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I really don't want to be making this pattern CAL


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Knit Happens, I hope you find a good match for the seams! Glad you were able to get the hoodie done. I so understand about not having any love for a project by the time it's done. :P Sometimes it's just the process (and then I end up liking the result, but usually if I don't like the process I don't like the end, either). Sometimes it's all of it.


Maybe when I get done with all the little Christmas gifties, I'll get that sweater fixed.Maybe. I'm not loving it right now. AND, I can barely wait to start my MerryLee shawl (Gourmet Crochet) but I'm making myself wait till the gifties are done. Otherwise I might end up focusing too much on the shawl, and not get gifts done in time.:eek

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I'm reading these posts and I have to laugh, but also join in. I'm just finishing up a girl's hoodie that has taken me longer than normal. I only began it because someone else wanted to make one and I said I'd go along with her; she asks me for advice. I started, she started, a few days later I've got the front and back done, and she's ripping out. I finished the hood, sewed the shoulders and put it aside; she abandoned her project completely. I've had to make the sleeves to finish up and sew them on and the sides, and I've procastinated quite enough. Today, I finished the sleeves. As I see it, I have absolutely no love for this project. I figured I'd give it to my niece, but it may not fit my niece. If not, I'll give it to my friend who abandoned the project so she can give it to her granddaughter. It wasn't difficult to make, but once she dropped her's, I was too far into it to drop mine...so, I join y'all in the quest to finish this item I didn't want to make in the first place. Oh, I had just enough yarn to complete the sleeves. I have to go to my stash for a similar color in order to sew up the seams~!


Well. Join on in!!! We welcome any and everyone who has something that they really don't want to be doing!!!!!!!!!!


I've been following along on this thread and was wondering how everyone is doing on their "I Don't Want To Be Doing This" projects.


If I hadn't finally gotten all of mine under control this summer, I would have been joining you!


I have gotten 2 of the ones that I don't want to do done. The afghan that I was working on when I started this Cal and the next little one that I just needed to do a bunch of picots on the border. I think there are pix of both along someplace. You know If you ever have something that you want to get done, but don't really want to be working on jump on in!!!!!


Knit Happens, I hope you find a good match for the seams! Glad you were able to get the hoodie done. I so understand about not having any love for a project by the time it's done. :P Sometimes it's just the process (and then I end up liking the result, but usually if I don't like the process I don't like the end, either). Sometimes it's all of it.


Maybe when I get done with all the little Christmas gifties, I'll get that sweater fixed.Maybe. I'm not loving it right now. AND, I can barely wait to start my MerryLee shawl (Gourmet Crochet) but I'm making myself wait till the gifties are done. Otherwise I might end up focusing too much on the shawl, and not get gifts done in time.:eek


I have a couple of things that I am just chomping at the bit to get done. I can't start them till I get at least one of the 3 things I have going right now!!! Taking a pic of the ripple granny thing that I don't want to finish. My saving grace on this one is that I am not going to give it to SIL until they move into the house they just bought near us. I Don't want to give it to her till they move and that may be quite a few months from now as they are just tearing out carpet, panneling etc. and have lots of work to do on the house.

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That is a gorgeous RR! I can see that those tiny squares would be enough to drive you mad! Especially when you're so close to having the whole thing finished. A relief that you have some time though, eh? I spent last evening working on another gift, Darski's WildCherries and Cream 18" doll outfit. only mine looks more like a chocolate covered cherry. I have to finish the sleeves. We don;t have any dolls in that size at our house, (gift for a friends' daughter) so my pix will have to be just clothes. So I'm getting there. I still need to make another outfit or two, and ponchos for DD's baby dolls, and then there's the angels I'm doing. But I'm almost done! :phew (I think. I hope) Then I'll force myself to fix that sweater so I can truly enjoy my new project.

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Diane, that is simply stunning!


Thank you very much!!!!


That is a gorgeous RR! I can see that those tiny squares would be enough to drive you mad! Especially when you're so close to having the whole thing finished. A relief that you have some time though, eh? I spent last evening working on another gift, Darski's WildCherries and Cream 18" doll outfit. only mine looks more like a chocolate covered cherry. I have to finish the sleeves. We don;t have any dolls in that size at our house, (gift for a friends' daughter) so my pix will have to be just clothes. So I'm getting there. I still need to make another outfit or two, and ponchos for DD's baby dolls, and then there's the angels I'm doing. But I'm almost done! :phew (I think. I hope) Then I'll force myself to fix that sweater so I can truly enjoy my new project.


