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Where do you buy your magazines?


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I used to buy several crochet magazines at Books a Million, but they don't exist in Hawaii. I have had scant luck checking at Barnes & Noble. Should I check Borders? They're a bit harder to get to (parking is a total pain in the butt here), but I think I've actually seen a couple there. I'm mainly interested in Crochet Fantasy & the new Family Circle one I've seen mentioned here.



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I wouldn't want to take a chance on missing an issue, so if I find one I like, I subscribe. Crochet magazines just aren't reliably stocked in my area, even at craft stores.

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Hear, hear! (or is that here, here?).:think Anywho, I've been very annoyed :angry at the lack of crochet magazines stocked by my local retailers. Borders has knitting magazines out the wahzoo, but no crochet. Not one. And, forget about the craft stores...most of their mags are on scrapbooking.


Subscribing is the way to go, but I'm not sure which ones to subscribe to. Part of me says, subscribe to them all, :devil but then I'd spend more time reading about crocheting than actually crocheting. :lol

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I have to agree, there seems to be a conspiracy against crocheters! :eek I work at WalMart, and they have tons of knitting magazines, and they are not consistent with crochet magazines...not sure why. It's hit and miss....I used to subscribe to about 6 magazines, and I had to stop that, due to the mass amounts of unfinished stuff lying around my house! :hook

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To be honest, wherever I happen to see them (and they are scarce) and if it has projects I am interested in.


I agree with all the other posters. They are difficult to find, but if you want knitting magazines or knitting books, there is quite a surplus of them. My local AC Moore store may have 3-5 (and that is on a good day) crochet books but at last count, maybe 25 or more knitting books. And once in a while I see a crochet magazine or two there.


I just check the bookstores or any craft stores to see what they have available.


Sometimes I feel like I am hunting for that proverbial needle in a haystack.


LI Roe

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I have to search and beg and almost offer my first born to find crochet mags too.....Loads of knitting mags btw....I have tried Wal-mart, Hastings, Barnes and Noble, Joanns, even half-price books....But alas I finally found an old issue of Crochet! at Hobby Lobby and Crochet Fantasy, new issue, and Crochet World, new issue, at Brookshire Brothers, a grocer! I ripped out the subscription cards(after I purchased of course) and mailed them suckers off today!


I cant even find cool Crochet books on those craft book membership thingies....or maybe Im not looking in the right place!!!


I think I will post a thingy in freecycle and see whos has some they want to ditch....It worth a shot I guess!


Good Luck finding mags y'all...I feel ya!:hook

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When I lived in L.A I had to go to Glendale to buy my crochet magazines

they had all the good magazines,before finding the store I had to go all over

town.to even find one. Now I'm doing it all over again I can't find any good

magazines.I'm so desperate to get my magazines that I ask my niece,to keep

an eye out for me if she sees any crochet magazine to buy it for me and I'll

pay her when she comes to visit.Did I mention that I have two Walmarts, Michaels,and Jo-anns soon to close to build another:cheer and none of them

have crochet magazine. I really miss my magazines:ohdear :cry

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there is no crochet magazines or books! where i am completly sucks! i went to the library and almost got excited because they had some crochet books turns out they are really old, yukky ones like how to make tissue box covers *shudders* make it stop!

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I went downtown to Borders today to look and they only had one crochet magazine, and I couldn't even get to it to see if I wanted it because of people standing in front of the case reading! :rant Bleh, it's a store, not a library! Grr. Downtown Honolulu is only fun if you're on vacation. I guess I'll have to pick one or two to subscribe to...and here I was trying to break my habit of buying four or five at one pop...

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Just to let you all know ... it may not be the stores that are unreliable...it may be the crochet magazines! I recently subscribed to Crochet and Crochet Fantasy....there are more but I find that they are mainly for house stuff and I am more into clothes and accessories. So I pulled out the subcription cards from the copies I bought..sent them in over 8 weeks ago ... and have received absolutely nothing....you could say that perhaps I sent it in between new magazine issues but the new issues for July already hit the craft stores and sold out.....so it has to be the magazine (a little circular reasoning but I think it is ok in this instance)


Just makes me mad! It shouldn't because I have like 3 started projects and enough yarn to start 5 or 6 more but I really like to see what is new!:devil

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I have had the same problem as hookedoncrochet. I've sent in cards and never received the magazine. Even subscribed to one online, then months later got a postcard saying that the magazine didn't exist anymore. I think there are enough of us out there crocheting, just maybe not enough buying to support the industry.


