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Thanks ladies :hug


To update.....


My cousin was moved to the main Geisinger Hospital. My mom stayed there until about 4 with her. They ran some tests, cleaned her blood, were supposed to do a bone marrown biopsy today and start chemo. Busy day! She is in great spirits and we are hopeful at this point. The doc said she'll lose her hair, so she asked my mom to pick her up some scarves. She also going to bring her some puzzle books and other stuff to keep her occupied :yes I also just had the idea of sending a lapghan over for her that I already have sitting here :yes I spoke to my bro earlier and filled him in, he sounded ok, but it may have been a front and he was ready to get of the phone pretty quickly then. He generally does not take these things very well :no Poor boy.


Otherwise, work went quickly and was uneventful today :clap

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Good morning all!


Marisa- Glad to hear that they seem to have things under control and are starting her treatment already! Positive thoughts and prayers!!! Sixers game tonight? Or are they on the road now?


Beth- Once you get over the initial empty nest feeling, I think you'll come to like it- I love my freedom to do what I want, when I want without working around everyone elses's schedule. This is NOT to say that I don't miss living with my DD's- cause they are the joy of my life- but I do like my own space now. And being apart has its distinct advantages- you appreciate each other so much more.


But you have a few years to go- so enjoy every minute!!!! And especially all the "undating" . Has your oldest decided what he is doing next year as far as school? Is he the one that was thinking (may still be thinking) of becoming a nurse?


Well, I've rambled and now I have to scoot without any further chatter. EVERYONE- Have a great day- off to get ready for my return to paradise!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I slept really well last night :clap Just not long enough :lol Happy hump day ;)


I finished the blanket last night and will do the border tonight while I watch tv :yes I also saw a whole lot of pics of my nephews and niece.....250 of them :eek That poor girl probably is soo confused with all the flashing going on over there, since she just came out of pure blackness on sunday :lol Oh well, I'm surely not complaining :no


Gotta run, see y'all after work.

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Good Morning Ladies!

Whew! I just can't seem to get on here as much as I want to. My telephone/cell rang off the hook yesterday! I love my friends and family, but golly gee....sometimes I just want to turn off the ringers. If I did that, they would become worried and start calling dh at work. Ok enough about me.

Beth-that is soo cool that all of your kiddos are semi-dating. I am sure it is different but neat at the same time. Did your bed get you back?

Joanne-glad that you were able to spend a day relaxing before heading back to paradise. Have you been crocheting?

Marisa-so sorry to hear about your dearest cousins illness. :hug:hug Glad that the doc's are on top of things tho. A comfort ghan sounds like a wonderful idea.

Stacy-soo glad that you liked the lotion bar, I am addicted to them! When do your classes start up?

Mary-how are the grands?

I didn't get a chance to make candles, (they are soy, better for the environment) but I did get the kit out of the box. :yes I will try to get to it today, I hope I hope I hope.

Finished another set of mitts for dd's friend, have about 4 more pairs to make for the V-sale.

Dd has not read any of the potter books, but she did seem to enjoy the movie. I am on book #6, but have only read a few pages as I need to get to other things first...ie....cleaning and laundry. ok, best get my tush in gear at get 'crackin!

bbl! Hugs n squishes!

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Hi Everybody!


Marisa, Prayers for your cousin. A lapghan sounds great. I'm glad she's in good spirits. Some times, even if the news is bad, it's good to finally know what is wrong. Makes a person feel more sane, if you can understand.


Joanne, I look at my children, and can't believe how very adult they are now. My oldest does want to be a nurse. He is planning on staying with the community college for the first year or so, get a really good (transferable) foundation, then see what his options would be. I'm also leaning towards one of those 18 months programs, so he can get out in the world and start his career. I hope he'll find a program with the associates degree, not just the certificate, so if he chooses to go back, he can start from there, not from square one. I love how close your girls are, and how you seem to be their friend as well as their mom. And they sound like the sweetest women.


LeaAnn, I have a friend who makes the soy candles. . I've heard the best things about them.


