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What do you think is up with my cat??

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OK, first a really brief backstory.


I adopted an adult shelter cat 7 years ago named Midnight. We got a doll-faced Himalayan kitten (Pepper) a few months later to be her buddy. Midnight was definitely the alpha cat, but they got along well as far as I could tell. Midnight had to be put down about 4 years ago due to the vets not being able to make her better. Pepper was inconsolable and cried for about a month for her. We meant to get her another buddy, but things kept coming up.


Now Pepper normally is almost doggy-like. She usually comes when called, follows us, sleeps on the bed, and her favorite part of the day is when her favorite 'staff' member comes home from work so she can fur him and get cuddles.


A few weeks ago we had to take her up to my parents house for 3 weeks while we went on vacation to see the in-laws. She got spoiled and lots of attention while there. She's been back home for 3 weeks now. She settled back in fairly quickly on being returned home, but I've noticed over the past week or two that she hasn't been quite herself. She hides under the bed during the day and won't come out very easily. (No, it's not hot either.) She isn't coming up to bed to cuddle up at night. (That's really really odd!) She's being kind of stand-offish with me during the day.


She should be in good health as she was checked by the vet a month ago. She ate the same high-quality food while at my folks. Nothing 'odd' has been going on around here.


Does anyone have any ideas what could be going on with her please?? I don't know what to do to get our cuddle-kitty back. :( She's around 6ish now if that makes a difference.


Thanks for any suggestions in advance!

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It may just be the change in routine that has her a little spooked. You never know with cats. The one thing they aren't is 'predictable."


My cat has moods & 'tudes whenever she wants. Some days she's all over me, other days I barely see her. Some days she hogs the bed, other days, she sleeps perched atop my leather sofa.


As long as you're sure she's in good health, I would just give it time. The slightest little thing could spark a change in behavior in cats, and most times, you won't even be aware of it.

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I have to agree - as long as she is eating and using the kitty box and everything is normal - Normal behavior when pet and picked up - then I think it may be just a phase!


Our 5 go through phases too. They are like people in that manner - sometimes they just want to go off and do their own thing!

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Is she allowed outside? Or was she allowed outside while she was at your parents? I think, I'm not positive that there is some disease a cat can get if she is outside.


I would really take her back to the vet for a full check-up. Something is wrong. Is she going to the bathroom o.k.?


I hope she gets better. We have a cat and she is like a real member of the family to us.

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She might have bonded with your parents and is missing them. I lived with parents for a few months after college, and I brought my dog with me. She fell in LOVE with my dad and he with her. They were the best of buddies.


I ended up buying a house just down the street from them. My mom told me that every day after I left for work, my dog would show up at their house looking for my dad. Dad had already retired by this time, and they would hang out together all day long on the farm. We lived in the country, and there was very little traffic, so she would run back and forth every day. When I came home in the evenings, she was always lying on my porch or in the yard if it was nice.


She knew that she lived at my house with me, because she would always come home at night, but she loved visiting my dad as well.

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Oops, I posted this in the wrong forum. :blush I meant to post in the off-topic area. Can someone move this please?


She's eating and going to the bathroom and stuff normally as far as I can tell. She's indoor only, and was kept indoor only with no other cats at my parents. It's just her behavior with us (when only I'm home in particular) that's gone odd.


I guess I'm just worried that she's maybe lonely? Yet she's not being cuddly with me. My parents were home for the most part during her entire visit. I know my mom was very lovey to her. First thing in the morning she'd get her fresh water and a bit of canned food (which is a treat), and she'd go scoop the litter pan for her. They bought her lots of toys and played with her a lot too from what I've heard.


We can't afford kids atm, and Pepper is just our little furbaby and we love her so much. I hate to see her appearing to be unhappy.

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You just don't know with cats.


My youngest one had been my girlfriend's cat. When she moved away, she brought him to me. I didn't know how it would work out because he has been a lone cat up until then, and I had other cats here already. To my absolute shock, he loved it here from the minute he got here! He has adored having a cat family, and I've gone from being Auntie-moma to Moma.


On the other hand, my cat Jasmine belonged to my nephew and he couldn't take her when he moved. When Jasmine got here, she was stunned to discover other cats existed! She did not like it one bit. She went under the kitchen table and stayed there for a week, and just moaned and cried the entire time. Nothing would console her. To this day, she wants nothing to do with the others. I'm sure she would be thrilled to be in a household where she could be queen and be the sole one who receives attention.

