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March is National Crochet Month?

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I love the naked sheep!!! I ma making one of those!! I think I have just enough pink left over from a previous project to do it!


WOO HOO on the whole month of March being National Crochet Month!!!

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Like another poster, I wear my crocheted items, I carry a crocheted purse or tote bag, I crochet nearly every day...sooooo, one resolution that I need to make and keep during this month is finish up some WIP's and maybe feel the fear and do it anyway in the form of submitting an original pattern to a publication...

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The funny part of this is, when people see me WITHOUT a needle or needles and yarn...they start worrying, and that's when the questions start. LOL.


Exactly the same here. "How come you're not working on something?" I've gotten that a few times. My hands are always working on things when I have to sit, like at volleyball tournements and other things. My favorite job was to take admissions so that I could watch the game, crochet, and take in the money!:lol

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Well, I'm doing my part to support National Crochet Month. I "explained" to my dh that I "needed" to buy more yarn because of NCM so we went to Walmart and I bought one cone of cotton peaches and creme, and 17 skeins of RHSS, plus some crochet thread and a new crochet hook. Now I just need to figure out what I'm going to do with all that new stuff.:c9

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I think all yarn and thread should go on sale to celebrate....



But only if it's for crocheting...not knitting. :hook

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I think the good ol' granny square is going to be my symbol to wear this month. I have a few little grannys that I'm going to pin to my shirt and wear proudly everyday this month.

:crochetingAnd my goal is to make myself a wearable this month. I always make for someone else. So this month.. I make for me. Just one thing.

I started a sweater this morning .... wish me luck ladies! Its my own pattern too!

Oh... and the whole buying yarn thing this month.... You better believe it!!!!! :yarn I have an obligation to my fellow crochet-o-holics to support our need.




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I like the idea of more crocheting in public ... I always take mine tucked into a corner of my laptop bag when heading to meetings by train .. however, I have discovered recently that a mohair WIP is NOT a good idea when wearing a black business suit ... not only was I covered in bits of coloured mohair but so was the business man sat next to me!!


Even better ... it's another excuse to buy more wool!!!



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I have gone back to working in the public arena after almost a decade as a SAHM. I am now a high school secretary (a.k.a. glutton for punishment). I rarely make any projects for my self, but decided I would crochet something for each month of the year to decorate my desk with. The items I have done so far are sort of thematic for the month, or a holiday in the month (Sept.-Apple for back to school, Oct. Football in school colors, Nov.- Pumpkin, etc.). In doing this I have had many compliments and questions about crochet. It really makes me feel good to be able to talk about my passion (I have no one to associate with in my community that actually does any type of handy craft, and I know a LOT of people). Anyway, since it is NCM I decided to do something purely whimsical; I crocheted a mug of coffee with a donut in it (most of you have seen the pattern on the internet-I actually crocheted a mug though). Not difficult, but fun; and I have received endless compliments today. Our campus police woman fell in love with it, so I plan to embroider LPD on it and give it to her at the end opf the month. When ever anyone has (and whenever they do in the future) comment on this particular item I proudly remark, "March is National Crochet Month." It makes me smile. I LOVE crocheting.

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:crocheting Well all........... I'm doing it... I have half my sweater done that I promised myself I would make in honor of NCM. I'm so excited!

I have a small granny square pinned to my purse so that I have it with me all through this month.

I also have bought several skeins of yarn so far this month.

I have always crocheted out in public :U

So... how am I doing... supporting our crocheting habit properly?


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I always carry a small project along wherever I go. Never know when you have to sit and wait lol....I love it when a man will come up and comment on my work. I had a great chat with a man a couple of months ago in a hospital waiting room. He was pretty knowledgable about the subject. A great way to meet and chat with people.

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woomba, I chatted with a guy at the gas station the other day. He said he knows how to knit, well actually that his mom taught him when he was a kid. He was in his 50s. We chatted about it while we were waiting on the pumps.


Its interesting the conversations crocheting in public can start.

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