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Forum/Photo Ettiquette reminder

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I was just doing a search for a post at the Ville and in almost all of the searches I conducted, someone had moved or removed the photos from photobucket.


This is considered really bad nettiquette and I just wanted to remind folks in case they just did not think when they tossed a picture or two. Even just moving your photos into a sub album will destroy your links.


I know we all want to be the best cyber-citizens we can and this is just a friendly nudge :hug for future times.


A while back, when Yahoo closed their public picture hosting, I lost a set of links for a "Sims" forum... nothing I could do to stop that. So I do realize that circumstances alter cases but if we can fix it we should ...right?:manyheart



Let me say now that if you find a photo I have moved or lost, please let me know. I do want to work and play well with others but some days my brain just goes on vacation without me. :wlol

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Darski, thank you for posting this.

I've run into the same thing while doing searches.

If anyone finds pics of mine missing, please let me know. I deleted some duplicate pics in photobucket. I went back to make sure the pics are still in my posts, but i may have missed one (or two).


I have also seen quite a few pictures that are HUGE. People are forgetting to (or don't know that they need to) resize their pictures. I have a high speed connection, and some of the pictures took a long time to load. I can't imagine having dial up and dealing with that.

Here is a link to see what size the pictures are allowed to be.



I do want to work and play well with others but some days my brain just goes on vacation without me. :wlol

It is nice to know that I am not the only one that has that happen to them :lol:lol

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Photobucket recently changed something. I used to be able to copy the image link, paste it in here or my blog and it would be a decent size. Now for whatever reason they show up huge. I learned how to do the clickable images and that definitely helps for here.

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This is considered really bad nettiquette

My opinion is that it's not 'really bad'. Yes it's frustrating. However people have valid reasons for removing photos/links and it's their perogitive whether we agree or not. I remove mine after a period of time. There's really no reason after a year that I need to keep mine up. I'm not a designer or do anything that special.

What is bad is not posting direct links to blogs. I can't stand when people say "blog link in my signature" or something to that effect. Most times I simply won't go look. In a few days or weeks/months, that original thing is burried somewhere that I have to look for so I don't.


Those of course are just my opinions and everyone's differs. ;)

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What is bad is not posting direct links to blogs. I can't stand when people say "blog link in my signature" or something to that effect. Most times I simply won't go look. In a few days or weeks/months, that original thing is burried somewhere that I have to look for so I don't.


Just wanted to clarify that while we don't absolutely REQUIRE people to link to individual blog posts instead of the general blog URL (meaning, we won't delete your post if you do link to just your main blog URL), we DO highly encourage everyone to provide links to individual blog posts.


As Empress said, on the day you make your blog post and also post about it here, it's easy for everyone to find what you're talking about. But months or years into the future, people just aren't going to take the time to poke through tons of your old posts to find what you wanted to show them.


So please take a few extra moments and link directly to an individual blog post. Or if you just can't figure out how to do that, pretty please, at the very least provide us with the date of the blog post. If you have an archive section listed on your blog, that makes it relatively painless to find your post. :)

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Just wanted to clarify that while we don't absolutely REQUIRE people to link to individual blog posts instead of the general blog URL (meaning, we won't delete your post if you do link to just your main blog URL), we DO highly encourage everyone to provide links to individual blog posts.


As Empress said, on the day you make your blog post and also post about it here, it's easy for everyone to find what you're talking about. But months or years into the future, people just aren't going to take the time to poke through tons of your old posts to find what you wanted to show them.


So please take a few extra moments and link directly to an individual blog post. Or if you just can't figure out how to do that, pretty please, at the very least provide us with the date of the blog post. If you have an archive section listed on your blog, that makes it relatively painless to find your post. :)


Not to mention that some linking is trial-and-error, i'll sometimes not realize that my link is messed up unless someone tells me.

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Oh boy.. two of my pet peeves in one post... not directly linking to blog posts and huge photos...


I've quit complaining because no one ever seemed to listen. Glad someone else brought it up.

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I also feel that the huge photo thing is a trial-in-error thing as well.


However does no one come back to their thread to check? It automatically puts you there after you hit submit. Surely they can see their picture is too big.

Or how about those that may be okay in size but there are two or more side by side making you scroll to see them? Post your picture, hit your enter button and post the next one.

There's a thread or more (or post a new one) in the help section explaining how to post pictures.

There's even a test section to do the trial and error.



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I had forgotten how important picture size is. I'm still all warm & fuzzy inside about finally having DSL at home.


Here at Mom's I'm on a dial-up connection and honestly -if it's taking too long because it's large I just close out of the page.


I agree with the blog links. Yeah - it's great to say 'link in my siggy' but if it's a blog with a lot of posts then I give up trying to find it.


What I do (and I've seen others do) is to post a pic of whatever it is and link to the blog post for more pics and details. I just hate clicking on a post and all it says is "Go look at my blog". I'm here for the eye candy!

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Thanks Darski! Also, keep in mind that some of us may have the viewing of sigs turned off to be able to read as many posts as possible. (it's an option)

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I'm at fault lately on the photo piece. Had to switch to photobucket from fotki and for some reason, the photobucket photos were HUGE. And I couldn't find a way to change them.


Now they have an editor you can use to make them smaller, but that wasn't there for some of my first posts using photobucket. I was going to reduce them going forward but should I have some spare time, I may go back and shrink the others.

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