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Is it just me?

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So in the mad rush to get things done before Christmas my mom and I sat down yesterday and wrapped all the gifts that were ready to go. Well guess what? I didn't take pictures of any of them!


Seriously I made hats, wrist warmers, scarves, kitchen sets, all sorts of things and didn't take any pictures. Ugh. I am definitely not unwrapping them just to photograph them either.


Please tell me I'm not the only one that has done this.

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Oh no! Does that mean we're going to have to miss out on looking at all the goodies you made? :( I so enjoy going to "jShow-and-Tell" or looking at people's albums and blogs so I appreciate everyone taking pictures of their FOs. So that wouldn't happen to me I've tried to take pics of everything shortly after I finish them, and now that I think about it I do have several things that need to be photographed...

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I will try to take pictures when they open them but some family isn't going to be there for Christmas so I won't get pictures of those unless they take them for me which isn't likely. If its for my immediate family I can get pictures after though.


Glad to know its not just me. I almost did it again just a minute ago though with a scarf and wrist warmers I just finished *smacking self in forehead. But I remembered just in time. lol

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Do it all the time, especially when in hurry to move on to something else. Doesn't have to be Holidays either. And if I do take pics, I am too busy to take the time to download, upload, copy and paste to post them. :lol, guess it just wasn't meant to have it's pic taken, (like me I always run and hide when someone breaks out a camera)...

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My sympathy! I do that too. Or I photo things but don't get around to posting it. I currently have about six items waiting to be "show & tell" :blush And of course by now I've forgotten the detail such as where I found the pattern and I always feel bad if I don't share that.


Hope you manage to get some pics of everyone enjoying their gifts, and be sure to post them here :lol

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I do that too! I cannot believe how often. I keep trying to get photos of one particularly difficult afghan I made for my Father-in-laws 80th birthday. My son got one and then lost his memory card. I went to take one on my last visit and my camera batteries were dead. I took off for batteries and never slowed down again to use the new batteries! Grrr. It is a graph ghan!

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