. But this evening I hope to craft some.

Beth-Happy Happy birthday to your ds! Wohooo! Is he excited to be turning 19?

The elk is going to be an anniversary present for dh, he knows about it, couldn't keep it a secret. I plan to make another one for my father in-law for Christmas. I took a pic of the elk for you before the background and such. I love it!

we are going to the inlaws this afternoon to pick up the kiddos, guess I should get ready.

hugs n squishes!


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Good afternoon!


Leeann, the applique is gorgeous! You are so talented. :yes Have fun with the in-laws today. :yay


Joanne, I remember that shrug. Good luck finishing it. Just think- even though it's sc with Homespun :yuck, it will be oh-so-soft and cuddly when it's finished! And warm. :manyheart Good luck at ACM!


Marisa, thinking of you! :hug:hug:hug:hug


Beth, sounds like you and dd had a fun day yesterday! :manyheart Happy Happy Birthday to your ds! Anything fun planned for today?


Yesterday, the girls got their soccer trophies. Mia was recognized for scoring the most goals for her team. :cheer Later in the afternoon, dh got a call that FIL had been taken to the ER, for the same symptoms as he had the last time. I suspect there is something going on that he is not telling us, but dh doesn't think so. :blush

I'm kind of :grumpy today. Between work, school, and home stuff (which I am falling terribly behind on, due to homework) I am feeling overwhelmed and haven't had much time for myself. I guess I really need to sit my badorkus down and figure out a schedule so that everything gets equal attention.

I have to work at 2:30, and dh is taking the girls to visit his parents and have lunch with them. My class for tomorrow morning was cancelled, so I will probably spend the whole day cleaning/trying to get things organized.


Gotta go get ready! Love and hugs. :hug:hug:hug

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Stacy-:hug:hug:hug:hug You have a lot on your plate, between working, school, and raising 3 children. It is important to carve out a little "ME" time--even if only a 1/2 hour!! Good luck doing that tomorrow since class is cancelled!!!!

Congrats to Mia! And prayers for your FIL.


LeeAnn- That applique is GORGEOUS!!!!! You are truly a woman of many talents!!!!


I wasn't the winner at ACMoore- but that's ok, because I ran into one of the ladies that I meet up with! We had fun chatting for a bit and then it was over to Starbucks for a pumpkin spice latte.


My Giants won their game (that they were supposed to lose to Marisa's Eagles):clap


Off to crochet a bit on that shrug!

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Good "morning." Still not convinced that anything before 6 am is really morning...


Joanne, sorry you didn't win at ACM. At least you met up with a friend and had a pumpkin spice latte. Life is good, right?


Stacy, I've been very grumpy too, and feeling stressed over the new schedule with all 3 going to college. I wish my oldest arranged his classes more logically. They are scattered all over the place, and he's very disorganized. I'm so scared he'll miss a class because he'll just forget he had it.


LeeAnn, the elk is amazing. I bet your dh will love it. That is quite an applique.


Off to start coffee and crochet. :hook:coffee

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Good morning! I wish I could say I'm having coffee and then crochet...but alas, the dreaded words must be said- time to get ready for Paradise!


Beth- I can't tell you how many people missed class when I was going! And they all still passed! He'll be fine!!! Is he liking his classes? Tonight I'll be rooting for your Redskins (only because they are playing the Boys)


I did another round on the RR and am now about 3/4 of the way finished with the shrug. Tonight, I'll be going to the craft club at the library after work and will probably bring the RR with me- its mindless and I can chat and hook at the same time!!


Have a wonderful Monday all!!

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Good evening, ladies!


Well, I didn't do much for myself today, but it sure was nice to have the day off completely and accomplish things that needed finished. Like grocery shopping and laundry. LoL Tonight I need to find another article to use for my research paper, then I plan to :hook after the girls are in bed. My cousin has cancer, and my mom and some of her scrap-booking friends are going to hold a benefit scrap for her. My mom asked me to donate a couple of things for the silent auction and raffle. :manyheart


Joanne, I thought of you as I stopped by the Bux today- I had planned to get a pumpkin spice latte, but the salted caramel mocha sounded good so I ordered that instead. :lol Hope Paradise passed by quickly today. Have fun at the craft club!


Beth, good luck to your ds remembering his classes! I don't know how it works out there, but sometimes here, we just can't help if our classes are all over the place- it is first come, first served, and if we have a late registration appointment, then we get the leftovers. :shrug Sorry to hear it is so tough on you! New schedules are the pits. How is the 'ghan coming along?


Leeann and Marisa, :hug:hug:hug to you both! Hope all is well.


Dinner is done, dh is off to school, and all of the girls are in their jammies. Sounds like cookie time! :devil Have a great evening!

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Hi all,

Very LONG day in Paradise- and then went to the Bux (got an iced coffee) and headed to the library for craft club- did one round on the RR (they sure do take long the bigger it gets)


Now I'm fixing something to eat...and it's almost time for bed!

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Evening all!


Had a super long day then had my second applique class, I am almost finished...one more class this Friday to learn how to finish the border.


Soo tired, will post to all of you tomorrow after work. Hugs n extra squishes!

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Joanne, I'm so very very very sorry the Cowboys won last night. Maybe next time? I am actually making an afghan with 4 2-feet squares so I don't have to go around 4 feet. It will feel faster, even if it isn't actually faster. How is the RR coming?


