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One more week of dental visits, and my kids will be caught up after neglecting the teeth for years. I can't wait, though I am enjoying the attention my crocheting is getting.


Joanne, happpy almost Friday. Your vacation will be here soon.:cheerI can't wait!!!


Stacy, sorry that mean ole Aunt Flo interrupted your shopping.


LeeAnn, great news on the good evaluation. Way to go!


Marisa, thinking of you. wishing you the best.


Bad news for my craft fair -- I am having some problems with my left hand, probably from crocheting too much. I guess I need to cut back, but I'm feeling like I'm way behind.

Sorry to hear that--yup , probably all the :crocheting you've been doing!!! Do what you can do--and not worth hurting yourself more:hug I find that my wrist hurts after working on two stranded things for too long....or if I crochet for many hours every day---of course with my working, that doesn't happen too much--where I have time to crochet for many hours:lol:lol


L O N G day in work- didn't get home till close till 7- out at 6:05 and home at 6:45----Can't believe it's almost 8:15 already---but:clap only 1 more day!!!


See you in the AM:hug

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Howdy doody!


Beth-WTG getting all of your dentist visits done, that must feel good. So sorry to hear about your wrist, maybe you will have to take a break for a few days. :hug


Joanne-gosh! Your day was super long! So glad it's TGIF! you deserve it! Know that your vacation will be fantastic.:hug


Stacy-hope you had a wonderful day.:hug


Marisa-miss ya!:hug


had an ok day, feel kinda under the weather-we have had a lot of kiddos and teachers out sick, I am feeling icky myself. Going to bed early, maybe I can kick it.


hugs n squishhhheeeesssss!

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Happy Friday.


Joanne, have a good last day at work before vacation! Can't wait to hear about your 10th anniversary trip.


LeeAnn, I hope you feel better soon. :hug


Stacy, I hope you are adjusting to your schedule. I find it hard to get my kids up and out by 8 a.m. now.


Marisa, I hope your office is coming together beautifully.


Today, I need to go to a store or two, tutor, and get some housework done.

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Good morning and TGIF!!!!


LeeAnn- Hope that with some rest you are able to beat getting sick! It's always hard this time of the year---seems the germs just start getting passed around!!


Beth- Enjoy your day- sounds busy---and maybe take a break from the hook and yarn to give your wrists a rest! Can't wait to go on vacation- We'll probably not go until Sunday- when I checked the weather it looks like rain for tomorrow in Williamsburg. I'll check again tonight.


Stacy- In case I forget--have fun without the DDs tomorrow--and enjoy your trek to Ikea!


Marisa- Thinking about you every day!


Off to get ready for the last day in Paradise!!!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I miss you all too :hug I think I'll be better getting in here when I get my internet set up at my office :yes Here at my sister's house, it seems like a chore to get on the computer :eek Mine takes an hour to start up and then the nook and phone are difficult for regular using. Once in a while is cool, but using them often becomes tedious :( I'm still spending my days cleaning. Yesterday was an early quitting day since they started working on my bathroom. So, since there were no walls, I left when mother nature called :lol Same will go for today :yes My 'first unread post' button still is not working and brought me to today's posts, so I have not gone back to read the posts I've missed yet again. I don't even remember when the last time was that I was here to even go back looking to find the place to move forward from.....well, it's been even longer than that since I haven't read through posts in quite a while :oops


I still have not heard from the bank :eek So, keep those prayers coming :xfin I hope all is well with y'all here and I hope to be back on a regular basis soon :hug

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Marisa, lots of hugs to you. I hope you hear from the bank soon. It sounds like you are making a lot of progress getting ready. We will be glad to hear from you more often when you get your own internet in the office.


Joanne, It is kind of ugly and wet here today. I hope it clears up for you soon. It is nice and cool, though -- I think you will have a fantastic vacation. You should go to Charlottesville, about an hour up interstate 64 from Wililamsburg, and check out Monticello, the wineries, and the mountains. Fall weather makes me want to go pick apples.


Stacy, I hope you are enjoying your weekend. Happy shopping!


LeeAnn, Are you feeling better? I hope you are. Have a fun Saturday.


A friend of my twins is having his Eagle Scout celebration today. My son was asked to participate in the ceremony. I am so excited. My kids never were scouts, though I think they are an amazing organization. Besides my dd's ballet class and avoiding crochet for another day to let my hand heal a bit more, that's all I have planned.

