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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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well today for the 2nd day in a row didn't buy any yarn yeah though we'll see about that tomorrow what will happen

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thought I was late to post and then took another look at the rules... realized that I was really early. I donated a whole lot of yarn to my church as it is soon to be revival time and we are making prayer shawls. Thought I was late in posting but since I didn't donate the yarn until Sunday evening, I guess that goes on next weeks score right? Anyway let me know and do you just post the one time or whenever you get a chance before midnight on Saturday?

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thought I was late to post and then took another look at the rules... realized that I was really early. I donated a whole lot of yarn to my church as it is soon to be revival time and we are making prayer shawls. Thought I was late in posting but since I didn't donate the yarn until Sunday evening, I guess that goes on next weeks score right? Anyway let me know and do you just post the one time or whenever you get a chance before midnight on Saturday?

You post whenever you can before Midnight on Saturday. The most important step to getting your score included is to use BIG NUMBERS and BRIGHT COLORS for your posted scores, so they stand out. There are many pages of posts to go through to find all the scores, so I appreciate the help. Thanks, and great job busting stash!!!:hug

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Didn't get any crocheting done yesterday. Went to Illinois State University for a tour with DD. It's a nice school and I think she will be happy there.



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:clapJust finished a dishcloth for dishcloth Tuesdays, and used up a ball of yarn, in fact, I had to make the scalloped edge in a different color, ran out before I could finish.

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I went to buy more pink and ended up buying 4 skeins total. Got home and I bought the wrong pink. :angry So at some point I'll have to go buy the right one. So frustrating!!


The other three will be for another project down the line. I just really liked the two colors and I have been looking at them for a couple weeks now. I just have to find the a granny square with a flower that I like for them.


I keep telling myself I'm not gonna buy more. I should just stop saying that. :blush


Happy :crocheting everyone!


Adding to say... I finished another bath puff today, another +2 for me. I have another skein of cotton I have to decide if I want to turn into either another puff or maybe a dish/wash cloth. Maybe I'll work on that this afternoon.

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i havn't checked my computer since last wensday. so i missed the tally last week (which is just as well since i wasn't keeping track.) i think i went through 5 or 6 skien of yarn on a baby blanket that is almost done. i should be done with it some time tonight, i'll post my updated score for the last week and a half, later on today.

getting snowed in yesterday helped bring down a skien though.

oh and i needed to hit Smiley's yarn store to pick up enough yarn to finish this project so i'm further in the negs.

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Let's see.... Yesterday I finished a skein and bought 1 skein so that canceled each other out. Leaving me still at +2 for the week.


Today I bought another skein canceling out the +2 for the week now giving me 0 :lol I still need to buy one more skein of yarn. (I'm buying them one a day with my 40% off coupon at HL :heehee )

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Well, I got a lot of crocheting done today-- I went through 2 more skeins and I am almost done with my shawl. I will endeavor to at least be at 0 by the end of the week!

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I'm at +2 so far for the week, not bad at all considering it's only Tuesday! :D I hope to stay in the positives this week - I have a couple coupons from Michael's that are tempting me, plus they have some pretty good stuff on clearance...I must resist the urge!

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Oh Krystal.... I got that HUGE box of yarn today. If I counted right there was:

25 full skeins of yarn

6 partial skeins/balls of yarn


I made 6 of the full skeins of yarn into balls so that would mean -56 + 6= -50


So that's -50 for me today. OY. Thanks Krystal (lol).



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*big loud enormous gasp* That's the same one I saw over a year ago and wanted to do! Thank you thank you thank you! You're the best!



Yes I am easily exciteable


Here's one: Star Baby Afghan

And here's one: Chromium Star Blanket

There's a few other free ones online.


I didn't get a single stitch made today. Oh well, maybe tomorrow.

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Ugh! Went to work tonight and went down the yarn aisle. Got the pink yarn I needed, haven't compared it yet, but hopefully it is from the same lot or close enough.


Also bought some more white, to replace what I used from other afghans on this afghan.


Plus I got some brown to make a squirrel for a friend. HeHe.


So add another -10 to my score. I'll beginning to wonder if I will see 0 or pluses again, or at least anytime soon.

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*big loud enormous gasp* That's the same one I saw over a year ago and wanted to do! Thank you thank you thank you! You're the best!



Yes I am easily exciteable


Yay! Great, I'm glad that worked for you. Found them with the help of the ever life saving Ravelry pattern search. :cheer

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Yay! Great, I'm glad that worked for you. Found them with the help of the ever life saving Ravelry pattern search. :cheer


I kept screwing up the first two rows from my stupidity, and had to keep doing them over and over for an hour and a half just to get it right...it made me feel stupid but now I'm doing alright.

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I kept screwing up the first two rows from my stupidity, and had to keep doing them over and over for an hour and a half just to get it right...it made me feel stupid but now I'm doing alright.


Nah, we all mess up. The important thing is you kept working at it. I was working on a shawl yesterday and I got to a part that was hard and I just had to put it down. I was too sick to even try to figure it out yet, haha. Darn Solomon's Knots!!

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