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When I make a doily for someone, I think about that person, what I like about them, or I just think positive thoughts about them, and try to infuse my work with :manyheart. If I feel too cranky, upset, or just not in a good mood, I will refrain from working on anything until my mood lifts, because I don't want the doily to pick up any bad vibes. :yes

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I do meditate and pray for the person who will receive the item, regardless of if I even know who it will be. :) I figure we can all use a little extra prayer... I think I'll also start thinking about all the people around the world who are crocheting (or knitting I guess lol) at that very moment.


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I do things a bit differently depending on what I am working on and for whom I am making it.


If it's something for myself, I just crochet and relax as I'm working. However, one day I was sitting crocheting and it hit me that no matter what I am making, no matter how much or how little yarn is involved in the making of it, EVERY INCH of that yarn passes through my fingers. There isn't one inch of that piece that hasn't been touched by me, so as I work, I put my feelings into the work for the person it's going to. If it's for someone who is ill, I put wishes for good health into it. If it's for a birthday gift, I concentrate on my feelings for that person and the fact that I wish them many, many more birthdays. And sometimes it's just love that goes into it, but if it's for someone else, there are always some type of thoughts and wishes crocheted into the piece.

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Yes. All my crochet is "Happy Crochet" now. It sounds goofy to some people, but now I never work with yarn I don't like, make items I don't like, or make items for people I don't like. I will never again make something I resent doing, or that I feel pressured into doing.


All the crochet I do now has up, happy "vibes" in it and I love it. Now my stitching just flows and I am much more relaxed. If the item is for another person, I think about the person, how they will use the item, and how I am enjoying making it for them. I try to add a finishing touch that is unique for their item.


Giving up all those crochet negatives is the best thing I've ever done.

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No rituals... except it bugs me to have to stop in the middle of a row, so I concentrate on finishing that row or not starting another if I have to get up and tend to something else. Everything I crochet is done with happy thoughts, since it relaxes me and puts me in a mellow mood.

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i'm always amazed that i can create something from a crocked stick and yarn! how magical is that?

does anyone have special rituals that you do while working on a project?

i work a hair strand into a project i'm doing to "make me part of it".

anyone else?


I think that's magical too! I'm amazed everytime I make something! And I also work a hair (or two...or 20) in with my progects, but not intentionally LOL. You'll always find me picking out dog and/or cat hair if not my own. I'll have to work on that LOL. But if I'm making something for someone I do it at my table where it's hair free LOL.


I usually pray over the yarn as I'm working on it.

I do this too. Especially hard over it if it's meant for someone who's having a hard time or over the animal that is homeless and maybe sick in a rescue somewhere. My heart has a soft spot for those guys.


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My hair always ends up crocheted into my projects. My family teases me saying i shed worse than the dog! But they always say when they get a crocheted present from me they get a little of me along with it.

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When I crochet for someone else.. I go through all of my patterns and then decide what would be the best one for them and then chose the colors to their liking! Then I try my hardest not to mess up. But in every project, I always add an extra stitch. I told my dad and he says that is my signature!

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I just sew one of my labels on a major project. No real rituals. Other than trying to keep my hair OUT of my project.


I will say though that if I struggle with a project I try to figure out why I'm struggling with it, because like the previous poster just before me said, crochet should be full of happy vibes...if I'm struggling with whatever project, there's a reason...maybe it's the yarn, maybe it's the pattern, but maybe also something outside of crocheting is bothering me...maybe I feel I should be doing something else, like cleaning the house, maybe I'm worried about someone, maybe I'm trying to rush the project, maybe I'm upset with someone or something.


Once I figure out what the problem really is and deal with it, then usually the project goes smoother.


Recently I was making a sweater for my nephew and just hit a roadblock with the pockets...and I just couldn't seem to finish the project for two weeks...which put more pressure on me. I knew what was bothering me, but didn't know how to fix the problem. Eventually I did two things, one take the project to my friend who owns the yarn shop next door to me for her opinion of what I was doing and see if I was on the right track (I was) and get a tip or trick from her about how to attach the pockets; and the second thing I did was take a picture of it nearly completed and emailed my sister just to see if she would like it for her son. She loved it and my confidence was completely restored. Sometimes, that's really all it is is a lagging of confidence.


Sometimes it is the yarn, and sometimes it is the pattern and those are easily dealt with...


But sometimes it's something more and it might take longer to work through.

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I don't have any rituals, but my hair ends up crocheted in sometimes, not intentionally!


I dont really have any rituals either, but This same thin happens to me too, it drives me nuts sometimes.



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I just sew one of my labels on a major project. No real rituals. Other than trying to keep my hair OUT of my project.


I will say though that if I struggle with a project I try to figure out why I'm struggling with it, because like the previous poster just before me said, crochet should be full of happy vibes...if I'm struggling with whatever project, there's a reason...maybe it's the yarn, maybe it's the pattern, but maybe also something outside of crocheting is bothering me...maybe I feel I should be doing something else, like cleaning the house, maybe I'm worried about someone, maybe I'm trying to rush the project, maybe I'm upset with someone or something.


Once I figure out what the problem really is and deal with it, then usually the project goes smoother.



Sometimes it is the yarn, and sometimes it is the pattern and those are easily dealt with...


But sometimes it's something more and it might take longer to work through.



I have found the same thing happens to me....and once I 'settle' whatever is bothering me, the right yarn and pattern just seem to come together and make sense!

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