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Hi all,

Beth- Glad to hear that it's raining- that is what the weather forecast said and why we didn't leave today. I'll let DH know about Charlottesville--thanks!!! Congrats to your twins friend!! My brother was an Eagle Scout and also his son, my nephew- We went to the ceremony about 3 years ago- and I was so impressed!!! Hope your wrist feels better soon


Marisa- Positive thoughts and prayers that you hear from the bank soon. It's great hearing from you when you are able!


LeeAnn- How are you feeling today? Hope you are not too under the weather!


Stacy- Happy Saturday to you- enjoy your child free evening!


I visited my DD and BF this morning for a few hours and this afternoon I visited with DD, SIL and Ryan- it was a great day---and great first day of vacation.


Now it's time to pack since DH wants to leave early in the morning.....

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Hi all!


Just a quick pass-through- it's been a long couple of days! I got home from my lab on Thursday night around 10:45- we messed up on one whole part, but the prof was kind enough to point it out to us. Unfortunately, that also means we had to redo it.

Friday I took the girls to McD's after school for ice cream, because we were out the door and at school either early or on time every day this week. Today I had to work at 9, and also tomorrow. My FIL is sick so the girls stayed home this weekend. They went to a birthday party today, and I picked them up after work. Dh's friend made an impromptu visit and brought gifts for the girls. He really connects with them- it's sweet to see how excited they are when he comes over. :manyheart


Well, I need to scoot- Just wanted to pop in and let you all know I'm thinking of you! I have read what you are up to, but I am too tired to comment much tonight. Know that I am thinking of all of you and sending lots of love and hugs your way!! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning and hope all is well with everyone. Stacy- Hope your FIL feels better soon--and I'll bet the girls loved the Ice cream treat!!!


LeeAnn- Hope you are feeling better!


Marisa- Hugs and good positive thoughts and prayers that you hear soon from the bank!


Beth- I'll be in your state today!!!


Off to re-fill the coffee and pack up the car!!!

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Good Morning Ladies!

I sure hate it when I am gone for short periods of time. I missed all of you!

Joanne-sounds like you are having a relaxing weekend before you head out. I bet you are thrilled to be away from Paradise. Will you be taking your crocheting along? Have a fun and safe trip!:hug

Beth-how is your wrist feeling? Do you think you will be ready for your sale? :hug

Stacy-how was your weekend of fun? I bet your gals had an awesome time! Sounds like you are keeping super duper busy with work, family and school, wtg! I know how difficult it all is. :hug

Marisa-hoping and praying, when are you planning on opening? I bet it all depends on the loan process.:hug

Friday I tried to get on here, but ds was hogging the computer and then yesterday was spent cleaning, running errands, bowling for ds, grocery shopping and getting the house ready for winter. We have had a cold front 42 F all day….brrrr. We had to clean out the wood stove and vents, we are ready, not happy but ready. I also outlined all of the pieces for my appliqué class which is tomorrow evening. So excited! Still plugging away on the round ripple too, hoping to finish it soon as I want to make a few mitts/scarf combos and have had one person ask for a set.

Work has slowed down to a snail pace, we are fully enrolled and not accepting any more kiddos, so the days have been long. It is nice but I like to be busy.

Dh and ds have a Boy Scout outing this evening, I think they are taking dd along as she wants to see what it is all about…I get to stay home alone..yippee! going to use my time wisely and sew. I want to make a new iron board cover and have just the fabric, just have to motivate myself to get to it.

I feel a little bit better, just achy. Dh is starting to come down with the ickyness and dd still has a cough. Hopefully we can kick it.:yes

off to grab a cup of coffee before setting in to :crocheting.

hugs n extra squishes!

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I'm in Williamsburg---and it's raining! It started this evening-but tomorrow is supposed to be ok. We'll see


I did bring crochet with me and made 2 coffee cup cozy's and 3/4 of a scarf on the trip down. I left the RR at home since it's getting quite bulky- I'll work some more on it when I get home. I want to finish the scarf I started today since it's for my son-in-law and want to give it to him when we return. His birthday is Tuesday.


Good luck with the applique class tomorrow LeeAnn!! It sounds like a lot of fun. Wow 42 F already!! We've had cool morning- more like mid-50 's and the daytime temps in the 60-70's. Good idea to get the house prepped for the "W" season ( I don't want to say the word because I really, really love FALL and want it to last for a while!!!


