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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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Aaah, I missed it AGAIN! Oh well, nothing to report except that my stash GREW thanks to buying to yucky yarn that I wound up not liking at all so I replaced it with more.


1 WTD (for winding a ball) / -32 YTD

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Okay, I totally have to start making blankets that consist of just one color. So I get the title of Shoot the Moon for this week, and with more yarn on the way this as well. I heard that the glow in the dark yarn was going to be discontinued, and had to have that for a Christmas project I have in mind.....So yeah it's like that... Hmmmm, I guess buying really does hurt the bottom line in a stash busting game. At least it isn't my total stash, I would never be able to crochet up all of that yarn , well maybe if I like never bought another skien and only crocheted with what I have in my house then maybe just maybeI could use up most of it. Not that I am that bad, but my mother in law lived with me up until her passing and she was a knitter, and was just as in love with yarn as I am. So a lot of the yarn I still have is from the both of us, and we had different tastes in color choices. Okay after this next shipment, I promise not to buy anymore yarn this year (fingers and toes crossed behind my back )


Have a good weekend Ladies.. And don't forget you may Shoot the Moon just as well as I can one week

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Im frustrated and p****d off. I had a perfectly good skein of Patons Grace which I had started crocheting a bag out of, well my son decided to take the skein and now its tangled beyond tangled and I worked for five hours trying to untangle it. My fingertips are sore and my hands are cramped up and a bag that would have been finished by now is now probably never going to be finished.

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well I can't say I finished much of a skein today but at least I didn't buy yarn though it was so tempting because Bernat Satin sport and Red Heart Designer sport are on sale I guess I'll have to look at it tomorrow

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Hey, CroJulee! Should we congratulate you for not shooting the moon this week?:rofl


Yeah, I know that I'm on a bit of a buying streak lately but I am trying to bust through some of it. :cheerI've been knitting :crocheting(and crocheting) dish cloths like crazy lately (luckily most of the skeins I'm using aren't the big ones).


Here's a link to some of what I've been working on: My Recent Dishcloths (knit)





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Starting an afghan to donate for the school's PTO auction. Pretty pink coordinates is what I am using. The skeins are pretty big, so not a lot of points this week.



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I joined in this group some time back. I want to know how you do this C A L :)Can you help in this.I want to start some project.Thank you.


You can do any project you have in your mind to do. This CAL is for when you buy yarn you subtract 2 points for every skein you purchase, and 1 point for any ball you get. Now you add 2 for any skein you use and 1 for any half skein or ball you use up. This is for helping you get rid of your stash, and try to keep you from buying more yarn.

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well... it's looking like my stash won't be bustin' this week...


I am shaping up for one of those ":scrachin ... :idea" weeks, and until I get it all out of this little brain, I need to leave my :hook on the table!


I still have some comfortghan squares to finish, a scarf/hat set (sold), and an afghan for a toddler bed (sold) I am working on these (in the order listed) during "brain cramps!" :rofl


we'll have to see what happens... either way, it sure is gonna be a fun ride!

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I joined in this group some time back. I want to know how you do this C A L :)Can you help in this.I want to start some project.Thank you.


Cut and Pasted from the first post in the thread:


If your new to our very addictive game, here are the rules!


Everyone who's going to join us, put a line in your signature for Stashbusting Score. Example: Week to date (WTD) +6 Year to date (YTD) -615


Post your scores by midnight on Saturday. Shortly after, we'll tally the scores and see who is that week's winners. To help us find your final score among the other posts, make it obvious! Like this: My final score for this week is -56 but we hope that your scores will be positive! :eek:clap


Posting time is 8am EASTERN TIME Sunday.

For every SKEIN of yarn you use up completely, you get 2 points.

For every SKEIN of yarn you turn into a small ball, you get 1 point.

For every ball of yarn you use, you get 1 point.


For every SKEIN you buy, get given or inherit, you LOSE 2 points!!!

For every BALL you buy, receive or inherit, you LOSE 1 point!


Clarification: for those of you confused by my terms. "A Skein" is a brand-new bundle of yarn, a whole unit you buy at the store (or its equivalent, if you wind into cakes) "A Ball" is when you use up half or more of the skein and have to wind it by hand to prevent it from getting knotted.


You will only get 2 points total for any one skein. 2 points if you use the whole thing all at once. Or, one point if you're using a partial skein started on another project and FINISH it off. Or, a point if you start a skein and use it on a project, then have to store it because your project is done.


It's just a fun game for some of us who have a bit more than we need to bring our stash down to manageable proportions.


Of course, when your stash is gone, the prize is that you GET TO BUY MORE!!!! :rofl


This is an on-going CAL - Feel free to join at any time!


This was brought up a few times in the old thread:

When you start playing with us for the first time, you DON'T count what's in your stash. For some of us, that's just impossible! You get points when you use up what's in your stash, or lose points when you add to your stash. Also, points are counted if you crochet OR knit. __________________

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I ended up not even picking up my hook Saturday. Bugged me cause I really wanted to get those blue flowers made, but my hands could use the break. After making 40 something flowers and a part of a regular granny I finished up another skein of :yarn. :yay


Today I'm going to start weaving in ends until I get tired of that then I'll start the next row of them. Ready to move on to the next part. :yes


Hope everyone has a great week of :crocheting.

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well I'm working on making the rest of my skein of yarn into a ball so +1 there so next I will finish working on the rest of the bear and then maybe after that sew him together

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I was so good. I had 7 skeins of yarn in my cart, and then put it all back. Only walked out with some knitting needles that I had a 40% off coupon for. It was so hard to do that at Hobby Lobby.


But then I just received a call from a lady at my knitting/crochet group that someone has donated TWO large rubbermaid containers of yarn to our group. Yikes, there goes my score back into the negatives. But, it is FREE yarn, so that makes it ok.



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I've been away for over a week, but FINALLY I used up a skein on a project. So my score for the week so far is:


+2 WTD / +3 YTD

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