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Having Fun & Getting It Done CAL/KAL 4th Quarter!

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Here is the FINISHED Circles to Squares Afghan!




I am very happy with it! I think this is before I washed it. All of the squares are more square like now and Caron SS gets even softer when you wash it.


I also finished this bag




I call it the Kashia Bag because its for my friend Kashia - and it sounds cute! Its my second felting project and I am VERY happy with the way it turned out! The BF was really impressed too!

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Elaine, your blanket is wonderful!! I like the colors you picked so much better than the earth tones I was using on mine. You did a fantastic job on it!!


Love the bag too!

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I did it, I did it :cheer After what.... 2.. 3 weeks of saying "this week they'll get done..." here they are my 8 round squares for my babette blanket




I now have my 12, 10 and 8 round squares done, and that was my goal for this quarter so :woo another item off my list for this quarter :yay

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What a week! My sister called Saturday and convinced me to come to her place in Newport News, VA and then head to our family reunion in Hartwell, GA this weekend. So...my week has been finding substitutes for my resposibilities, washing summer clothes as we haven't needed them here, packing and planning. I was at a standstill waiting on yarn for a couple of project, and in the time it took to get it I started 3 more :eek. I think I know which one gets to go on vacation :lol. I hope the others won't be too offended. If I am finding time to crochet before I go, I am working on the losers, should keep them happy. So here is my WIP list


Perfect Welcome afghan- 8 rows in

Restful Retreat afghan- 10 rows in and the lucky winner, I think

Short n Sweet Cardigan- 12 motifs done

Life's a Beach Bag- have materials, 1st runner up for vacation


Started and need to frog

Touched by nature afghan- still want to do, but not at this time

another afghan of which I forgot the name.


And now I'm going to bed. Good night, all. :manyheart

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Kim try to relax, you can't be the caretaker for the world. It would do you in. Seems the folks with the best hearts get hurt the most.

Such impressive work everyone!!!

As for me I am just plodding along, testing swatches for wheel chair tote, making borders for fleece blankies and reading through Mobius pattern until I get the umph to pull out the tote that yarn is in. I have decided on Lavender mohair for it. Saving my Brilliant stash for something special. Just a wee bit more sewing, and I should be starting the shawl.

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Here's what my list looks like for this week! I'm putting any project that uses a bulky/heavy yarn on hold for a while. Right now I'm into cottons and sport/lace weight yarn.



1. Lisette Sweater/shawl....85%:cheer

2. Crochet skirt....need yarn:think

3. Garden Party Lace Wrap...have yarn:yarn

4. Summer Scarf .....90%:cheer

5. Quahog Beach Bag...have yarn, starting this week!:cheer

6. Asymmetrical Summer Poncho...have yarn:yarn



Ongoing.....Learn to Knit!

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Kim, where do you find your avatars? They are awesome!



Thanks! My son showed me how to do a search on Google images for bunny clipart. I've found some really cute ones!

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Thanks for all the compliments! That blanket is probably my first UFO that actually got finished! I just love Caron SS - its so nice for an afghan after that first wash! It really lives up to its name!


I am totally off of my list. I dont even know what is on my list right now!


What was on my list has either been finished (circles to squares, ripple) or frogged (seraphina). The bedspread is on hold. I just dont like Red Heart - I dont know why I bought it!


But I have started my first sock in knitting! I think it took me the course of 2 days to cast on and get that first round going. I have a feeling that second sock is going to be just as fun too :P


I am also working on the pattern (#82-6) I got from the Kaboodle swap! Its a nice cardigan in a beautiful mercerized egyptian cotton in purple (my favorite color!)


But those 2 projects are the only ones I have going right now. Hmm... maybe I will go look through ravelry. We are moving in less than 5 weeks (eek!) and so I have made the promise that I will not buy any more yarn until after we move, so I am slightly limited (although my stash has grown pretty significantly I have noticed).

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Well so much for plodding along. I just joined a Cal, and took on some charity things, so revised my list to reflect it. Mobius will have to wait til next quarter.

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Well, I've joined 12 squares of the 2nd comfortghan since last night :yay


I had planned on making Daisy Squares this week, but after the Square-Along Weekend, I am kinda square-pooped out... so I'm working on joining this ghan instead (which is on my list, so it's all good), I also started the 2nd of 10 baby blankets I want to send to Donnalynn, I'm using the pattern from the Rainbow Set, I have 17 of 30 rounds completed on that... although those blankets aren't officially on this quarters list...