Hope you all had a good sunday---of to watch some Football.


Marisa's team the Eagles are playing tonight, so I'll be thinking about you Marisa while I watch it :hug

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Hello all,


Joanne, I hope you are having a good time in Williamsburg, even with the weather.


LeeAnn, Did you enjoy your time home alone? I haven't had that for a while. It sounds nice. My wrist seems to be getting better. I will be crocheting again this week. I'm almost done with the current afghan -- gotta go back and work on the Steelers one next.


Stacy, how nice that your dh's friend is so popular with your girls. The more people who love them, the better, is my opinion.


Busy week. I have doctor or dentist appointments Monday through Thursday for one kid each day. I tutor 5 days in a row, I work at least 2 days in a row. We'll see...

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Hi ladies :hi


I pulled my computer out to do some work on it this afternoon so definitely needed to stop by before shutting down. I'm still waiting to hear from the bank and am now starting to get nervous :eek


I miss you all every day and think about you all the time. I miss you all very much :hug :hug :hug And can't wait until I can be with you every day.

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Hi all!


Marisa, sounds like you need a big :hug:hug:hug:hug!! I can't believe you still haven't heard back from your bank. :think Keeping my fingers, toes, eyes, etc., crossed that you hear good news soon!


Beth, sounds like you have a crazy-busy week ahead! Good luck making it to all of the appointments, work, etc. I don't know how you do it!


Joanne, I know you're having fun in Williamsburg! I love the photo of Ryan you posted on FB- he sure is a cutie. :manyheart


My day seem to get longer and longer. :think Not sure how that's happening, but anyway. Let's see...today after class, I went to the coffee shop and worked on Spanish for almost 3 hours. :eek We have a test on Wednesday. Today we had the usual Y classes- Mia has decided she doesn't want to do ballet anymore, and I am struggling with the decision to cancel our membership. :( I don't want to, but it seems silly to keep it for just one person. :shrug

Tonight I need to work on my annotated references for the soc. research paper. But I think I'm going to play with the Knook I received in the scrap swap, first. :devil Everyone needs to play once in a while. :yes


Have a great night!

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To attempt to start your day with a smile....


My oldest son walks up to me, and says, "If I'd planned it out better, I would have worn this shirt today." He shows me the dirty shirt from yesterday. It says "Remain calm, people, it's only a drill." And has a picture of the power tool -- a drill -- on it.


Why would he wear it today? He's going to the dentist to get a tooth filled.


Well, it made me laugh.


Stacy, how did the paper go? I was up typing early today -- different type of assignment. I have been in charge of sending out letters for the ballet company requesting donations. This year, I'm turning it over, but wanted to turn it over in good condition, so I played it with for a few hours today. It's all in the inbox of my heir apparent.


Marisa, Stacy is right -- you definitely need some hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hugI hope you hear from the bank soon with good news. Can you pursue a loan from a different bank, or do you need to follow one lead at aq time?


Joanne, I saw the pic of Ryan in his Giant's finery. He is a cutie. The outfit would look better with some burgundy and gold on it, but he's still adorable. I hope you are having a wonderful time in Williamsburg. Happy Anniversary!


LeeAnn, I hope your slower days aren't dragging on. I imagine you like to stay busy. What crafts are on your to-do list now?


I started crocheting again yesterday. I think I need to keep it to small amounts of time with lots of breaks in between, but the end of October is right around the corner. My son's girlfriend will probably not be selling anything. She is in college, and her work is pretty much all-encompassing right now. My daughter's mice ornaments are absolutely adorable. I need to post pics some time.

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Hi All!


quick run thru-sorry I didn't make it on here last night. My applique class must have been cancelled, course didn't find this out until I was sitting in front of the building waiting for them to open..kinda sad but that's ok. Have a small order for a Fall lapghan, working on that, hoping to whiz right thru it.


Sorry no individual posts, running out the door. Have the bestest of days!


hugs n squishes!

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Finished another afghan for the sale. Now I'm working on the Pittsburgh Steelers one. It's a corner-to-corner, and it's coming along OK. I just need to take lots of breaks so my fingers don't bother me.


Today i take my dd to the dentist for her last visit. I need to run to a store. I tutor. and I have some housework that's been waiting for me to notice...


Have a great one everyone!


LeeAnn, can I do squishes, too? Whenever I read that, I think of my tutoree. We call square inches "Squinches." Cubic inches aren't nearly as much fun, so we prefer area to volume.