Stacy, Did classes start back up again yet? What are you taking this semester?


I swear this time of year is the hardest on my sinuses. I'm wondering if the dry air is making the cats' skin flake more, leading to more allergens or something?


The bed claimed me again this morning. I am behind schedule, so I need to fly! See you all soon.

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Good morning!


Marisa, I'm glad to hear that your cousin is in good spirits, and that her chemo will start soon. I think sending the lapghan sounds like a wonderful idea. :yes


Leeann, I've heard wonderful things about soy candles, also! I'm sure you will have lots of fun making them! I've always wanted to try candle-making, but crochet caught me instead. :lol I cannot wait to hear what you think of book 6!


Joanne, good luck on your first day back to paradise- I hope your drive wasn't too bad! Has the ice/snow melted? Your flannel'ghan is coming along beautifully! I think the 3-color won't work for me as well because the purple I chose is very dark, and the other two are much lighter. :think Maybe I will have to run to another Michael's to see if I can find another skein of pink.


Beth, good luck to your son and the nursing! My SIL went for an associate's also, as opposed to the certificate, so that she can pick up and go back for her bachelors without starting over. I'm sorry that you are still suffering with your sinuses- have you tried filling the link with super-hot water and a few drops of tea tree oil, and putting a towel over your head and just breathing it in? It used to help for dh when he had his sinus infections.


Shannon, Sarah, LeaAnne, Mary, Colleen, Vicki- hope you all are having a wonderful week! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


We have a busy day scheduled- I need to pick up dh's prescription, take the car to have a tire patched, buy some groceries, and later Isabella has her soccer assessments. Plus the usual homework and dinner. Dh is in Fresno today, so I'm thinking of making something in the crockpot and leaving it on "warm" in case we are not home when he gets here.

Oh, and we start back to school on Feb. 7- still a couple weeks away! I miss it! LoL I told dh the other night that I miss having time to myself, actually- it's amazing how quickly I adjusted to being alone until 1 p.m. every day. This semester I am taking History of Women in the U.S., Soc. 1, Political and Social History of the U.S., and another yoga class. The Soc. 1 and second history class are weekend classes in a condensed format, so I get credit for 2 classes in one semester, but I am hoping to get into a Women's Health class, as well as Astronomy 1 instead. If I do, then I will drop the weekend classes- I really only registered for them because nothing else was available.

Last night I finished the 4th strip for BIL's flannel'ghan. I'm hoping to work on the 5th one today and tomorrow, and do the joining/edging by the weekend. Dh thinks I shouldn't hurry, but I want to be finished so I can start mine!! :rofl


Well, I'd better get dressed. BBL!!

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Hi all,


Beth- My 2 cents about the nursing- I strongly suggest the associates as opposed to the certificate program. They've been talking for a while of wanting nurses to have bachelor's degrees- hasn't come about yet- but it's so much better to have the associates and then if he wants to get his bachelor's degree he won't have to re-take classes. Plus- a lot of places have tuition reimbursement when you continue your education so he'd get to go for free- you just have to promise them a certain length of time- My DD had some of her tuition reimbursed since she was working as an ER tech during her senior year of college- she got a Bachelor's in Nursing- and she had to promise to work for them for 2 years- and they paid back some of her student loans. She's now been there 4 years- where does the time go???


LeeAnn- Did you get a chance to play with your soy candles? I 've been working on the flannel'ghan ( I finished another scarf yesterday in the early morning- that I started in Boston). I may take a break from the flannel'ghan tonight- my thumb is a little sore from the two strands.


Stacy- I can't work on a flannel'ghan non-stop like that- I guess because my bones and joints are older than yours!! I need to break up working with 2 strands with single strand projects! Your classes sound interesting! And who knows maybe the class you want will open up. My middle DD got an email while we were in Boston that one of her classes was cancelled- and she started school on Tuesday- so she had to scramble to find something else to take-


Marisa- WTG on finishing the baby blanket sans border- and maybe Madeline will be snuggled in it by the weekend or early next week!! WTG on getting ALL those afghans done!


