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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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Well, I guess I'm not the only one falling off the wagon this week.


I used up one skein last night, so that will help my score a little bit.


Now if I can just stay out of JoAnn's next week, I'll be ok.



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I hope to make some progress with my stashbusting. I am back to working on rose cathedral windows afghan. I'm tired of it, but it will use up the yarn. It is so big, I just keep going round and round.:laughrollI think I'm going:loco, Now I am going back to my :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting.

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I forgot to post Saturday, but my score was 0 thanks to the Caron One Pounds I'm using. I got so fed up with one blanket I decided to just end it there, and not use the entire skein up (I did use about 2/3 of it, though; and the blanket ended up 44 inches square, which is a nice size). So Saturday I started another smaller blanket with some CSS, and I used up a small ball of the color before going on to a new skein. So I'm making progress again!


I'm working on 2 shamrock blankets, one crocheted, one knitted, for Project Linus. I'm feeling so dang creative sorting through my stash, knowing I'm doing this CAL, and figuring out what I can make with what I've got. I've even inspired my mom to bust her stash, too.


Darski's Shoot the Moon may be the lowest Shoot the Moon winner we've ever had. WTG, gals, on the self restraint! Patty

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well I really hope to get some +++ this week as I am home for at least three days of it with my Sonshine and he has Strep with Scarlet fever rash. So I envision lots of time rocking and knitting/crocheting!!! I hope, I also have the ickies, but not so bad I cannot do something!

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I'm plowing through my WIPs and I did use up another skein this morning, but I'm teetering...I want to make my spouse a sweater, which will involve a trip to the LYS for some Plymouth Galway. Trying to be strong by telling myself that, since this is going to be a present for later in the year, I don't need to get the yarn "RIGHT NOW! THIS MINUTE!" (The yarn sirens are being very insistent...) :rofl:devil

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OK. I had no choice but to make a purchase this weekend. I bought 4 skeins for a baby blanket, which is -8. But I used up one whole skein on a WIP so that's +2.


So for the week I am -6, and YTD I am -3.

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well I really hope to get some +++ this week as I am home for at least three days of it with my Sonshine and he has Strep with Scarlet fever rash. So I envision lots of time rocking and knitting/crocheting!!! I hope, I also have the ickies, but not so bad I cannot do something!

I hope your baby feels better soon, and you too! Enjoy the rocking time. I can't get my 16 year old to sit in my lap no matter how sick he is any more!

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I finished a skein today on the matching hats I'm making for my two great-nieces (4 and 2) and their baby brother who is due on St. Patty's day. My niece-in-law requested a green crocheted cap for the little dude. The matching ones are my idea - I have a sickness. I love matchy-matchy clothes for little kids. (I had twins -- poor things.)

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I used up another skein today on my baby afghan for the fair.



Starting to do the trim on it. Using a cream color on a lilac afghan. It's a very soft cotton.



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I started a Seraphina Shawl with a skein of Sensations Boucle the size of my car so I don't expect to be getting any points from that any time soon! I'm about a third of the way done now. This is my second time to attempt the Seraphina pattern and I think I finally get it! I'd really like to make another one with a yarn that shows more stitch definition. But I've got to get rid of this boucle because I know I won't use it on anything else.


:lol I just finished a Seraphina with one of those monster skeins (the pinks). +2 (almost seems it should be worth more though :lol ) The pattern gave me trouble at first too. Now I have it figured out but still need to concentrate for the first ten or so rows until the pattern gets established. I have made four of these now (all with the Joanne's rainbow boucle - two pinks and two blues)

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I know the answer is probably yes, but I thought I would check. Are these still the same rules?


I'm new to the board (only my 3rd post) and thought that maybe I would try to join in, need all the motivation I can get to finish what I have started.


I've skimmed through alot of posts and am finding the board a little overwhelming, but I'm gonna try to make more sense of it all. :think



A continuation of 2008's game. With the start of the new year, you get to start with zero's for your point score. Participants from the 2008, wipe the slate clean and start anew! If you want, keep your 2008 score in your siggy as a reminder to "DO BETTER". :cheer


If your new to our very addictive game, here are the rules!