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Good morning!


It's a sleepy morning here. I got home from work at midnight! :eek Then got up at 5 with dh so I could lay out clothes, prepare lunches, etc. I had the Spanish exam today and I think I did really well. :D I am thinking of dropping the anthro class, though- I really hate to not do a full load this semester, but I think it's just one of those classes that I need to be in an actual classroom for. :think


Beth, how considerate of you to organize the letters and files for your successor. And I did get a good laugh from your ds and his t-shirt.


Joanne, hope you're having a blast in Williamsburg!


Marisa, :hug:hug:hug thinking of you!


Leeann, how's it going? It's too bad that you got all the way to the class and it was cancelled. How disappointing. Will it be rescheduled? Or do you get a refund?


Well, dh took the girls to Back to School night yesterday. Turns out, Isabella is in the gifted class! I'm not surprised by that, what I am surprised about is that her 2nd grade teacher had told me that no one in the school tested as gifted on the spatial exams they were given. I guess they decided to go by the state test scores instead.


Well, enough :blah from here. Time to go do some homework and cleaning. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hi all,

I'm home!! Williamsburg was alot of fun--and seems that we made a good choice to only stay through today--it had started raining--and is also raining here---It was a very nice little get-away!!!


Stacy- Wow- that's a busy, busy schedule!! Congrats on Isabella being in the gifted program--I'm surprised that they didn't tell you that though! Good luck with the Spanish test.


Beth- How'd it go today? That's nice of you to organize things for your successor! WTG on finishing the one afghan!! I finished 2 scarves, 7 coffee cup cozy's, and a pair of fingerless mitts on my little vacation- most of it in the car to and from. I miss the RR- and will probably work on that now.


Marisa- Thinking of you!


LeeAnn- Sorry about the applique class- but I guess it wasn't meant to be. That's great that you got an order for a Fall lapghan- What pattern are you using--and colors?


Off to Unpack (my least favorite part of going away for a few days)

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Hello hello!

Joanne-welcome back! So glad that you had an awesome getaway. Did you get to go shopping? You were on the ball, crocheting up a storm. Woohooo!

Stacy-oh my, can you drop your class and be ok as far as credits go? WTG for your dd! Gifted! Fantastico!

Beth-one ghan down, yippeee! Cool, do we get to see pics?

I was really bummed about the applique class and called yesterday morning, they were extremely apologetic and are going to give me a refund for the class, the make up for it will be this Saturday (I want to create this piece for dh) and then the next class will be on Monday, I think it is going to be a cram session, but am hoping to learn and have fun.

The small lap ghan that I am working on is in RH Fall, carrot and burgundy. I am making a rectangle granny, seems to be going fast. I hope to have it done soon so that I can get back to the rr.

going to crochet a bit.

hugs n extra squishes! Yes, Beth-you can use squisssshhheeesss! Anytime. :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!!


I finally got back to the RR last night as I watched the Yankee game. They clinched the AL East!!!!:clap


I love RR's but as you get towards the end, those rows do take a long time to finish:lol


Off to fill the coffee cup and enjoy the fact that I don't have to get ready for Paradise!!!:D

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Welcome home, Joanne. Enjoy your day off. Williamsburg will miss you.


Stacy, It sounds like you have plenty going on with one less class.


LeeAnn, are you taking the applique class this weekend?


Marisa, I hope you've heard good things from the bank.


I am done with the dentist for 6 months. I can't tell you how happy I am. Back to crocheting...

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I had a lovely day today. DH went to meet up with a friend so I headed to Joanns and ACMoore- I was very good- only a couple of skeins came home with me!


Then I went to DD's and she and Ryan then came over to my house for Ryan to get a change of scenery. He was looking all around- it was too cute. We took a nice, long walk- and it felt great!!!


All in all, a very nice, fun, relaxing day....I could really get used to this!!!

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Joanne-your day off sounded fun, relaxing and oh so enjoyable! So happy for you! You are so right, those rounds on the rr's take forever as they get bigger.

Beth-yippy skippy! No dental appt. for 6 months. WTG! Does your wrist feel better?

I am taking the applique class on Saturday from1-4, I have all of the pieces ironed on, am supposed to cut them out. The lady that is giving the class called me to confirm today..however not sure that I am cutting them out correctly, think I will make sure before I cut more.

other than that, nothing new...TGIF early!

off to shower and head to bed. Night all!


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