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Crochet ADD

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Does any one else have Crochet ADD.?

For myself, I really have to try to stick with what I have started. If I see something new, and go oh wow I would love making that. Then my mind begins to wonder about. It can take time away from my WIP projects. It can be nerve racking at times. :thair I could ramble on much more, but I won't :lol.



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I do that too. But I try to only have one or two going at the same time. That way if I get tired of doing one project, I have another to work on. You might want to have one larger project going and have one or two shorter ones that you can do in between. That way you get some quick gratification while you're still working on the bigger project. It might help you.

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o oo oo boy do i have this problem new patterns omg i could start a store with the patterns alone speaking of yarn all i have to do is look at the colors or the feel of the yarn o man i have to bring it home lol then i never have enough to finish a project with it because duh i didn't buy enough and then i can't find it on the market i need a 12 step program bad cant enough get in to a room because of the containers lol AND YES I CAN TELL YOU IN WHAT COLOR CONAINER WHAT IS IN IT COLOR PATTERN ETC but ask me ny SS number or DL number or even my PHONE NUMBER and i have to look it up lol go figure boy you start something with this threat lol

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I have this problem, but the Having Fun and Getting it Done CAL has really helped me with this. I've really made progess and completed larger items already, so I'm glad!!! Actual WIP wise, I'm down to 3, so that's a great place for me!

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I have the ultimate Crochet ADD...More than three WIP's at any given time...one that stays in the care for long trips...two to three in the living room, one in each purse (at least two there) and three to four in my bedroom. I never carry a project around but do get "bored" with large items. I like to have many things in the works so that if i get bored i can move on makes things go smoother and i actually finish things that way.

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Yep... been there, done that. I do love having several projects so I won't get bored with the same one. And try to have different types, like an afghan, a sweater, and a couple of smaller things. But sometimes I just get tired of one thing after awhile and put it aside... then I get inspired and go back to it eventually. But if I get too many going at once, I get burned out. And if it's not going fast enough... seems to take forever to get to the halfway mark, I might not get back to it until months later. But somehow I do finish most of them.

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I have the same problem that is why I have wip all over the place I can't work on one thing too long or I bore myself and have to move on and then go back later so they all seem to finish about the sametime

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Definately have this. I get excited about a pattern or an idea, but then it takes a while and I lose interest... I've got so many started projects, I'm sure some of them will still be around when I'm 80. I've also been in a bit of a project slump, and have no desire to finish anything big right now. That's why I've been sticking to small things that only take a few hours, so I don't end up with even more stuff hiding out in my room...lol

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Oh, believe me when I tell you that I have the worst case of this that ever was! I don't even know how many things I have started. Probably 25% of my skeins of yarn have a few rows of something hanging off of them. :lol

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Honestly, I'm always surprised that even though I get ALOT of projects accomplished, I have WIP's and UFO's coming out of my ears...


Today I spent all day sorting my stash, basically yarn and projects, because all of it seemed to be one big yarn borg...meanwhile, I have 2 big boxes of projects...broken down into WIPs, younger than 4 months, and UFO's, older than 4 months...which box do you think is the fullest? The UFO's box...I think I have like 20 projects...


I do have a pile (not very big) of "abandoned" projects that need to be frogged...


For me, the Crochet ADD is at it's worse when I'm stressed...and I've been getting stressed alot lately and realised I had to deal with the Yarn Borg...when I'm not so stressed I don't flitter from project to project as much.

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I actually do have ADD. It makes is quite challenging to stick with projects that aren't quick. These days most of my projects take some time as I am doing a lot of slip stitch crochet. I love the drape and thinness I get with this method, but it does take more time than the usual crochet.


So, I try to have other projects going that I can switch off to when I get bored. Right now I'm working on a top down raglan cardigan. It's taking me forever. Actually, forever has only been two and a half weeks of sporadically working on it and barely working on is at all one of those weeks. I have some scarves I work on to give me a break, but since they too are in slip stitch crochet, they aren't progress quickly either. lol.


It's sure more about the love of the results than the speed for me now. It helps to have a movie or music playing while I crochet.

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Seems like many of us have this problem. I'm glad I'm not alone. I usually have one large project at home and two or three small projects that are easy to transport in a tote. I bring the smaller ones in the car while waiting for my kids to get out of school, music lessons or soccer.:hook

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I do that too. But I try to only have one or two going at the same time. That way if I get tired of doing one project, I have another to work on. You might want to have one larger project going and have one or two shorter ones that you can do in between. That way you get some quick gratification while you're still working on the bigger project. It might help you.


My sentiments exactly!

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OMG! I thought I was alone in my disfunction! I currently have 4 wips and 2 more on my mind. I constantly come across plastic bags filled with ufo's that I have no idea what patterns they came from. I'm so glad that I found a home here. :wink

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Of late I have been avoiding the Show and Tell forums because I have too much in the works and in queue and a limited budget so I really need to stay focussed until I get some of these things knocked out. That being said, I was just about to go start a new crochet project I stumbled on the night before while looking for a knit pattern for a different project for my mother.:blush

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I went through a time where I had close to 10 WIPs and my husband finally asked if I was going to finish anything. *sigh* I'm getting better though!

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  • 1 month later...

Yikes! I share this problem as well...and along with my other fiber pursuits sometimes it seems overwhelming. Right now I'm packing up my apartment and getting ready to move into the city (I live in the Chicago 'burbs now...moving to Chicago's north side next month) and have allowed myself only the one current shawl and my ever present box of sugar n cream for washcloths and such. It seems to be helping.


But I have to tell you all...the yarn stash is darn near overwhelming as I pack it all up. Like visiting old friends...lol.



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