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WIPs run amok!

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Do you all ever feel like the WIPs are just completely off the rails???


I swear, I have a sock project going that I keep in the car as a take-along project, the snowflake sweater that I work on at home in the morning, the summer top that I'm working on during lunch during work, and now I'm contemplating starting a crochet round ripple project for the evenings.


It's a sickness, I swear! :eek

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Guilty as charged!!


My biggest project is a graphghan that my mother asked me to help with. But I'm obviously sick of it, because I keep starting other projects....then I feel bad for not working on the graphghan and go back to it. The other projects keep calling to me, though! Besides the graphghan, I have an Oasis wrap for a friend in the works, some face-cloths for another friend, my weight loss ghan, a hexagon ghan, and I just ordered yarn to make a comfortghan for a friend who just had a series of small strokes. :eek


WHY do I keep doing this to myself??? I know that if I just finished that graphghan, everything would fall into place - but it's SO SLOW going! I do a few rows a day and put it down. :sigh Maybe I should designate one day a week to just do other things and concentrate on the graphghan the rest of the week. I don't know, but I need to figure something out! :sigh

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Only 3? You should see my bag of WIPs... A couple sweaters, at least two afghans, hats, and a bunch of other stuff... :lol I keep starting new stuff too, but I'll either finish or frog 'em eventually.

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well I can say I'm having the same problem I was working on a bold blocks afghan, sweater coat for myself, tried a new scarf, mittens for my daughter. So maybe 4 not really sure that's just my guess I have the same problem if a pattern gets frustrating I just move on to something else and then there goes some more wips for me I think eventually I'll get it done lol

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I rarely have less than 3 things on the go, usually more. Sometimes it all swings along nicely, but there's other times when I feel panicked! I like to have a variety of projects to work on, to suit my mood/concentration. And some things are easier on the hands (physically) than others. I really can't imagine just having one WIP!

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I have lots of little items in separate baggies and those in separate various totes....its ridiculous. Just yesterday I started the finishing on a child's hoodie that I had the pieces done for but not yet sewn up. I'm happy to write I have 1 sleeve to seam and then it's done. I could have completed it at lunch today, but I just didn't have the strength...lol

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oh yea i got a RR sitting on the back of my chair that isnt quite done yet another think pink one the shades of green is in a drawer for now just not into green lol lol and i have started that big project and its going strong but i got a new square pattern from foxy this week and i tried it out last night and i love it i am sure ill be making those squares too i had some yarn already picked out for them in fact when i saw the pattern in her etsy i said oh yea thats perfect the rest is history heheheheheheh send help im losing it heheheeh

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I'm usually pretty good about keeping my WIPs under control. I don't like to have more than two things going at a time, but I have recently begun to lose that battle! :lol


Last year, I made afghans for every member of my family for their birthdays (14 of them, I think.) The only time I would have more than one or two projects going at once was if I had multiple birthdays in one month, and they all had to be completed by the same date. (Our family usually has a monthly dinner for either birthdays or holidays, and we celebrate all of them at the same time.)


The final gift of the year was for my oldest nephew (who is actually just 7 years younger than I am) for his December 30 birthday. It was almost 3/4 done, and I showed it to him on Christmas and told him that I'd get it to him the next time I saw him, which would be for my Dad's birthday party in February. I thought that I had plenty of time to finish it.


Right after Christmas I ordered some yarn with gift cards that I received as gifts. I made alterations to a sweater that I had made for my neice as a Christmas gift, and I worked on my nephew's afghan. Then, before the weekend was over, I fell and tore my ACL. I was on pain meds for a couple of days (so I didn't feel like crocheting...just sleeping) and then went back to work right before New Year's Day. My new yarn came, and I started on a sweater for me...still thinking I had plenty of time for my nephew's afghan.


Then, the first week of January, I found out that I was going to have to have surgery on my knee. So, I started trying to get everything done at work so that I could take off a week or more for surgery. I',m the only accountant, so I had to get all of the year-end stuff, including W-2s, done before I had surgery on the 14th. I had no idea when I would be back to work. So, I didn't do much crocheting before surgery because I was too tired from all of the long hours I was working.


While I was recovering, I signed up for a class here at Crochetville. I'm still working on that project. I still have not finished my nephew's afghan, and I have to give it to him one week from today! Ack!!!! :eek I've been forcing myself to work on it a little this week, but I'd so much rather work on the two other projects!


I will get it finished! :cheer I just hate it when I have projects that I would rather do instead of working on the one that I have to do! :blush

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A while back there was a UFO CAL (unfinished object) and WIP CAL. There might be some type of "finish it now" CAL going on. Check the CAL board. That's how I got all my stuff done and now I'm in the Stash Busting CAL.

Ellie 13

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What is a weight loss ghan?:shrug


Weight loss ghan? I don't know. Maybe you make it and slowly unravel it?


:lol It's a CAL! Go on over to the CAL section and read about it!

We're all doing a certain part of an afghan (one motif per lb, two motifs per lb, or 5 rows per lb, etc.) I'm 12 lbs behind! :lol

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