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Taking your project with you

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How do you take your WIPs with you? Tote bag? Plastic bag? etc. Do you crochet in the car while your husband drives? I LOVE to do as much as I can. I used to have a separate tote bag that I carried with me that had my project, pattern, a small cosmetic bag with hooks and scissors. I like the idea, but sometimes it's too small. What do you do? :think

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I have a tote bag, but I don't bring it with me very often. For one thing, we are usually fishing and power bait on yarn is NOT a pretty sight. And I definetly don't take it with me when I go riding...horse smell is awfully hard to get out. I can't crochet while he's driving b/c I get car sick. But I do bring it with me if I'm going for an appt somewhere or over to my friend's house...we spend hours crocheting together.

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I have this really big canvas tote bag that I got at the preschool where I taught this past year. It is wonderful because it hold enough yarn for an afghan or several small projects. there is a pocket on the outside where I can put my hooks and scissors. I also have a flamingo back pack which I use for smaller stuff. I always crochet on long trips, keeps me from freaking about other drivers.

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It depends on where I'm going. In my car, on the passenger seat, right now I just have a ball of cotton yarn and a crochet hook. I don't bother to put it into anything. I've got a few bags that I can use to carry my crochet, but none of them close at the top - so that makes it tough. When I'm working on afghans, I have a giant tote bag with a zipper that is absolutely perfect.


I keep thinking I should just make myself some sort of a bag. I keep thinking I should buy one, but why buy when you can make? I have a ton of random colors of scrap yarn. It doesn't have to be attractive!

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It depends on what I'm working on. I have coffee cans for small projects. I hate those little knots in yarn, so I unravel it into coffee cans ahead of time to prevent suprise knots. Then, I just stick the project and hook into it and cap it off when I'm ready to go.

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I got a messenger type bag for my projects when we went to california, and I really liked it. There was plenty of room for my yarn, a pocket the right size to put pattern books in, and plenty of little pockets on the front for hooks, scissors, elastic, etc. :hook


When I was working 8 hour shifts and actually got a decent length break, I used to take my dishcloth-in-progress with me in a gallon size ziploc bag. It was the perfect size for a ball of sugar n cream, dishcloth and hook. And, I could leave the yarn in it and pull it out a small opening in the top, so I didn't have to worry so much about what the messies at work had left all over the tables in the break room. :think:eek

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I had some trouble with just using a tote because things (my keys, etc) would get caught in my yarn. :eek Can't have that! I started carrying along my socks in huge ziploc freezer bags with needles and hooks and whatever else I need.


I'm looking now for a red bag... I might end up splurging on this one:


Jordana Paige Knitting Purse


WEBS has it, too -- with different pictures.

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Jess, that bag is really nice! I wish it weren't so expensive. Can't afford it right now, but it gives me an idea of what to look for.


I poked around and some people say that it isn't very durable -- if I'm spending anything like that, I want something durable. But now at least I know what I am looking for, you know?

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I look like a pack mule whenever I leave my house, lol! I carry my purse with all my regular essentials, then a multipocket tote with the other essentials (essential especially during the active part of my cycle - it's really "active", if ya know what I mean) and reading materials, water bottle, you name it, it gets stuffed in here. Then I have a large canvas tote, with a nifty little fabric-lined woven grass tote tucked inside it to hold my crafty stuff. Strap all three over my shoulder, and then eeeaaaasse my way out the door sideways, lol! :blush


I travel an hour to and from work everyday, can't run home if I need something critical, and on my budget, running to the store for something I already have is out of the question!


I have a variety of totes and backpacks, so each wip will often be assigned to a particular one, to spend it's time in it until completed, or it outgrows it. I try to make sure the pattern and hook remain with it, unless it's one of the hooks I only have one of (such as my large hooks). Unfortunately, I've run across a few wips where that didn't happen, and I now can't remember what I was using with them! :eek:think Guess I'll just have to play around with 'em to figure it out again, when I'm ready to finish 'em off.


Okay, better get back to work now, before I get busted by the boss! :devil

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Ok, I travel a lot. I crochet and knit, just started the knitting, so it's getting complicated. I have a crochet hook holder I made, it's got my scissors, measuring tape, yarn needles, and all my hooks in it. I've got a large duffel type bag for whatever WIP I'm taking with me. It has two outside pockets, one inside pocket, and a drawstring top and shoulder strap. At home, I sort all my projects into tote bags, so for long trips, I put some of those in the car and they graduate into the duffel when I finish the current one. I'm getting ready to leave for 3 weeks, so I'm worried that there might not be enough room in the car for my yarn! just call me hardcore.

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McCalls have a wonderful pattern for a tote, needle case and hook case...the number is M4728.


Simplicity has one too number 4542.....



I prefer the McCalls over all but simplicity has that cool yarn bra etreme...


If ya dont sew maybe you can bug a friend or relative to make one or barter crochet/kintted items for the tote?


Psssst the McCalls go on sale at Joanns Saturday for 1.99 each!



Just think a homemade goody to carry around all your crafty goodness in!!!:hook

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Hmm... I always prefer tote bags over tiny handbags that doesn't hold beyond a purse and lipstick. I bring along a project, knit or crochet wherever I go.


And I am carrying my own crocheted tote lately. Why not consider making one to suit your own needs?



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I look like a pack mule whenever I leave my house, lol!


That's me, too :lol Besides my "purse" (which is a backpack that I clean out when it starts to weigh more than about 10-15 pounds and which I will not leave the house without), I usually carry around my current project in a blue-and-gray vinyl/nylon/something like that bag that was originally the bag to a tool set I won in a contest. It'll hold a couple of skeins of yarn and a smallish project, or a little bit bigger project but less yarn, that sort of thing. Right now I have three balls of thread, a nearly-finished doily, and my container full of hooks/needles/etc in there.


Since I started using this bag I haven't done a project that was too big for it (the biggest thing I've done lately was an afghan, but it was done out of squares & was portable), but if I have a big project to lug around with me I usually end up using one of those big sturdy plastic bags you get from department stores. I have a few bags from Elder-Beerman that I hoard for that sort of thing.

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I have a bag pattern that I've absolutely fallen in love with after making one for my sister: 14819600_c36e821335_m.jpg I'm going to make myself one in some cow-spotted canvas with barnyard print pockets. :devil


Right now, if the WIP is small enough, I toss it and my hook into my purse. This works especially well if I'm not reading from a pattern. For WIPs that have a pattern "attached," I use a black or blue tote bag I have around the house. The black one is nicer b/c it zips shut, but the blue one can accomodate a larger WIP.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have this large brown bag I got at a garage sale last summer that is JUST perfect for carrying a long a large project...Which I'm prone to do on a long car trip. Just around town with just Dad and I? I usually don't bother, unless it involves an apointment..in that case, I have a tapestry teddy bear bag that doubles as a tote bag and purse. I'll take along a couple balls of sugar n cream, a couple hooks, scissors, a tapestry needle, and the pattern. But, if working on an afghan, I prefer NOT To carry it along, unless it's on a long road trip or whatever.



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Of course,I crochet n te truck all day!But,if I'm out of the truck(in the shop,in the office,etc),I have a small totebag with hooks,scissors,needle,etc.I only take small projects I don't need a pattern for,usually hats.

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