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It's official: I hate popcorns!!

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I've been working on the "Romantic Pineapples Doily" rather sporadically, and every time I pick it up I remember why it's not done yet. :lol


First off, size 10 thread and size 2 hook. I generally use a size 7 hook on size 10 thread, so this hook feels awkward.


Then the popcorns. :thair They really are a big part of why I liked this doily in the first place, but man, are they frustrating. I think the bigger hook is what is driving me nuts. It's just so SLOW. Hard to get the hook into the chain, etc....


I finished round 19 last night (or was is 20??), so at least I am halfway there.....39 rounds in all.


Please encourage me to stick with this and GET IT DONE!! :)

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:cheer rascalsmom! She's our (wo)man! If she can't do it, no one can! :cheer


Okay, so I'm not a cheerleader but you get my token effort anyway :lol


I feel for you though. I'm trudging through a doily I began with so much enthusiasm.


I will be excited to see your work when you are done!

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Sweetie - you can do it!


Next time you know to use the hook that goes with the thread. Yes, it'll throw off the gauge but for the ease of working with it - I think it's worth it.


Just think of how BEAUTIFUL it's going to be when it's finished.


I worked a doily once that I absolutely HATED! Every stitch and every round was a mantra - "1 st closer to being done!"

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Sweetie - you can do it!


Next time you know to use the hook that goes with the thread. Yes, it'll throw off the gauge but for the ease of working with it - I think it's worth it.


Just think of how BEAUTIFUL it's going to be when it's finished.


I worked a doily once that I absolutely HATED! Every stitch and every round was a mantra - "1 st closer to being done!"

The instructions actually said to use the size 2 hook. I thought it was odd, but I went with it. Early on I thought of frogging it and using a size 7, but then it wouldn't be as large....and I wanted another large one so I could alternate it with my Between Meals Centerpiece.


That'll teach me!

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Keep on going!!!! :cheer You are over 1/2 way there. :cheer


Now for those popcorns--use your #7 or #8 hook to pull the loop through, then finish with your #2 hook. It should make that step just a tad easier. :D

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I feel for you - my wonderful SIL asked me for 4 doilies in a pattern I ABSOLUTELY hated!!! There were over 600 picots in this thing - I gave up after the 3rd and made her 4 of a doily with a similar "look".


It's a lovely pattern and will look absolute sunning when you are done - and you are over 1/2 way there - WAY TO GO!!!

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Wow I sure can feel your pain. I felt the same way when I did mine.


But when it's done you'll be so happy with it. I made mine for a up coming wedding and I now hate to part with it. lol


Keep on . It will soon be done.



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GO! :cheer GO! :cheer GO! :cheer. You're 1/2 way there, go for it!

I too hate popcorn, bobble, puff and afghan stitches. Any stitch with many loops on the hook or is bigger than a triple (treble?) drives me crazy :thair.

Ellie 13

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finished it!! I just got done blocking it, so I'll take its picture and post once it's dry.


I could almost hear the "Hallelujah Chorus" playing as I neared the end....:cheer


NEVER AGAIN will I use a size 2 hook with size 10 thread! :eek Even though that's what the pattern called for....NEVER AGAIN!! I can hardly wait to get back to my size 7 hook. :hook

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\Reading the title of your post, I'm sorry, don't be mad, but it made me chuckle. In 30 years of crocheting, I had not had the "pleasure" of making popcorns. In teaching others lately, I widened my stitch knowledge and made them....have to admit, I didn't enjoy them at all. However, it was good I did because one of my students picked a project for a plastic bag holder, and it was embellished with grapes and leaves...and you guessed it, the grapes were made completely of popcorn stitch. I was happy to be able to help her, and I said look, in 30 years I hadn't done this stitch and here you are doing it! At first, she was ready to give up and buy some plastic grapes and sew them on. I said what I always say....it isn't brain surgery and you're not going to kill the patient, so give it a go....the worst that could happen is you get some experience with a new stitch and you frog it if you hate it. Well, she did stick with it, and made 2 bunches of grapes of the required 3. After 2, she didn't want to go for the third. I was happy for her; it turned out real nice. I admit it too, tho, I don't like them popcorns!

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coooool! bet it looks grand!

i've done popcorns before but not in such big numbers that i've started to hate it! LOL


pictures please... so that we can all oooh and aaaah! :D

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