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HI all,

Colleen- It sure does sound like you have been busy. I love WW!!! I've lost 8 lbs- and I still eat lots of things- it's not a DIET that restricts you into what you can and can't have. I've learned how to eyeball portion sizes- which I think is alot of people's downfall- it's the eating in moderation and healthy eating that is key. I don't feel like I've been dieting, yet am very cognizant of what i'm putting in my mouth!!! Good luck to you and dh- I sure wish my DH was doing it too!!!


Marisa- Congrats on your Sixers win- and glad you made it without too much trouble to your Mom's. Have a great weekend!


Just waiting for everyone to finish getting ready and then we'll be heading out the door.


It's a beautiful sunny, although cold day out there- but we'll all be wearing nice warm cowls!!!

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My arm is feeling better but it will be really good when the cast comes off in 5 more weeks as long as the surgeon doesn't do any thing to it. Iam keeping my fingers cross on that one. I have NOT had a pain pill in 3 days now :cheer:cheer:cheer for me.

Tomorrow Iam going to DD'S to babysit and Mom is coming with me to babysit me :lol Son-in-law is meeting us have way.

I tried crocheting and I can do a little but not to much cause then my wrist hurts.

I found a couple of games on the computer that I can play so that helps. I like it that someone said to sort my yarn stach but have you forgotten how much yarn I have ?????????

I hope everyone is having a great weekend

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Good morning.


Had a wonderful day with family yesterday- and BC campus is beautiful! It was particularly gorgeous since there is so much snow on all the trees and there are lots of old buildings on campus. My nephew is very lucky to be able to attend BC which is very competitive to get into and I'm happy that he is loving it there. We had a great time at the game (girls CAN play hockey amazingly well). Unfortunately BC lost but it was fun none-the-less.


We went to dinner at a French restaurant and we all had a great time just visiting and chatting it up. Good times.


We stopped on the way home to DD's and got the ingredients for dinner tonight. We decided to walk the mile back to her house! I think we all got a good workout- especially when we all had to trek over snowpiles where people didn't shovel the sidewalks. It was invigorating!


Mary - glad you found some games to keep you occupied and I chuckled when I read that you crocheted a little! WTG on now pain pills for 3 days and hope you have fun babysitting- I'm sure that will be a very welcome distraction!


Hope you all have a wonderful day- and I'm going to go get another cup of coffee and enjoy the quiet and the sun coming up shining on the snow-covered branches!

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Mary - I'm glad you're finding things to do :hug and :yay for 3 days pill free :hug Hang in there.


Joanne - Sounds like a great visit so far with your dd's :yes Enjoy!!!


Well ladies...................


I have a niece :clap:yay:cheer:bounce:woo


Madeline was born early morning today weighing in at 6lb 10oz and 19.5" long :D I'm still waiting to get some pics :lol And with 3 of my 4 grandparents (none of whom are still living) having their bdays in january on 13, 15, and 17.....she managed to get one in between so she didn't have to share :think:lol


I'm gonna get going. I'm driving back later today so will probably stop back in tonight once I'm back home.

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Marisa, congratulations on your new niece!!! I hope mama and baby are both healthy and happy.


Mary, so good to hear positive news from you. I"m glad you are pain free. And as far as organizing your stash, it would keep you busy for a long time. I thought we were trying to come up with ideas of things you can do to occupy your previous crochet time. Enjoy the grandbabies. That sounds like a fun way to spend a week.


Joanne, your vacation sounds like heaven!!! I am glad you are enjoying yourself. How wonderful that your daughters are your friends, too, now that they are adults.


Well, I chaperoned my daughter's first date. We went to IHOP (which I do not recommend to anyone who is gluten free) Then back to his house. I talked to his mom and sister for a while, then he seranaded all of us on the baby grand piano. :c9 He played a Chopin song. It was unbelieveable.


