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Anyone tried this?

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Has anyone tried using something other than sand to weigh down some of your crafted items? I was wondering if salt would do the trick, especially if you want the item to be self leveling. I know sometimes a pattern might suggest to use a couple of those glass rocks inserted in the stuffing, but if the area is larger, you would normally use sand. Do you think salt would be a safe substitute (and a lot cheaper)?

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Wouldn't the salt dissolve it the item got wet? And if it's a toy, it could pose a health risk to a small child inclined to suck of stuff.

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i've seen those little plastic beady things in craft stores designed for this kind of stuffing. also, split peas etc though you've really got to watch out for critters when you use kitchen goods, not to mention not washing them. i'd go with the plastic things in the craft store myself.

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If an item needs weight i put a knee high stocking stuffed with poly pellets from the doll making crafts. It is safe even to be washed and they are realtively cheap a good size bag for around $5 in the stores near me

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I have used dried beans also on items that were not going to be washed, like Christmas snowmen.


On really large snowmen, I have used a bag of river rock. It works well to help keep my snowmen standing.

They sell bags of river rock at craft stores.



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I was just thinking, I have a bag of leftover fish gravel in one of the closets from when we had a fish. Next time I need weight, I could stuff the gravel in an old stocking.

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Be careful with the beans and rice (any organic stuff)- might get buggy or decompose.


Salt attracts and holds moisture - it's a dessicant - and can be a little caustic depending on the use, so probably a bad idea.

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Now don't laugh......but I have actually used the rocks that you use for fish tanks to anchor items down. They worked great! One time I even made my husband go out to our driveway and get rocks, lol.....desperate times call for desperate measures!!!:lol

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i've seen those little plastic beady things in craft stores designed for this kind of stuffing. also, split peas etc though you've really got to watch out for critters when you use kitchen goods, not to mention not washing them. i'd go with the plastic things in the craft store myself.


This is what I would recommend. Make a little muslin bag filled with the "plastic beady things". It settles down beautifully and critters are not attracted to it. You can also wash your pieces as long as you use the muslin (or other fabric) bags.

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Thanks for all the comments and ideas. I know that many people use beans and the pellets. Many years ago, I put some rice in a plastic container, sealed it, and crocheted around it to make a rattle. I am aware of the ideas suggested. The project I am working on now, needs something that has to be self leveling and that Is why I guess sand is the best option. I crocheted a few small, top-heavy objects that I want to attach to a larger piece to create a large, flat grassy field. I want to fill that grassy field with the sand, and I feel that the pebbles and other objects will be to bumpy. That's when I thought of the salt. However, you have all persuaded me that this is a bad idea. I will make an inner pillow of muslin, fill it with sand, and it can level itself inside the "field".

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