It is going to be beautiful when it is finished. I just wish that I had followed the pattern and used the N hook instead of thinking I was a know it all and used a J hook. I am just going to have to suck it up and start to to a guage test from now on when I think the pattern is wrong!!!!! I would be done with it now if I had of done that.

Love to see the doll clothes. Never made any. I have a couple of patterns to make a football uniform and a cheerleader outfit for 12 inch teddy bears that I want to do for a neice and nephew soon, but never doll clothes.

I actually look forward to seeing the pix of all the things you are making!!!!

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Got a few px this morning :)

Here's the outfit I finished last night for a friends' daughter's 18" doll It's from Darski's Wild Cherries and Cream pattern in the free original patterns threads:



Here's a heart-shaped box I "reverse-engineered" from one I bought at a Thrift Store. It's a gift for my brother's DGF. I actually made the box this summer, but I didn't have anything to stiffen it around until this week:P I love how it turned out!



Here are the angels I've been working on (and had tested). I plan to submit them to the CPAD (probably 2011, since 2010 deadline was last month). I hope to get enough done for my Coffeebreak Biblestudy group.



So there's some of what has been keeping me busy lately :)

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Got a few px this morning :)

Here's the outfit I finished last night for a friends' daughter's 18" doll It's from Darski's Wild Cherries and Cream pattern in the free original patterns threads:



Here's a heart-shaped box I "reverse-engineered" from one I bought at a Thrift Store. It's a gift for my brother's DGF. I actually made the box this summer, but I didn't have anything to stiffen it around until this week:P I love how it turned out!



Here are the angels I've been working on (and had tested). I plan to submit them to the CPAD (probably 2011, since 2010 deadline was last month). I hope to get enough done for my Coffeebreak Biblestudy group.



So there's some of what has been keeping me busy lately :)


Very nice!!! I love the box and the angels!! CPAD I don't know what those letters stand for. I am sure that once you tell me I will have one of those slap my self in the forhead DUH!!! moments though!!

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OK. Now it makes sense!!!LOL

I have the one from 2007 and have made a couple of things from that. I have not gotten 2009 yet and didn't get 2008. I will have to make sure that I get them from now on to make sure I get your angel patterns in 2011!!!

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Well. We must all be working on something that we want to right now!!!!LOL

I have not touched the granny ghan in days. I have been so tired and just have not had the urdge to get it picked up again.

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Diane, I see your Ohio State ghan is crossed out, with the tail count at 182!! good thing you have a patient hubby :D to do all those tails. :yes

I am working on a little project or two yet this weekend, and then I get to start my merrylee shawl..:drool can't wait. Still have that sweater to do, but I simply don't want to pick it up to fix it. My goal is to fix it before the new year...but it's past time to make my "birthday $" gift (which was in August). So I'm not all the way out yet...I'll keep checking in, and eventually be able to update you all on my sweater-that-needs-fixin. :D

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LOL!!! the deal was that if I made the afghan he had to tuck in the ends!! It was all well worth it. The gal it was made for called us crying when she got it. DH says that I have a friend for life. She said that I may be getting orders as Christmas with her family is at her house this year!!

I got 8 more little squares done on the border of the granny that I don't want to be doing. No hurry. My SIL and BIL are in the middle of gutting and re-doing a house that they just bought close to us. They live about 2 hours south and I am not going to give it to them till they move.

That sweater is sitting there wondering why you keep shoving it aside!!!!!!!!LOL

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Yep, it's feeling so sad and lonely. I keep telling it that it's turn is coming, but poor thing, it just doesn't understand. :P Congrats on 8 more squares. Good thing you have all that time :D


I'm so glad you and DH's friend loved her 'ghan that you made her. That makes it all so worth it, doesn't it. (just hope you don't get orders for 8 more, to be finished ASAP, when you go to have your Christmas party:eek):lol

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Oh.. I hope that she does not call me afterh their Christmas party and tell me that anyone wants to order one!!! She already knows that I will not do one for less then a cuople of hundred. I am thinking I need to tell them $300 or so!!!LOL

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Oh.. I hope that she does not call me afterh their Christmas party and tell me that anyone wants to order one!!! She already knows that I will not do one for less then a cuople of hundred. I am thinking I need to tell them $300 or so!!!LOL


Glad she loved it Dilyca2006 ,, Right answer:lol It would be REALLY hard to do all that over again,,for sure!!! It was/is truly awsome!!! I usually just say something like "you better start saving up" if anyone asks a price for a graphghan. ;)

I finished two small ghans for babies,,, gotta get picts.

