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Cathedral Window-CAL


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Hi all --


I am reading my Sunday AM e-mails and finishing #12 of the "peaks and valleys," filling in the "spaces" between the heptagons on the far side (Round 7 of the third section, I think).


Bits of "I wish I'd figured this out faster" for the peaks and valleys:


- This is, I think, the only point in the afghan where you're working with two colors *and* turning the piece at the ends of rows. There's a lot of opportunity for chaos here. What I found to be the tidiest was to turn the piece, and then keep the black yarn in *front* of the working loop, but put the variegated *behind* the working loop. You're always "enclosing" the black at the row ends. This way you don't get the odd little bits of black peeking out.


- These bits are *very* sensitive to wobbly tension. I tend to work loose, but in order to get these to fit properly (and then look sloppy, rather than those places where by design or by preference I've worked for that 3-D effect), I have to really concentrate on keeping the stitches relatively tight. Also gently snugging up the non-working color right before you switch colors helps.


Must put hook down long enough to update Web page...

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Thats great info. I'm still plugging away in section 2, getting close to 3. I've been working on the heptagons each time I get a chance so I don't get clobbered all at once with them. I sure will be glad when I get to a row where I can only work one thread:whew !


I'm way overdue for pictures, but between work and home improvement, I'm overdue on everything :blush ! DH gets these home improvement urges at the wrong times for me, so I have to run with them when he's so moved:yes


Thanks for the info and enjoy your Sunday!

Cheers :yay

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I came up with a technique to get my heptagons worked in and it was

going to save me from those 7,000,000 ends to work in B U T... My

heptagons are an inch too small on both sides for the space they are

to fit. Now, if I just make them bigger to fit the current crisis then

I am going to be off from this point on anyway.


My plan B is that I come up with another way to make a Cathedral

Window afghan that takes off from this one. I have been playing with

an idea of how to make one from the beginning anyway and this will

test that plan. I have stuff that has to be done with a deadline so

this - with all the figuring I have to do - is on hold until after all

the holidays sort themselves out. I might get a brainstorm and a head

of steam and get something done but I am not going to pressure myself

at this time.


So that is where this stands for me. I still have my plan - just need

some space to make it happen.


This info is a copy of what I posted at the Ygroup.

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i am **delighted** to report that i just finished the last of the peaks and valleys. i can finally go back to doing circles.




i also decided i was going blind from working on this with the non-optimal light in my living room. i've got a cheap clippie desk light with a grow-lamp bulb on the bookcase above my last shoulder, and i've just ordered a daylight lamp for artists that clips to an easel or table. it's lovely being able to see.


however, it's going to lead to an off-topic post in a minute...




just a little over-excited -- tbird

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Congrats Tbird!

I have an ott light which is in my studio, but use a regular lamp with thress of the swirly bulbs (they don't get hot and burn forever) and it makes a big difference. I'll be looking for the off-topic post!!!


Congrats again, you're doing great!!!:yay :yay :cheer:clap

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Well folks I am entering my afgan in the local fair by me!! I cant believe I am doing it but I am!!! I think this afgan pattern is just perfect for fair material. I will let you know what happens!!

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Okay, here's what it looks like now that I've finished Round 8 of the third section:




I've got to send my camera off to get repaired (*ugh*), but I'll borrow one and try to get some images of the whole thing soon.


cheers - tbird

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Well folks I am entering my afgan in the local fair by me!! I cant believe I am doing it but I am!!! I think this afgan pattern is just perfect for fair material. I will let you know what happens!!


Fabulous Kelly. I'll be praying that you take that blue ribbon.:cheer

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tbird -- that is simply gorgeous! :clap I think you are definitely achieving the "cathedral of trees" that you had in mind because the brown is starting to look like tree trunks and branches and is a nice contrast to all of the other lovely colors. I can't wait to see it continue to develop.


Mine has been put on the back burner for a little while as I have been working on some baby items for a friend and a couple of Christmas presents. Right now I'm working on the columns. I think I'll start making the heptagons as well since those are good take-along pieces. However, my next goal is to sew in all the ends I have so far. I know that if I leave them until the end, I will never finish this :(

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Tbird, that is just beautiful!!! Love the colors!!! Thanks Darski, I am problably way out of my league but I figured I would give it a try. I also entered a tote and some baked goods. I will let you all know how the blanket does.

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What with my father's birthday, the ongoing festive season, and a non-functioning computer, I have done very little crochet and no posting. I have three valleys left to fill in, and have been churning out the small heptagons while watching tv, so that they are ready when I reach that stage. If someone has found a painless method of attaching the heptagons, PLEASE share!

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If someone has found a painless method of attaching the heptagons, PLEASE share!


I'm on the heptagons now. Hope this is painless enough for you.


At the end of the last black row, I don't fasten off. I immediately slip stitch it onto the afghan.


I start withe the right side of a black column, continue through the next 18 stitches until the left side of a black column, then continue up the column.


Hope this helps.

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That's pretty much how I did it, too, Lady BeBop. Although I find that my tolerance of "pain" must be improving, cos I really didn't mind doing the sewing and end-weaving anywhere near as much as I thought I would.



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That's pretty much how I did it, too, Lady BeBop. Although I find that my tolerance of "pain" must be improving, cos I really didn't mind doing the sewing and end-weaving anywhere near as much as I thought I would.




Quite understandable. However, I believe by weaving in as you go, you don't have to worry 'bout it at the end.


Now a little bit of bad news. :(


My plastic crochet hook broke. :cry


I'll get another one this week..this one aluminum. However, I did absolutely nothing tonight (broke when I started), probably won't get anything done tomorrow during work and probably won't even be able to get the hook tomorrow night. 'cause Wednesday night is my night to work Hobby Lobby immediately after my first job (until close).


Half price crochet hooks...and no time to get them. :bang

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Thanks so much for your method. I shall definitely follow it when I reach that stage. I was on the second round after filling in the valleys when I ran out of thread, and the shops are shut today and tomorrow. I, too, am beating my head against the wall.

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Well folks I just got back from the fair and..... My afgan took 1st place!!!! I still cant believe it!!! But there it was hanging up with the blue ribbon on it!! My dh said he knew all along it would win. He said "how could it not?" But I think hes prejudiced a bit LOL I will post pics when I get them back.

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At long last I have managed to post a photo in the Yahoo group page. I am feeling thrilled about this because this is the first picture I have ever posted anywhere. Please take a look, and tell me what you think.

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:cheer Amdm - I love it!!! Those colors are wonderful. What did you end up using????? That is such a great colorway. You look as though you handled the pyramids and all the other tricky stuff in there very well. Job well done. Its going to be beautiful.



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