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Statement of use for my patterns

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Since this is the other place where I post my patterns, I am going to post this notice about how my patterns can be used. it was always my intention to be generous in allowing the use of my patterns but I do wish to control what happens with them. This was originally written for use at my Yahoo group but I started by posting patterns here so I want every one here to have this info as well. I am posting in this section because this is where I hang out and see most people as well.




It was always my intent that people would be using my patterns to make doll clothes for the children they know. That has happened most of the time and I still get great joy from notes about little ones who love to see a new pattern come up.


Well whatever, I have now had to give serious (prayerful) thought to what might be considered fair use of my patterns.


I do not have a problem with people/groups using my patterns to make a little extra money by physically making them and selling the items they make.


However, I do not permit the selling of my patterns for money. I have once given permission for a booklet to be made of them for a charitable sale and I may do so again *if I am asked* and if it is for a church, charity or school type group. But first you have to ask.


Furthermore, If you choose to use my patterns as a money maker, I do not permit my images to be used for any advertizing of your work. You must make your own item and photograph that. These images are as much a part of my Web image as a designer as the patterns are and I reserve that use to myself alone.


This information will now be added to the blurb about the group that appears on the home page. In making this statement, I am not giving up any copyrights or privileges on my patterns. If there is any question about the use of my patterns, please ask.


In Christ, Darlene Cutler

AKA Darski

Owner of the Duds for Dora's Yahoo Group.

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I would like to add that I have been in contact with the person who had been using my pattern pictures. We have agreed that she will take down my pictures but she had been more harmed than I in this mess.


She believed that she had purchased the copyrights to those patterns and images. I did send her a note saying that she is completely free to use my patterns for her work at her site.

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Darski, I'm very glad to see you got that situation resolved. And that it's not as bad as it first appeared.


I would suggest that you come up with a very clear licensing arrangement that summarizes all the points in this post. (Let me know if want my help in working it up.) Then you should probably add that info to every single pattern you've posted here, as you have time to do it.


I'm just afraid there will be plenty of people who will see your patterns but will never run across this particular thread.


Although it will be a bunch of work for you to have to go back and identify each pattern thread you've started, it will ultimately be much more protection for you in the long run if the licensing terms are in each pattern.


Unfortunately, you wouldn't have a legal leg to stand on if you just rely on posting the terms in this thread and don't have the terms posted in individual patterns.

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My only reason for posting this was to let people know that I don't have a problem with them making some money from their own work and my patterns.


One thing I have learned is that you have no protection from theft. It can't be done.

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Darski, I am glad that you were able to resolve the issue with the person who was under the mistaken impression that she had purchased the copyrights. My guess is that it's probably the most common reason that people list patterns for sale - I think that Amy has an excellent suggestion to mark your patterns with your statement of use.


I am also very glad that you are generous enough to continue to allow people the opportunity to use your patterns to make items. You are quite talented and the patterns I've seen have been adorable creations.


It must be quite painful to see others laying claim to your hard work and inventiveness. I'm sorry that this happened to you.

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Sorry you had to go through this, unfortunately it happens and always to the nicest people. Your patterns are appreciated, your generosity is appreciated...just thought you should know!

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Darski, I am happy you have resolved the problem. You are always so willing to share your creations, now it's just a matter of protecting them. I'm sure you'll find a way, and this post is a good start.

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Darski, I am so glad to see this was settled. Where on earth would she have gotten the idea she purchased any rights, aren't your patterns free? Did someone rip her off?

I'm glad too she's taking the pictures down. To use someone else's pictures is not only infringing, but also misleading to a potential buyer. What if the crocheter's work is (not meaning to insult anyone's work, just using this as an example) not as nicely done as the designer's? The buyer would be expecting what they saw in the picture, or at least the quality.


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oh Darski, I didn't even have a CLUE this was going on to you!! I am SO VERY THANKFUL it hasn't ruined it for all f us who ADORE to make the clothes you design for our babies, and so many hapy faces from them.



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Darski, I am so glad to see this was settled. Where on earth would she have gotten the idea she purchased any rights, aren't your patterns free? Did someone rip her off?


Yes. I believe it was a former member of my Y Group but it is hard to say for sure. The Y group connection came up in discussions.


I am doing what I can to assist her and I sent her a special copy of my permission so she is covered for this.

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A big HERE HERE for putting together a TOU for your patterns!


I am sorry the both of you had to go through so much before coming to an agreement. I am also very glad for you to have some affirmation and closure on the issue.


Very good for you.



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I'm so glad this worked out for you. I know these things can be very upsetting and stressful to deal with. I use the creative commons license but people still can and do use things without permission. This is an excellent reminder to always check with the creator of a pattern if there is any question of use.

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Thank you all for your care and support.


I went through all my posted patterns here -I think - and added in the part about usage from my OP here. I need to thank Rachel at CPC as her listings made it easy for me to find all my stuff.


If any of you should happen to see one that I missed, I would appreciate a PM so I can fix that.


Blessings all. :hug

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Oh no, I knew you had a problem with someone selling your patterns a while back but I didn't realize it took this long to settle it. I'm sorry you had to go through all that. :hugs We do so appreciate your generosity with your patterns, help, hints and support you take the time to share with us, it's such a shame someone took advantage of that.

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I'm glad you were able to get this resolved Darski. Sorry you had to go through such stress over it. I'm also glad that it was an error & not on purpose but that's sad that she was conned into thinking she had bought your copyrights. It sounds like you both have been put through it.

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