Off to get something to eat- hope you all have a good evening!

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Good evening ladies :hi


I had a fairly good day today, but work was crazy!!! :eek Nothing bad, just super busy. I just ate my dinner while checking in at the ville :yes Now I'm getting ready to head over to the couch to watch american idol and do the border of the baby blanket :clap


LeeAnn - I do not like talking on the phone, and at least my family knows this about me :lol I can't just hang out on the phone chatting :no Definitely one of my downfalls ;) You got me wanted to read HP again :think


Beth - It is nice to know what's going on even when the answer's not good, I do agree with you :yes You'd be surprised how many patients I send for an MRI or EMG that want to argue with me when the test comes back negative :eek You think they'd be happy, but they just get frustrated because there's no answer. Well, at least it appears to be no answer, but necessary tools to narrow down and rule out other stuff :yes


Stacy - Good luck with your classes, you're going to be very busy :yes I took an astronomy class in undergrad and I did enjoy it. But, there was more involved than what I bargained for....I just wanted to learn the constellations :lol It sure was very interesting though :yes


Joanne - Have a good evening, I just had some pizza for dinner and it sure was yummy :D

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Evening all!


Joanne-you are going to finish your flannel ghan in no time! WTG! I have been wanting to make another one, yellow/black for my brother in-law, just have to get the courage to start...I have so many projects floating around that I think I must get something finished before I go crazy. :yes


Marisa-busy days are good but can be so exhausting. I'm not a phone person either but do like to keep in touch with my sister's. I wish that there was another way???:think


Stacy-you are going to take a full load! wow! Hope you get into the classes you want. :hug


Beth-how was your day?


I did it! I made a candle! whew! It was scary but I am learning, have to wait 24 hours for it to set before I can burn it. I want to test the burning time, flame and all that good stuff. I feel like a mad scientist, trying to figure out formulas and read everything I can so that I can make sure I am being safe and other's will be safe too. I ordered more wax yesterday and ordered the wrong one.:angry it wasn't a total loss, I can still use it but had to place another order for pillar candles. other than that, still plugging away ever so slowly on the ripple. I am hoping to finish it soon.


off to crochet! hugs n squishes!

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LeeAnn - Sorry to hear about the wax mishap, but :yay for being able to use it anyway.


Well ladies,


Here is my baby blanket that is now all packaged up and ready for the post office in the morning. I kinda feel bad that there's nothing for the boys in there. But I'm making 2 more cardigans for the baby, so I'm thinking of making the boys some slippers that match their xmas afghans, since I have leftovers from each :think We'll see.


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Good morning!


Beautiful afghan Marisa!!! Madeline will soon be wrapped in love!!! Slippers sound like a great idea to match their afghans!


LeeAnn- You go girl- with your lotions/potions/and now candles!!! How fun!!! Enjoy being the 'mad scientist'!!!! What's on your hook? I didn' work on the flannel'ghan- but since it's for me- I'm not in a huge hurry to have it done- I started another scarf last night- building up some inventory- so maybe I can sell some next fall- we'll see....


Time to get ready for another day in Paradise- with more snow on the forecast tonight into tomorrow I'm hoping that I can work from home tomorrow- in my pj's!!!


Cya later! Oh, and it's been awhile- but remember your vitamins!

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Good morning,


Marisa, the blanket is lovely, just like your niece.


Joanne, have a good day in Paradise. I hope it goes well.


LeaAnn, you are the busy lady. I can't wait to hear how the soy candle goes for you. What scent did you pick for your first one?


Stacy, your college courses sound very interesting. I hope you get into something that isn't on the weekend. It's good to hear that Mia is gaining weight.


Mary, Colleen, LeaAnne, Sarah, Shannon, Vicki, have a great Thursday.


Today I need to get new lightbulbs for the middle brake light on my son's car, then get the darned thing inspected, and the oil changed. I also tutor. And that's all.