Came home to a virus on the main computer. It took all evening and all morning for my daughter and me to get it straightened out.


I hope your days are great!!! Happy Sunday!

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Beth - thanks and glad to hear the date went well ;) Sorry about the computer though and I would've been in heaven listening to that young man play the piano :manyheart


:yay Jets!!!!


I'm back in Philly and unpacked. I played my new Michael Jackson dance game that was delivered on friday. Played for a little over an hour and I'm pretty sore :lol My SIL sent me a pic of the boys with our new young lady so I'll get on with my phone in a bit to share the pic of the kids :D


Catch y'all later, I need to get crocheting on the blanket too :yes


Oh, and LeeAnn - My package was waiting for me patiently in my mailbox when I got home :yay:clap:cheer I haven't tried any yet, but am very excited :bounce:woo

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They sure are Beth. I talked to the oldest one yesterday morning, that's Caleb and he's 6. I asked him what they were doing and he said 'nothing, just waiting for madeline to come out' :lol Too cute. Him and Joshua (the 4 yo holding the baby) called today to give us the good news (well, they didn't know we already heard from my bro and sil) and they were very excited :yes My mom asked Caleb if he was going to help him mommy when she got home because she's probably tired and he said 'she's exhausted' :lol Oh, and they told us all about the umbilical cord :eek:think:lol Kids are something else :yes

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Great pic of the boys welcoming Madeline, Marisa! And really? they told you about the umbilical cord? Amazing what kids know now a days!!!!


:rofl Yep, and it was Joshua, the middle one standing in at a whole of age 4 :eek Well, I gotta hand it to my bro and sil that when the kids ask questions, they just tell them, no beating around the bush :lol They don't have cable, so definitely didn't learn it on tv :think

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Good morning from sunny, COLD Boston! 11 degrees right now!!! Snow in the forecast for tomorrow- with snow/ice in CT- of course, my traveling day- Waiting for everyone to arise from their slumber to plan what we'll do. Hope you all have a great day!

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Be safe, Joanne!!!


I am just tired, and I have a house full of teens scheduled to arrive. And since I spent yesterday wrestling with a computer virus, I need to get two days of work done this morning. And did I mention I'm tutoring in there, too???


I hope you have a great day.

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Hiya friends!

Marisa-Congratulations on little but oh so sweet Madeline! So happy for all of you! Glad that your package was delivered, I hope you like everything.

Joanne-what a great time you are having with your family! The mile walk home sounded like an adventure for sure. WTG on the 8 pounds! Amazing!

Mary-do you have an entire room dedicated to yarn? Glad that you were able to go three days w/out meds.

Beth-hope your day isn't too stressful.

We have had a fun filled weekend. Saturday we drove up to Pueblo to meet with my sister and her family to exchange gifts. We had lunch together and did a little bit of shopping. I bought a candle kit and book, so excited! Then we stopped at my friend Rose's house for coffee. Yesterday was spent running a few errands, lunch with the in-laws and crocheting. Today has been a lazy day, we watched the first Harry Potter movie, as dh has joined the band wagon and has read the first book. phone's rining will be back soon!

hugs n squishes!

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Ok so I got the computer back and then got sidetracked... I only finished two projects the whole time the computer was gone. Yesterday Doug was off work and took Keith to his Grandparents house so I had a nice quiet day. Got out a 1000 piece Thomas Kinkade puzzle I found at a thrift store over a year ago and finally put it together. Got so caught up in it that I lost track of time and finished it at 4 am this morning. Though I did leave a few pieces out and let Keith put them in the puzzle this morning. He loved that he got to "help" mommy with her puzzle. =0)


Here's what I made:


a scrunchie



and a blanket for Keith's play kennel his great grandparents got him for his lovey (stuffed blue puppy I bought before he was born)


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Oh almost forgot... Here's January's picture. I will be taking a themed picture each month this year of Keith with the picture following a holiday or something that's appropriate for each month to do a Calendar for next year...