For those of you who aren't sure which ones you want to subscribe too, there are several magazine subscription services online that offer one issue free and then you pay if you want to keep the subscription. Invariably, you will get the invoice before you see the first magazine, but you just hold onto the invoice until you decide what you want to do, then either pay it or write CANCEL across it and send it back.

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I agree...they are hard to find. I actually found ONE at JoAnn's today...it was Crochet! and then I search at Walmart and I have had luck at Meijer too. But really, I buy them wherever I find them. I look everywhere I go that has magazines/books at. Why do they treat crocheters so unfairly?? :irk:yell:tryme:box

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I think there are enough of us out there crocheting, just maybe not enough buying to support the industry.


Well, I think there would be more than enough buying to support the industry if the industry would make them available to be bought! There are very few crochet magazines available, period, and they have certainly not gone out of their way to make their product easily available to us - it's our #1 b*tch! And their response time to subscription requests can be atrociously slow. Not to mention the relative lack of really good patterns, especially for fashion items. Maybe they figure they can get away with an inferior product because we don't have much choice? The knitting magazines put an obvious amount of effort, creativity and $$$ into their productions, with lots of support from the yarn companies. I suspect it has helped to fuel the interest in knitting that continues to grow. Interest in crocheting is growing almost in spite of the publications (supposedly) promoting it. They really could do better if they tried. And I'm not going to take the blame for their not trying. :grump


I mean, look what Kim has done with her little online magazine, Crochet Me? Now THERE'S a superior crochet magazine! Puts the others to shame, imo...


It can be done, folks. They're just not doing it... :(

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I haven't found any crochet magazines here. I was thinking of subscribing to one online but from the experiencesposted here, not sure I want to now. We're on a budget as it is & I would be very mad if it didn't come.

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Just to let you all know ... it may not be the stores that are unreliable...it may be the crochet magazines!


I thought about that. I really did. But on the Mainland I was buying Crochet World, Crochet Magazine, Hooked on Crochet, Crochet Fantasy, & Annie's Favorite Crochet regularly, and they also always carried Magic Crochet and of course all the special editions.


I guess when most people think of crochet, they think of sweaters & ponchos, neither of which we need much here.


Ah well, maybe it will be better if I break my addiction to them anyway, I so rarely use the patterns.:blush

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I have ordered free issues of several different crochet magazines, since I sure can't find them in stores around here, lol. But anyway, I just searched the internet looking for crochet magazines and the websites came up. Alot of them will even offer to send you a free issue, send you an invoice for you to pay later. If you don't like the magazine, all you have to do is write CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION on the invoice and send it back. I love ordering magazines that way so I can see it first before I have to pay for it. Nope, Wal-Mart in my area doesn't have one single crocheting magazine. That's so annoying. I have even looked back in the crochet section of the store. None to be found, ugh.

But this way has worked great for me.


Betty in TN


We are a loving, caring group of crocheters who put hands to use making items afghans, chemo caps, baby booties and other needed items to donate to hospitals, cancer clinics, nursing homes and needy families. If you would like to check us out and lend a helping hand, please click on the link below. We would love to have you. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HelpingHandsofTN/links/

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I have had the same problem as hookedoncrochet. I've sent in cards and never received the magazine. Even subscribed to one online, then months later got a postcard saying that the magazine didn't exist anymore. hooked on crochet is still in production. i just recieved my issue and is a pretty good one. i subscribe to pretty much all of them:devil :devil :devil crochet world, crochet fantasy, Crochet, annies crochet and also hooked on crochet, and i am trying to remember if there is any more i get, like the thread ones, but i think i let those subscriptions expire. but i also have a hard time finding any crochet magazines. i always look as i like to send to others who can't get them, but not i can't even find them makes me so mad. but on the other hand, if ya don't mind waiting for a couple of weeks, check e-bay as they also usually have someone selling a current crochet magazine, and alot of times in much cheaper too:devil :devil good luck, what ones were you interested in if i can find them? let me know k:hug :hug vicki
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