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Having Fun & Getting It Done CAL/KAL 4th Quarter!

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Wow... everyone's stuff looks so beautiful! Way to go! :cheer


I'm taking my last final this morning and it's my knitter's group meeting tonight, so I might get to finally pick up a hook again. My hooks all think I've abandoned them. :lol


Have a great day!



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Love seeing what everyone is working on! I've been working on various scarves for the Summer Scarf Swap...it's fun to do small, fast projects. I'm alternating that with the Lisette Shawl which is coming out great but the final rounds are so slowwwwww.....

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Hook abandonment is so sad, you must make sure to take your hooks out and pet them now and then, even if you aren't using them... :rofl

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Well, I've finished my Kaboodle, :yay:cheer


Now... back to this blasted to do list... well after I do the dishes, my kaboodle has caused me to be living in CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome) :rofl


Oh, the Chaos thing isn't my own creation, got it over on flylady.net

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Wow, that is gorgeous, Susan. Thanks for the link, that is definitely going on my WIM list.

Karen, very nice ghan. I can't do ripples all that well, so I really appreciate seeing a well made ripple afghan.


My baby ghan just became a UFO, I was becoming very bored with it, and as a result started making sloppy errors. So it is bagged for now, I am eager to go on to the Mobius shawl.

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Everyone has been so busy finishing great stuff! I just got back from vacation. But, never fear! Just because I was away doesn't mean my hooks were abandoned. I whipped up this little beach bag on the plane and on the beach in Mexico. I finished just in time to actually use it! You can see its all stretched out.:lol

Now, back to my REAL list!



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Nice bag suzy, can't wait to see what other projects you have in the works!


Today i am SICK! Throat and nose just having a field day, I did finish up my Axe purse, it's a conversation starter for my involvement in The Traveling Hook III




And, I have done 3 8" squares for the same cause, I used my Chophook to do them, but no pictures yet...


I think this evening I'm going to lay out the squares for the 2nd comfortghan I want to assemble, make sure I have enough and get them in a sequence that best flatters them..


Ooooo, and I got my Summer Scarf Swap Partner, so I want to look for just the right pattern for the 3rd and final scarf I'm going to send her. :cheer

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Updated list



Dolly Parton doll - 65% complete

Mr Bean style bear - 100% complete

Retro Babette - 100% complete

Sweet Dreams baby blanket - 85% complete

Pink Pet blanket - 100% complete

Green pet blanket #1 - 100% complete


Green pet blanket #2 - 100% complete

Peaches & Cream pet blanket - 100% complete

Red & White Round Ripple - 100% Complete

New items

Black Fun Fur Cat - 70% complete

White cat - 70% complete

RR for sister - 50% complete




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Susan--I love the cardigan! I hear you on the short arms--sleeves are always too long for me too!

Elaine--the ripple blanket looks great.


:laughroll CHAOS :rofl Thanks Ada, I hadn't seen that before! Now that there's a name for it, will my health insurance cover Merry Maids?


I have updated my signature with completed and ongoing projects. I am working on three things now--bookmarks, baby blanket (2), and a freeform doodle. I will be sending my friend 3-4 bookmarks along with a gift card to B&N.

Maybe I'll get some pictures taken this week!

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Hi all, started the trims on my fleece baby blankets today. Spent most of my time trying to figure out what makes a good hole for it. Wound up using the needle for unpholstery and leather. It has a curved flat pointed tip so when used on leather it makes a crescent shaped cut that closes. Works real good, except the eye end was digging into the palm of my hand when I pushed down. Soooo....out came my beads and gorilla glue and I made a new tool by gluing a large round bead to the eye area with yarn to hang it when not in use. Can't do a pic right now, cause camera is in car so I can bring it in to get a memory card. Need to be able to do more than 5-7 pics at a time on high quality.

Anyway, one blankie is half done, waiting for glue to cure so I can make more holes.

Mobius shawl will be next...

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Well, I havn't really made progress on my list this past week, although I have completed stuff, I made 30 6" squares for the Charity blitz http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a306/tomasko2002/MayCBSqs/DSC01166.jpg and I made the first of 10 baby blankets I want to make and send to Donnalynn



And tonight I'm working on some Daisy Squares for Krystal, want to get a couple done...


This week I need to:


Finish Scarf for Scarf Swap

Finish 8 Round Squares for babette (i know I've said this the last 2 weeks now, this week it WILL get done

Make 10 Daisy Squares


If I can knock those items off my list I'll be good :yes

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I need to find my last list and revise it....I have been really stressed out the past couple of weeks and it's even affected my crocheting. :(I think I need to stop watching the news so much.:yes


Anyway, I've made a couple of scarves for the Summer Scarf swap and I have yarn for other projects but haven't really worked on much else. I'm about 10 rows away from finishing my Lisette sweater shawl so I'll probably get back to working on that.


Here's hoping my mood and the weather improves by the end of the week!:)

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:hug Kim, I know how stress can change everything you do... I didn't really touch my hooks from December until shortly before I joined in on the CAL... you'll get your groove back, it's prolly waiting for you around the next corner! :hug
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:hug Kim, I know how stress can change everything you do... I didn't really touch my hooks from December until shortly before I joined in on the CAL... you'll get your groove back, it's prolly waiting for you around the next corner! :hug



Thanks so much Ada for your kind words. :manyheartI've let the little things get to me along with the big stresses I already had and now I'm just struggling to keep up. I'm determined to keep crocheting even if it is only a little at a time.

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