January is New Year's



oh and drink in his glass is sparkling cider as to me it's not New Year's Eve w/o it


I'm still debating on what to do for February. One thing I'm considering is dressing Keith up as Cupid...

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:hi everyone


:think Is it a holiday in the US today?


Marisa - Oh what a beautiful pic of those gorgeous kids. 3 boys and then a girl, what a blessing (lucky mom got her girl ;)).


Beth - So how does your DD say the undate went? Sounds like he is a talented young man! Isn't that funny that all 3 of your kids started dating within a few months of each other.


Sarah - Nice pics of the projects and Keith.


Joanne - It was -20 Celsius here this morning when I walked the kids to school. They didn't let them outside for recess today until the 2:15 recess. Chilly! :wbrr


Mary - Sorry to hear that you hurt yourself. :clap for being drug free. Have fun with the grands.


I had a busy day. Looking forward to a relaxing evening. :sigh


I hope everyone has a good one.

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Hey ladies :hi


I had quite a peaceful day :yes Work was slow and I left at lunch time to go to the sixer game, which we won in over time :clap:yay Then stopped at ACM for another skein for the baby blanket and just got home not long ago.


Joanne - I can't say it enough....be very careful driving tomorrow :yes


Beth - How did the teen gathering and tutoring go?


LeeAnn - Your weekend sounds wonderful :manyheart and how exciting that dh is enjoying HP too :yes I used my lotion bar this morning and really like it's moisturizing ability :lol


Sarah - So sweet to save a few pieces to let Keith help with the puzzle. He looks adorable bringing in the new year :yes


Colleen - Yes, today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in the US.

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Hi all,


quick stop in to let you all know I am home-safe and sound- didn't want to chance the snow/ice that was forecast from Boston to CT- and driving home in that was not my idea of fun. So, my DD and BF were disappointed since we didn't get to the Museum of Fine Arts - we were planning that for today, but I know they understood that the weather was a concern.


I still have off tomorrow so plan to do some reading and crocheting- and missing Boston!

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Joanne, thanks so much for letting us know you are home safely. I really enjoyed hearing about your trip.


Marisa, a slow day at work can be a very nice thing. HOoray for the sixers winning in overtime! I'll bet that was very exciting to watch. The teen gathering was smaller than expected, and very odd.... My oldest son went to his girlfriend's house to hang out with her. My younger son's girlfriend came over. The boy my daughter had her un-date with came over, so all of my children were part of a couple.... Very weird -- mixed emotions.. But since I really like everyone, and they all get along so well, I guess I'm quite lucky. It was a very nice day.


Colleen, well, I had my 3 kids within 18 months from the oldest to the youngest, so they do tend to start new things at the same time. I foresee a very rough time with the empty nest hitting hard and fast... Oh well. I'll think about the craft room I will get.


Sarah, your monthly themed picture idea is very cute. We also have groundhog day and president's day in February. He'd look adorable in a powdered wig or a stovepipe hat.


LeaAnn, your house sounds like a Harry Potter fan zone!!! Does your dd like the books and movie?


Mary, I guess you are baby sitting now. I hope you are getting lots of love!!!


LeaAnne, I'm sure you are very busy. I hope your chickens are well, and so are you.


Stacy, my dh gave me a giftcard he got from his boss for Christmas to a restaurant called Silver Diner. They have a lot of gluten free items, including a brownie sundae, and they sound very healthy. I thought of you, since you seem to eat healthy!


Vicki and Shannnon, missing you!


I was going to get my son's car inspected this morning, but decided that my bed needs my attention too much, and I don't want to make it feel bad. I hope you all have a nice day. I'm going to go back to sleep!!!

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Good morning


Turns out that the weather forecast was spot on- it is a snowy ice mix out there this morning- even here in NJ- and when I checked the weather- it is snow up in Boston. So I made the right decision in coming home a day early which makes me feel better since I felt so bad that DD and BF didn't get to the MFA.