Everyone who's going to join us, put a line in your signature for Stashbusting Score. Example: Week to date (WTD) +6 Year to date (YTD) -615


Post your scores by midnight on Saturday. Shortly after, we'll tally the scores and see who is that week's winners. To help us find your final score among the other posts, make it obvious! Like this: My final score for this week is -56 but we hope that your scores will be positive! :eek:clap


Posting time is 8am EASTERN TIME Sunday.

For every SKEIN of yarn you use up completely, you get 2 points.

For every SKEIN of yarn you turn into a small ball, you get 1 point.

For every ball of yarn you use, you get 1 point.


For every SKEIN you buy, get given or inherit, you LOSE 2 points!!!

For every BALL you buy, receive or inherit, you LOSE 1 point!


Clarification: for those of you confused by my terms. "A Skein" is a brand-new bundle of yarn, a whole unit you buy at the store (or its equivalent, if you wind into cakes) "A Ball" is when you use up half or more of the skein and have to wind it by hand to prevent it from getting knotted.


You will only get 2 points total for any one skein. 2 points if you use the whole thing all at once. Or, one point if you're using a partial skein started on another project and FINISH it off. Or, a point if you start a skein and use it on a project, then have to store it because your project is done.


It's just a fun game for some of us who have a bit more than we need to bring our stash down to manageable proportions.


Of course, when your stash is gone, the prize is that you GET TO BUY MORE!!!! :rofl


This is an on-going CAL - Feel free to join at any time!


This was brought up a few times in the old thread:

When you start playing with us for the first time, you DON'T count what's in your stash. For some of us, that's just impossible! You get points when you use up what's in your stash, or lose points when you add to your stash. Also, points are counted if you crochet OR knit.

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Geez, I haven't posted in a while, but have been peeking in...

I just read through 12 pages (from Friday a.m.) and you guys are all doing great!!

I wish I could say the same :blush but I haven't gotten anything done. Struggling with my personal time...everybody wants a piece of it!!


Anyways, I didn't get to post last week's score, so I'll just add it to this week:


Received a package of yarn (5 skeins Vanna's) for a trade -10

Recieved a package of yarn (3 skeins RHSS, 2 skeins ChiChi) for another trade -10

Received a pounder ball in a magic yarn ball swap on swapaholics -2

Then, me and a friend had a field trip to a LYS (I have never been to one, and this one is fairly new, about 40 mins from my house :c9 ) and let me just tell ya 3 skeins, 1 pattern book, & 3 notion purchases later, that was fun!! -6


Oh, and I did get to work on my baby afghan some on Saturday, but nothing to add a positve to my score yet. Hopefully will get some time to work on it this week.


So wtd is -28....

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well, you would think all this being home I would get something done! No.....I have used up one ball that is it this week, I just have no energy, this cold is kickin' my butt too! Sonshine is feeling great though, as soon as the antibiotics kicked in he was doing great, so just getting him past the timeline for being contagious and getting him to school on Thursday is job #1. Looks like I am going to go back to work tomorrow though and let SO's parents come watch him, I almost can't wait to get out of the house!!!

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I notice that all our posts where we say we "strayed" involve a visit to Joann's or Michaels. You know what they say -- "Don't play on the tracks if you don't want to get hit by the train!" -- or something like that... <LOL>

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Crissie...wow! I've been denying myself the pleasure of getting any yarn, so my scores have always been positive, or 0.


Mwa?? Deny myself yarn....:rofl now that's hilarious :rofl:laughroll



I notice that all our posts where we say we "strayed" involve a visit to Joann's or Michaels. You know what they say -- "Don't play on the tracks if you don't want to get hit by the train!" -- or something like that... <LOL>


consider me train wrecked, because....just today...just a couple hours ago...the Michael's cargo train pulled right out in front of me...and I came outta there with 10 skeins (yes, 10) of yarn ...4 baby yarns that were on sale and they were just in the cutest colors, 3 skeins for a magic ball swap, 2 fuzzy pink ones on clearance (they looked lonely in the bin by themselves) and 1 skein of varigated just b/c i liked it to make squares out of...

...and 1 skein of purple thread (i don't have that color, honest)


So that's a big -22 for today added to what I already posted earlier from Friday & last Saturday...


sorry gals....i just couldn't help it. I am a yarn addict. :yes and i have really yummy stuff to play with :c9 if i get myself organized...so but really, if you think about it, this is incentive to get myself back on track. :hooksounded good anyway

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