LeeAnn, It sounds like your class is going well. I can't wait to see pics of the finished project. I'm sure it will be totally amazing, because you are making it.


Stacy, I have reminded my son about class once when he didn't remember. He has one on Monday, none on Tuesday, two on Wednesday, and two on Thursday, and the times are all over the place. And he's off on Fridays. I didn't realize how early he could register, so he had to take what was open. They will be registering for Spring sememster in October. Seems very early to me.


Back to the Steeler's ghan -- 42 more rows, and they are getting shorter. Not short yet, but getting there. I'm also working on a 5-point navy star which will have a row of white and a row of blue on the edge. I think I may start washing the ones I've finished, double-checking the ends, and getting them put up.

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Good morning!


Beth- I was so rooting for the Redskins to win!!! That afghan made out of 4 2 foot squares sounds very interesting!!! It sounds like that blue star one is perhaps a Cowboy ghan? (gasp).. Still waiting to hear what you have planned for the NY Giants ghan!:lol


I did a round on the RR at the craft club- seems to take longer and longer with each round. I'm thinking I have about 6 more rounds to do before I will call it done.


LeeAnn- That applique is going to be amazing- I can't wait to see it finished!!


Stacy- Did you get in any :crocheting time last night? I have been wondering about that salted caramel mocha--the thing that turns me off is the "salted" part---I try to limit my intake of salt. It does sound intriguing, though! How is your FIL doing?


Marisa- thinking of you and sending you virtual :hug:hug


Off to get the day started---another long one for me....

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Hey gals!


Joanne, I also try to limit my salt intake, but that one sounded intriguing. :D It was okay...today I had the frapp and that was much better- the only "salt" is sprinkled on top and they will leave it off if you ask. :yes


Beth, good luck finishing your 'ghans. Good idea to get them washed up and ready to go. :yes The one with the 2-ft. squares does sound interesting!


Leeann, your day sounds tiring! I hope you get some time to relax tonight. :hug:hug


I have to work tonight, so need to figure out what to make for dh for dinner. :think Oh! I just remembered that I left the groceries in the car, and there is an entire pack of chicken in the bag! I better scoot. Love and hugs!


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Hope your day goes well Stacy- I think I'll try the frap and tell them to leave off the salt! Just to try it, you know? (any excuse to stop at my fav place)


LeeAnn and Beth- Hope your day was good- I had a long one, and didn't get home till 6:45!!! Now to eat dinner and then veg with hook and yarn!!!

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Hiya ladies!


Joanne-mmm...the salted coffee sounds yummy, I hope that you enjoy it! You are going to finish your rr in no time. Awesome! Happy that you were able to meet up with crochet buddies.


Beth-I know that you will be ready for your sale, I can feel it. Will you be selling other items as well?


Stacy-warm thoughts headed your way! Hope that work goes by fast for you and that you get out early.


Marisa-sure miss you round here. :hug


I think I forgot to mention, bad news. My dearest friend Kathy was diagnosed with Breast Cancer about 3 weeks ago. She had surgery yesterday to remove three lumps. I stopped at the hospital to visit her before my class, she seems to be in good spirits, but I am so worried. My heart feels like breaking every time I think about it.


This evening I had Parent Teacher conference at ds's school, he had Boy Scouts and running around...whew! Also had a lotion bar order. Going to head to bed in a few, can't seem to get enough rest in.


Thank you for all of the lovely compliments on the applique, it has been quite an undertaking but I am so pleased with the results.


Have a great Wednesday dear friends!


hugs n squishes!

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Happy Hump Day!


LeeAnn- My thoughts and prayers and POSITIVE thoughts are going out for your friend Kathy!!!!:hug:hug:hug:hug


No time to 'chat'- as seems to be the norm--I'm running behind over here---have a good one!

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Morning ladies!


Leeann, my prayers and positive thoughts are with Kathy, also! And with you...it is so heartbreaking when someone we love has cancer. :hug:hug:hug:hug Sending lots of hugs your way, and some for Kathy, too.


Joanne, enjoy your drink! :devil


Beth, how's it going? Have you worked on your 'ghans today?


Work was slow last night, which was nice, because I was rather flustered by the time I arrived. I found an adorable shirt with the Beatles' Abbey Road cover on the front, in Mia's size- she loves everything Beatles, and adores John Lennon. I had them hold it for me, since I don't take my wallet to work, and when I went back today, it was on clearance for $2! :clap:clap

I am volun-tolding in Eva's class at 11:30- 10 hours are required each semester, but her teacher last year accepted donations of tissue, wipes, books, etc. as counting toward that. Her new teacher does not. I am excited to visit, though- Eva has changed so much in the last 2 weeks! She made a breakthrough of sorts, and instead of being shy and clingy (which is how she was for ALL of last year,) the teachers say she is now her loud, active self. :yay:lol


Well, I better scoot. Love and hugs all around! :hug:hug

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Quick stop in - as you can see it's after 8PM already and I just finished dinner.


Stacy- I'm so happy to hear how well Mia is doing!! You must be on cloud 9!!! And WTG on scoring that shirt for $2.00~!! I love deals like that!!!!!!!


LeeAnn, Beth and Marisa- sending hugs and good thoughts your way----


I'm off to crochet and unwind from what was a very busy hectic day!!!!

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