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Thanks for the compliments on my baby blanket ladies :hug :hug


Well, we've had a turn of events last night for the worse. My cousin had a major brain bleed and is in ICU on a vent right now until my parents get there since my mom is the power of attorney. Her living will states that she does not want to be kept alive on any machines. There's nothing they can do to correct it due to its severity so once they pull the vent, she's anticipated to breathe a little while on her own since she does have some breath sounds, but not long. My mom sounds like she's holding it together fairly well, but I think my bro is going to be extremely emotional. My sister and I are both in the medical profession, so we tend to have a different outlook on these things than he does. Plus, I think it also gets to him that he's so far away :think At any rate, I choose to believe that she was about to have a long and hard road ahead of her and that this will keep her from suffering :yes


Thanks for listening :hug

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Hugs to you, Marisa!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug Your family will be in my prayers. I'm sure it is difficult to hear, especially since the outlook was so good yesterday. Sounds like you have a very matter-of-fact perspective, though- I hope that your brother can see it the way you do. Love and hugs!!

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Things have been hectic here last day or so. Doug is going hunting with his brother and dad so trying to find everything (since of course he waited til last minute to pack and find everything). Tomorrow and Saturday are going to be tough for Keith cause other than when I babysat he hasn't been away from Daddy for even a day and when I babysat he had Hannah and Zack to play with so he was distracted. Other than that nothing much goes on here. Hope you all have a good weekend. I'm off to the store and library. Trying to keep up with books for Keith is fun...

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Marisa- My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time. And I totally understand what you mean about having a different perspective when you are in the medical profession. It doesn't make it any easier when it is someone you love, but it does make it more understandable. Many hugs/prayers for you and your family!!!:hug:hug:hug:hug


Sarah- Keith just might surprise you!!! And especially if you keep him busy!


We are supposed to get snow tonight into tomorrow, and if we do, I can work from home!!!! Yippee!!!!

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Thank you ladies :hug :hug :hug


You are all such great friends and a wonderful support system :hug :hug :hug She passed at 11:15, so didn't make it very long on her own :no But as I said before, I almost think it's for the best and will prevent her having to deal with the very long and hard road of fighting leukemia :yes


So now I'll be heading home sunday, they're having the viewing and mass in my hometown monday morning. Then she'll be transferred to the mother house in newfield, nj and have a viewing there monday night and burial on tuesday. I already told my friend she could stay over sat night for her seminar this weekend and picked up an extra ticket for her to go to the sixers game with me and mary sat night. Otherwise, I'd have gone home earlier and told mary to take someone with her.


My mom seems to be holding up exceptionally well and I'm thinking it just didn't hit her yet :think We'll have relatives flying in from many places so I told my dad if anyone needs a ride sunday morning (or even a little later, I'd wait) I'm leaving then since philly is the closest big airport.


Sarah - :xfin that Keith does ok without daddy.


I hope everyone had a good day :hug :hug :hug

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Marisa- You now have a very special angel looking over you and watching you and your family. That's how I chose to deal with with the loss of my Mom and then 5 years later my Dad. It's never easy losing someone you love but I think that God didn't want her to suffer so he took her quickly!


My prayers and thoughts are with all of you -:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Thanks again ladies :hug :hug :hug


And LeeAnn - Feel free to babble and share your stories regardless of how trivial you feel it is during my hardship. I love coming in here to chat with you ladies and enjoy listening to what you all are up to. No reason to feel you can't continue because I've had a rough day :hug :hug :hug Like I said, I forsaw alot of challenges and I prayed to the good lord to take her quickly or give her a miracle and cure her, so my prayers have been answered. The fact remains that our lives still move forward and you girls always manage to make me smile, even on the bad days. In a 4 day period, my family has gained a new member and lost another. So while we are grieving in one aspect, we are celebrating in another :think


I hope you all have a wonderful day tomorrow and TGIF!!! Please feel free to carry on all silly conversations as usual :wink:lol


:hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug

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