Sarah- That is a great idea of taking a monthly pic of Keith for a calendar for next year. The idea of dressing him like Cupid is really cute- or you could dress him like Abe Lincoln or George Washington for President's Day- but I think Cupid is cuter!! I like the projects you've been working on too.


LeeAnn- Sounds like you had a very nice weekend visiting with your sis and family. The candle kit sounds intriguing- what kind of candles will you be making?


Colleen- I sure hope your plans for a relaxing evening panned out for you!!! And you win the cold contest! Wow -20C is = to -4 farenheit-- and I thought I was cold yesterday at 11 F!! Stay bundled up and warm!!


Marissa- be careful out there on your way to work this morning! At least you go in a little later on Tuesdays- maybe it'll be all rain by then!


Beth- Hope your day went by ok - despite the setback with the computer virus- UGH!!! Crossing fingers here, but ever since using a Mac- never had one- that's why I'll always have apple computers!!


Stacy, LeaAnne, Shannon, Mary--thinking of you and sending hugs.


Off for my morning coffee and do the laundry from my trip. It is kind of nice to have a whole day at home before heading back to paradise tomorrow!

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Hey ladies!


I can't tell you how many times I've clicked "reply" in the past few days, only to cancel because I've been interrupted by a child in need of something. Now that they're all asleep, maybe I can finish a post! :lol


Joanne, :cheer for making it home, safe and sound, before the storm hit! Sorry you had to cut your visit short and miss out on the museum, but I'm sure dd realized "Mom knows best" once she saw the snow and ice. :wink Enjoy your extra day off before returning to paradise.


Sarah, what a cute photo of Keith. Your projects are nice, too, and I really like that idea of the calendar!


Colleen, as always- you are so busy! I don't know where you get the energy. I hope your weekend was nice and relaxed. :hug


Leeann, your weekend with your sis sounds wonderful! I'm with Joanne- the candle kit does sound intriguing! Glad to hear your ds has jumped on the HP bandwagon! :yay Another fan in the making. :lol And I also have been using the lotion bar daily- I am in :manyheart.


Beth, your teen gathering sounds nice. I'm sure it is a bit weird to have all of your kids dating (or un-dating :lol) now. Yikes @ your computer virus! Glad you got it all straightened out- those things can really make you :loco!! The diner sounds really neat! Not a lot of gluten-free options out here, as far as dining out goes. Oh! I can't believe I forgot to tell you this- So, at Mia's appt. last year (where she had the blood test for CD) she had only gained 3 lbs in 2 years. :eek The ped. tried to say that she is "following her own curve," but for a 5 year old, that is not much at all. She has been completely gluten-free for 4 months now, and last time we went to the dr., she had gained 4 lbs in those 4 months!! :whew That's more like it. :yes


Well, my alarm just went off, which means it is time to get the girls going for school. Love and hugs to all that I missed! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning ladies :hi


Well I was taking notes to respond to y'all, but then I got a call from my mom telling me that her cousing, the one that's a nun, has just been diagnosed with Leukemia last night. They're on their way now up to Geisinger (the local hospital isn't great and sends all the big stuff out) so my mom is following the ambulance up there, which will be about a half hour ride. It's apparently the beginnng stages, so we're very hopeful at this point. She's had a horribly stuffy nose for over a month now for which she's been to and from the doc a hundred times with different meds that just weren't working. Last night went to the ER after being unable to breathe, so I guess now we have an answer :( Her sister has been fighting cancer for 12 years as well. I told my mom to keep me posted once they get to geisinger and I'm sure they'll run all the tests over again before doing anything. My mom grabbed snacks from her pantry since she didn't have time for any bfast with all the running, so I told her to make sure she goes to get something when they take her in for her testing :yes I'll update you ladies later on when I get home from work, but now I need to go get ready for work.

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