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I agree, it's probably just the change in the routine, or she might still be mad at you for leaving her. However, we went away for a few days and our cat didn't act right for 2 weeks when we got back, finally my hubby took her to the vet, and $700 later she was fine. It seems while we were gone she was not drinking and she was not eating all her highprotein food. Maybe give your fubaby a few more days, and if nothing changes, take her for a checkup, just to make sure.

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I agree, it's probably just the change in the routine, or she might still be mad at you for leaving her.


I totally agree. We leave my cat home when we go camping ( somehow I just don't think she would like it!!!:lol) and she is very glad to see us when we get back, but after the first couple of hours she plays hard to get for a few days. I guess that's her way of "punishing" us!! Hope she comes around soon. Please let us know.

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I took my kids to stay with my mother last summer and the entire time they were gone, my cat sat outside their bedroom and cried. He kept looking under the door and looking at me as if she thought I was hiding them in there. He was so mad at me that he wouldn't sit in my lap; when the kids came back, I thought he would never leave their sight! He now sleeps with my middle daughter if I don't put him out of the room...he's even been known to scoot way back in the corner of her bunk bed so I can't reach her when it's time to put him out of the room for the night.


I think it's just a phase...give your baby time & I'm sure she'll be back to normal.

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my one male hides from my DH when he goes out of town and comes back he will hide behind the island for a day or two and he is normally in my husbands lap for a lap nap they can be funny little creatures I leave for work and as soon as I get home I get the screaming treatment from him he even does it when I get up in the morning hes my little goof ball

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My first thought when I read this was "she is really ticked off that her family left her for 3 weeks and is afraid you will leave again"


Animals are funny creatures...her routine could have been upset and now she is just re-feeling out the situation.


I ditto, if she isnt better in a week or so (as long as she is still eating, drinking and going to the litter box) just take her in for a quick check to ease your mind.

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When I lived in London, my in-laws cared for both our our cats, but it took my little female a while to adjust back when I returned. It could just be that the upset in her routine has her feeling out of sorts. Also, if you are her primary "person" she could be punishing you for leaving her. My female does this when I travel.


My suggestion would be a little extra tlc...maybe some of her favorite treats (mine love tuna fish) and trying to actively engage with her and deliberately seeking her out. It could just be that she needs to feel like you still love her and that she isn't going to be left again.


I hope that things return to normal for you and your kitty. I understand completely about furbabies since DH and I don't have children. Unfortunately, sometimes it just takes them some time to settle back in. It took my little female a while, but she eventually came around.

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hi sweetie she might be acting like this because of the weather we have been having recently didn;t you get alot of thunder and lightening the other day? i agree with the others as long as she is eating and not having any issues i would just give her time, i know she is adjusting too you being back give her a few days and maybe if she isn;t better by like tuesday of next week i would take her in im sure she is fine sweetie i know how much you love her, she is your baby :hug:hug:hug:hug talk to ya soon:yes:yes:yes

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Cats are very odd little creatures. They "punish" us when we do things that they don't like, and chances are she is just bent out of shape because she was uprooted for a few weeks, and she's letting you know that she's displeased.


There is also a chance that something happened to scare her while she was away, and she is spending time in places where she feels safe in case it happens again. Once she figures out that nothing is out to get her, she'll stop hiding.


As long as she is eating and using the litterbox normally, just bide your time and let her get over being upset. Cats do not take well at ALL to change of ANY kind, and being uprooted and moved to someone else's home for a few weeks is a change of biblical proportions for a cat. She'll come around. Maybe spend some extra time playing with her until you start to see her returning to her old self. It might speed up the process if you interact with her more than normal for a while.

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You're in punishment. Just be glad you're only being ignored. When they pay too much attention to you it's bad. It's even worse when they decide 'poo on you' and then do it on your bed, like my one cat did. He became a barn cat after that.

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Thank you so much ladies! I've probably been over analyzing it all and being silly! :lol I'd been thinking that maybe she was lonely for a fellow kitty as we never replaced Midnight. I always felt a little guilty for not getting her a new playmate.


I'm not her primary 'staff member', that's my husband. She still absolutely adores him when he is around. It was me who actually took her up and left her at my folks, so she probably is just punishing me. (Never mind that he stuffed her in the cage!) She'd been up to their home before a few times.. once as a kitten for a couple of weeks when she got fixed, and she's gone up with us for a couple of Christmases. I guess she's just not as accepting now of change since she's getting older... sounds like the way we people get! :D


I feel better now. I'll try to bribe the little monkey with some cupboard love (treats) and see if that doesn't make her perk up. :manyheart


Thank you!!! :)

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