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What are you currently working on now?

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Crojulee - cant wait to see your afghan - it sounds wonderful - i havent gotten the hang of the afghan stitch - it really hurts my hands, seems to take alot longer than sc (which is soooo slow and boring to me - lol) and i cant seem to keep my ends from curling!


My ends are curlings really bad too but I figure once I get my single crochet border on then eventually get them sewn together the curling will most likely be non-existent!!


This actually isn't even really hurting my hands that bad so I'm really happy about that (and a wee bit surprised)!! If I could use sc for what I'm doing I probably would but I don't think there is way it could look as neat as the afghan st is making it look. Can't wait to get pics up for you all.


Take care



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im making an i-dunno-what-it-is :D

i grabbed a graph off the internet (i think its for filet crochet) and decided i could do it in tapestry crochet.

hooray :cheer

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On my Hooks:


1. My first saltine ghan---to see if I can actually make one

2. A Preemie Ridged Round Ripple--For a NICU

3. A Baby Round Ripple in Cotton-For Charity

4. A Full Sized Round Ripple--Hopefully for ME

5. Squares for Charity

6. 3 Scarves for charity


I know there are more, but those are the ones I work on the most :lol

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Hi, I am making some coaster covers for old used CD's,

if I know how to put a photo on the site than you all can see the nice coasters.


greetings from Sara

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I don't feel so bad! I have multiple projects also! I am working on an afghan for one grandson and another afghan for another grandson and 10 feet short of yarn on a spiderman RR for a 3rd grandson! I started the Cathedral Rose afghan but realized I better get Christmas gifts started and completed. I want to make 3 little girl ponchos with matching cupcake purses for granddaughters. And then there is the 100 plus patterns waiting, waiting, waiting........

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I have almost finished all the 50 cancer caps that I will be giving to our local cancer hospital here in Mumbai, INDIA. I only need to cut the loose ends on a few caps. I am also doing FBB witout the pattern.I have finished one and need to line it. It is not exactly as it should be but I know where I went wrong so I will be starting another one.Then I am also working on a scrap afghan. I have lots of bits of yarn in bright colours and will be using it with a netural colour to get the size. Though I have not yet decided if I want to make motifs and join or make rows or go the log cabin way to creat a big square.


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I just finished an afghan and I have two other afghans going. One is 3/4 done, the other just about 10 rows are done. But over the weekend I made a pair of slippers and last night almost finished one of the second pair. The second pair I'm going to felt. So, I'm using the same pattern, but have had to alter it so that it's bigger to accommodate the felting. It looks like it would fit the hulk. I hope it turns out nice.

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I'm making spiders and pumpkin pins for Halloween.

Ellie 13


I think that's great. Who else is making things for Halloween?



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I'm working on a doll dress from one of Shifio's pattern all I have left to do is the collar and sleeves, and I hate doing sleeves, so it will take me awhile to finish.

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