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Weaving In Ends

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How do you handle the task of weaving in ends? I get a bit intimidated by it sometimes. I have three or four afghans that I can't get finished because the job of weaving in ends just looks too daunting. Any good tips or tricks for getting it done?

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Assuming you drink and could function after a glass or two of wine, sitting in front of the t.v. with a glass of wine while endweaving is a very pleasant night..lol Actually, I don't drink these days due to a myriad of health issues, diabetes being one of them, but back in the day I used to have what I called "ironing night" and do just that...big pile of clean clothes and a glass or 2 of wine in front of the t.v. It didn't get the chore done any faster, but it did make it more enjoyable. The other advice I can give is set aside "X" amount of time to devote to it...even 15 minutes every now and again...and eventually it'll all be done and you'll feel very accomplished. Its that endweaving, and/or sewing, seaming, piecing, etc. that causes us all to have way too many ufos. Good luck.

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Thanks everyone! I always tell myself when starting a project that I will weave as I work but always manage to talk myself out of it.

I have been trying and trying to talk my hubby into doing it for me. I even tell him how fun it will be but he just reminds me that it isn't too fun or I would do it myself.

I guess I just need to grab that wine, pull up my big girl panties and just get them weaved in. :lol

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I put in a movie or sit and watch TV and weave them in. I always wait until the end as I want to finish the project. :lol But I do have a project or two that only need ends weaved in and I'd be done:blush. Onkay one is an afghan and even in the AC house it's too warm so that will have to wait. I can't do the crocheting over too much (just a few stitches) as I crochet loose and the ends would come out. I'll do a few (like the first round of a granny square) and then weave in the remainder.


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I weave as I go. Each square is completely done before I assemble it. I crochet them together and there are only a few left to do. Simple! Otherwise I would never do squares if I had to look at all of those ends!!! :hug

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I crank up my Country Music and weave in ends. It helps motivate me. I don't crochet over my ends very often (I don't think it holds as well). I also use a tapestry needle. Helps a ton!!



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The afghan I'm currently making for my daughter, I started to just let them hang, then I found out, it would look stupid if I had to cut them real short and was afraid it would unravel eventually.

After that, I took a needle and weaved it under the backloop and just stitched around it.

I guess I'll do the same thing with the tail on the outside round, once I join my squares.



I LOVE CROCHETING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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