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Whip the WIPs in 2009 !!! - Row A Day CAL


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Well, sort of... :lol


You said to put you on hold, so I went back a few rows I had you marked as un-done and will hold you at that until you tell me you have it completed. If you want, I can hold you at row 129 where it is the next one I have you to do, and hold you at that.

Whoa, you've got me confusticated!!! Although I am definitely undone! :lol


I'm not doing rows, I'm making saltines for AGC (someday, over the rainbow, I'll have pictures).


As of right now, I have 151 saltines completed. Gonna try LeAnna's new square today, I think.


Got the first 3 audio books of Patricia Cornwell's Kay Scarpetta series. Almost finished with Postmortem. Wow! What a change in technology from when that book was written. Anyway, I think it helps me to get more crocheting done. Just can't watch TV and accomplish much in crochet.

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I got all my home work done Krystal can I go out and play now?:lol I am at 54 rows on the shawl and I did a square, so I might be behind in a square unless you changed it to every other day. I feel good about getting stuff caught up. I am ready to start a new project now but my knitting needles are still busy. I need to mak wrist warmers for my other daughter and I am finding the black to hard to do in crochet. I can't see what I am doing with the stitchs and the ones she wants are knit anyway. :( I am not going to do them in the tiny needles the directions call for, I am doing them from another pattern and adapting them. I need to learn how to do drop stitches, ugh. Are they hard, knitters? Maybe I will skip that part.

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I am :help Not MIA!

Just finished up a test project, now I can catch up on my scrap and work on the filet.

Krystal please don't get the :tryme after me!!


Tomorrow should be a good :crocheting day because it is too wet out to do much else.

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Okay, I know I'm in trouble for not checking in. I'm so sorry! I was out of town all weekend and have been busy with work. I didn't even turn my computer on last night :eek and that never happens.


The good news is that I am all done with my giant granny (pics to follow), not sure what row I'm' on my RR but I know I'm behind. And of course, I started another ghan today. I really think I have a sickness :lol


I'll try to do better with checking in too but my job recently took away most of our internet privileges so I can't get on there very often and work 12 hours so don't come on until evenings.

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I need to learn how to do drop stitches, ugh. Are they hard, knitters? Maybe I will skip that part.


Honey - I drop stitches ALL the time in knitting -- it's not hard at all!! :rofl




Tracy - Cuddle S240*

Wendy - Both S57*

Heather - CRW M63

Brenda - CRW M47**

Donna - Graph R24**

Laura - R48**

Jeannie - Children S129 - I put you back to the last undone row I had.

Karen - On Sabbatical

Shelby - Scrap R31 - lotsa stars, not MIA

Sore - Afghan R100****

Sore - Scarf R287**

Meegan - Ripple R2

Honey - Shawl R55

Honey - Afghan S2.5*

Cats - Basket R88*

Kristen - diagonal S32 lotsa stars

Christi - Afghan Hex268**

Christi - Stole r14

Sunflower - Shawl R28 - lotsa stars

Britt - Shell R15

Cindy - RR R37*******

Janet - Afghan R21 (bumped)

Cheerios - Mater R170*******

Pickles - caught up


Have a good day today! I'm heading out to work in my garden... 80* today!

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I see that I am two behind. I didn't do any yesterday as I was busy and just lazy. I did finish up dots doohickey so that I can start a bico for a friend at work that is due in august. I may have to put that on here instead of the crw for awhile. hmmmm...I'll have to think about that.

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LOL, yea I drop stitches all the time, that was a mistake on my part. These stitches are double wrapped then you drop the extra wrap when you knit the next row. Worked out fine, I figured it out. Thanks for the laugh though. After some trial an error I think I have the pattern figured out. I am up to row 68 of the shawl, I haven't done another square yet, will work on my half :lol a bit later. Have two done. I am finding I need to sew the footballs down to look right. Unless I let others know it needs to be done, I will be sewing alot of foot balls down on the squares. Some people have included the football stitchs on them, embroidered on, which looks nice. I might do that in the end. I have been doing nothing but lazing around working on knitting or crocheting or reading. Watched one movie to mix it up. Made a trip to do a few errands but that's it. I have to take advantage of my last days off before I have to work:lol. I had better do some cleaning before the house falls down around me, and plant my garden, but too much rain today.

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ok didn't get any rows done today. I helped out at school on thursdays. I also had to wait for the carpet cleaners for my moms house. While I was waiting I put down some bark in mom's flower bed and then went back to school to get the kids and then I had to take mom to the grocery store and then home. I will try later tonight though. Sorry I am just going on and on. Well have a great night see ya later. britt:manyheart

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Tracy - Cuddle S244

Wendy - Both S58**

Heather - CRW M64 - caught up

Brenda - CRW M48***

Donna - Graph R26***

Laura - R49***

Jeannie - Children S129 - I put you back to the last undone row I had.

Roxy - Square

Karen - On Sabbatical

Shelby - Scrap R32 - lotsa stars, not MIA

Sore - Afghan R101*****

Sore - Scarf R297***

Meegan - Prayer R1

Honey - Shawl R57*

Honey - Afghan S3**

Cats - Basket R89

Kristen - diagonal S33 lotsa stars

Christi - Afghan Hex270***

Christi - Stole r15**

Sunflower - Shawl R29 - lotsa stars

Britt - Shell R18**

Cindy - RR R38********

Janet - Afghan R22*

Cheerios - Mater R180********

Pickles - caught up



Very hot and humid here... Will be working in the basement later!

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Shelby - you can have a bar as soon as you give me an approximate number of rows. I usually measure what I have, see how many rows it is and then use a ratio to determine about how many rows you will need.


Rows you will need = (Total Length When Done * Number of Rows you Have) then divide this number by Length you have now

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