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Crochetville demographics

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I was just clicking around the web earlier and found this site:




It gives Crochetville.org demographics and the summary description is along the lines of Crochetville reaching approximately 72,000 unique hits per month and attracting primarily an older, predominantly female audience who watches PBS on line and shops at Jo-Ann stores.



I was all set to get insulted until I realized that, except for the watches PBS on line, (I watch it on TV:lol) - it fit me perfectly!!! :eek

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Hmmm, interesting. I can watch tv on computer but usually it is a movie I record on computer. Don't think I've ever watched PBS though. Lots of HGTV, and TLC

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Did you notice the chart that breaks up the "type of user"??? It says only 2% of us that visit are addicts... but us 2% make up 46% of the visits to the site :rofl

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Quantcast has put together site statistics for many sites on the internet.


Here is information from their website that talks about how they get their info:



We have NOT signed up with quantcast to give them any information about our site visitors, so everything they are publishing is based on estimates. They are unable to access who our visitors are, what internet page they were on before coming here, what internet page they go to after coming here, etc. They get no real information from our site at all.

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Well, I'm older, female and shop JoAnn's when I get a chance, which is very seldom let me tell you! As far as watching PBS online, if someone will tell me how, I'll be glad to!




But... how do they know these things?

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Well, I'm older, female and shop JoAnn's when I get a chance, which is very seldom let me tell you! As far as watching PBS online, if someone will tell me how, I'll be glad to!




But... how do they know these things?


They DO NOT know these things. :) They're estimates and guesses based on panel data, people who filled out questionnaires. They have received no actual information from our website to let them know anything.


They may have extrapolated data received in their questionnaires to let them make a "best guess," but that's all it is.


I don't put much store in how accurate their info is.

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Amy, thank you very much for your posts. I appreciate your answers very much! :)


No problem! I just wanted to make sure everyone realized their privacy is still secure, and that we haven't been selling your data to anyone. I promise----Donna and I are the only ones that have any access at all to your private info.


And really, the only private info we have on you is the email address you supplied when you registered and your IP address. Oh, and your birthdate if you've chosen to keep that info private (even then we can't see your birth year). That's it. :)


Any other information you provide actually goes into your "public" profile here. I have public in quotes because it's only public to other registered Crochetville members. Guests and registered members who aren't logged in are unable to see member profiles.

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I sure didn't mean to cast any doubts about the integrity of Donna or Amy. I assumed that this web site got their info watching traffic, perhaps visiting the site, or through surveys. Beyond that I just loved the assumptions about the members (the watching PBS on line cracked me up) chalking it up to the belief that only "older women" crochet.


I posted this as humor - I didn't mean to create any suspisions, cause fear, etc.

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I sure didn't mean to cast any doubts about the integrity of Donna or Amy. I assumed that this web site got their info watching traffic, perhaps visiting the site, or through surveys. Beyond that I just loved the assumptions about the members (the watching PBS on line cracked me up) chalking it up to the belief that only "older women" crochet.


I posted this as humor - I didn't mean to create any suspisions, cause fear, etc.


Oh, no, no, no. I wasn't worried about that at all. :)


Some people aren't familiar with how sites gather data and present these types of statistics, so I thought it would just be good to remind everyone that we DON'T sell your personal info here.


I'm sure there are some sites out there that do sell statistics about their members to advertisers or sites that gather these types of statistics, and I just wanted to reassure everyone who wasn't familiar with our privacy policy that we don't do that.


I'm sure all our long-term members realize we'd never do that to you!


But that site sure is good at presenting their data to make it LOOK like they know a lot about our membership, aren't they?

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I agree with Amy, these cites make "guesses" and that is about it. I think that it is fair to say that most of us are women, but I bet the age demographic is wider than they say. I know plenty of other young people who crochet, and I don't watch PBS - online or otherwise - as I don't have cable or even broadcast TV. Nor do I shop at Joann's...and I am sure that I am not the only one.


However, I guess if you stereotype, then that is what you would come up with.

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I don't watch PBS online or off. My five year old watches it. LOL

I rarely visit about.com


but just how old is "older"?

If you scroll down and look at their charts, they have the majority of members as being 55 - 64, the second highest is 65 and over.

I am not in those age brackets.


I'd say a lot of their guesses are off. :lol

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I'm pretty sure it is guessing based on stereotype. They seem to assume most crocheters MUST be old ladies, with no education & no children left at home to raise. Look at the age, children & college education statistics. :no I'm pretty sure that site hasn't joined to study Crochetville's actual demographics at all! And shopping at JoAnn's...wow that was a wild reach for a craft forum wasn't it? :lol

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