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Thanks Nancy.

I had never had any thought that any one else would want one. Of course, that is still an unknown!!! I have never made and sold anything to any one. Everything I have made has been made and gifted in love. Or in this case because my DH asked me to and I love him so I guess it was still in love!LOL

Get those baby ghan pics!!!

I have not done any more on the granny ripple since the other day when I did 8 more small squares. I need to get other Christmas stuff done and am looking forward to getting some yarn that I have ordered and starting to work on Shelle's Fall Poncho!!! That may start before I get the Granny ripple done also!!!!LOL

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Can't wait to see pix, Nancy.

Diane, I think for a graph-ghan, you should go up to oh, $500. (see if that cools their ardour) All the time and effort from graphing, to stitching, (to paying the help for weaving in tails;)) Seriously, your work is fantastic...I hope you don't get overwhelmed with orders, gifts are so much more fun. If you do, tell em to start saving, and that you only take one order a year (and that you're currently backed up through 2012 :lol)

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Diane, I think for a graph-ghan, you should go up to oh, $500. (see if that cools their ardour) All the time and effort from graphing, to stitching, (to paying the help for weaving in tails;)) Seriously, your work is fantastic...I hope you don't get overwhelmed with orders, gifts are so much more fun. If you do, tell em to start saving, and that you only take one order a year (and that you're currently backed up through 2012 :lol)


That is a very good idea!!!

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I keep walking past that granny ripple feeling a but guility that I am not working on it. I have 2 other projects going that need to be done by Christmas. And the only thing I want to do is start a new project. I have a pattern and yarn that I really don't want to wait to get my hands on and start working. I just keep hearing my husband saying "how many things do you need going at one time? Why can't you just finish something before you start something else?"

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I know the feeling...that shawl-cardy has been calling my name for ages!! I finally got to start on it this week. aaaah.:c9 hence the reason my "other" sweater is waiting...but it's only being patient b/c I told it that I'd get to it before the new year :P Have you told DH that when you get something done, that means he'll have more ends to weave in?? (Or maybe he's bored and wants more ends.:P)

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I am glad that you have told that sweater the it will get some attention soon!!!!!:lol

I don't think that DH will be tucking any more ends any time soon. He has been very busy at work and I have not seen much of him since Thanksgiving. I wish that he could be bored and want to help me tuck ends!! I might have to teach the 10 year old, or not:think, he is at the age where he is bored all the time.


I know the feeling...that shawl-cardy has been calling my name for ages!! I finally got to start on it this week. aaaah.:c9 hence the reason my "other" sweater is waiting...but it's only being patient b/c I told it that I'd get to it before the new year :P Have you told DH that when you get something done, that means he'll have more ends to weave in?? (Or maybe he's bored and wants more ends.:P)
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  • 3 weeks later...

Boy.. This was clear back on the 3rd page today.

I have done nothing on the round granny ripple that I need to get done. I think that this is the first one I will pick up after the first of the year and GET IT DONE!!!!!!!!!

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I have been trying to do Yarndiva's Starghan. You may have read in the crochet help area how my middle was bowed out terribly. Anyway I just torn it all out to round 8 and am trying it again using a "H'" hook now instead of the G. So I'll join this CAL as I am making this pattern that I don't really want to be doing but it's the principal of the thing now. I MUST get this done! I'm not going to let this pattern get the better of me. (Or at least that's my goal.) :eek

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I think I did see your post about that.

Glad you are joining with this afghan.

I really need to get my Granny ghan back out as well. Hopefully in a few days I can get back on it again.


I have been trying to do Yarndiva's Starghan. You may have read in the crochet help area how my middle was bowed out terribly. Anyway I just torn it all out to round 8 and am trying it again using a "H'" hook now instead of the G. So I'll join this CAL as I am making this pattern that I don't really want to be doing but it's the principal of the thing now. I MUST get this done! I'm not going to let this pattern get the better of me. (Or at least that's my goal.) :eek
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