I found a shawl I started for myself a couple months ago, and since I remember what hook I was using, I guess I should finish it up, but not just yet....


Oh yea, and my list is going to be neglected here soon, because I've received word that my turn with the Traveling Hook III is upon me, so I should be getting the hook soon, and when I do that day and 5 days out will be devoted to FARA, I got the 200 crochet blocks book in the mail today, and chose 45 squares I'd like to make for FARA....


Um, anything else, don't think so, just wanted to say Hi and share what I've got going on :yay


Have a good night everyone!

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Ada - you are the master of squares so it seems! I cant believe you make so many and attach them. I always seem to have issues with the attaching part! Let me know how the daisy square goes for you. I have the pattern and have wanted to make it, but havent gotten around to it.


Don't worry about neglecting your list, mine is long gone by now!!

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I make a few squares, most of the one's I've attached were made by other people, and I do the attaching part of it. Most of the squares I make I send off to other charities to be joined by other people :lol I just like making squares, it's fast, gratifying, and there are so many DIFFERENT designs, I don't get bored with them :yes


So what are everyone's plans for the weekend???

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tonight I'm going to see Indiana Jones with my DH :cheerIT'S A DATE :c9

so glad kids are old enough to stay home by themselves! :yes

tomorrow DH is on duty so I will hopefully get some stashbusting done :yarn:yarn:yarn

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I haven't dropped off the face of the earth here - I am slowly plugging away at my list. I probably don't have the concept here quite right - I keep adding things to my list! Isn't the point to finish what we start out the quarter with?? :D

Here is my updated list:

1) Terry Kimbrough baby blanket (Special Memories) (56 of 70 rows on the body done then it’s on to the border)

2) Fix the stars on Sunshine’s afghan

3) Knit sweater for me (the back is done and the front 25% done)

4) Lots of yo-yos to join together (really need to get going on this!)

5) Use up stash - make Baby yarn squares and WW squares for charity (this is an ongoing thing…)

6) Finish my crochet socks (50% done)

7) Started an Around the World quilt-ghan (104 saltines done)

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Well, my 2 oldest dd's are going on a trip today to Clyde Peelings Reptile Land, they leave in about an hour and will be gone ALL DAY, which means I only have my 2 1/2 year old today. Which means I am going to be doing a lot of cleaning, since I don't have the twister sisters coming behind me and messing it up again. I'm starting with the Kitchen, then moving to the living room, then on to the bedrooms upstairs, THEN I can crochet today.


And I'll be working on the stocking cap I'm making up as I go, I'm also writing the pattern as I go so I can share it with others, all the cool looking stocking caps i found were knitted, so I had to make a crocheted pattern :)


This week, like I said before, I'm expecting to get the Traveling hook III so my only project I think I'm going to work on besides that is my 2nd comfortghan. I have to rip out the edging of the 2 rows I've joined, I was doing flat braid, and it doesn't line up like I get them to when I edge and sew, I'll try flat braid again another time i guess, but for now it doesn't meet my needs. So hopefully, I can get this ghan back to 2 rows completed by the end of the week, have made a few squares for FARA, and finish this stocking cap for Casey.


I am excited though, because really the only things left on my original list for this quarter are squares, and joining 2 more comfortghans, and I'm confident I can finish those items by the end of June! And I think if I do then next quarter I'll challenge myself even more!

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Its been so hectic around here for a couple of months. We had big plans to get things done this weekend and maybe see a movie. Indiana Jones for us, too! Friday DH came home sick and has been in the bed ever since! A good ole intestinal virus! I've been plugging away on the chore list by myself, but there are some things he needs to do himself. On the good side-I almost finished the RR last night while watching our Saturday night Brit-coms! I hope to finish it off this weekend and get it in the mail to Mom.

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I have finished the kitchen and the living room, and my husband insists that I make the girls clean their own room, and HE CLEANED OUR ROOM!!! :cheer:yay Which means all my stuff is done for today, I can now sit and crochet to my hearts content! I am going to do a few loads of laundry, but that's easy, lots of down time waiting for the dryer to finish!

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Hey all from Newport News, VA! Had a great time at the family reunion in GA and are now trying to decide what we can shove into one day here. My sister, my 21 yr old neice, my 9yr old son and I are planning to go to Jamestown as Shawn will be studying that when we get home, might hit the Yorktown battlefield, and take a ferry! Hope you all have a happy and festive Memorial Day. Talk to you when I get back to PA.

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