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Having Fun & Getting It Done CAL/KAL 4th Quarter!

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Oh, wow, now I can cast on my Yoga socks. Good times! :lol I'm anxious and scared of DPN's. :blush


They're not as hard to deal with as they seem at first. Projects on dpns seem to go faster for me, probably because of the lowish stitch count and the fact that even though you are still in the middle of the round, it feels like you've accomplished something (minor, but still) when you finish a needle. :D I can't wait to see how they turn out!


I've gotten a lot farther in my brother's present, all the way up to the bottom of the 'd'. And I also managed 2 more striped on our mother's day project.

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Well, I'm getting down the home stretch with my afghan. I have one more strip to go, and then I'll be doing the border. I'm so glad I decided to sew the motifs together as I went along...

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Well, I'm getting down the home stretch with my afghan. I have one more strip to go, and then I'll be doing the border. I'm so glad I decided to sew the motifs together as I went along...



That's great! Post pics when you finish.:clap

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Project Update:


I got both SP projects done the night before I had to send them out. So I stayed up until 2 AM crocheting. :eek Anyway, they both came out great and I ended up making the 8 pocket tote into a 6 pocket tote and taking the two side pockets and sc'ing them together on 3 sides to make a crochet hook case that matches. I filled the bag and sent it off on Tuesday. I photographed it and will post photos after my pal gets it.


I also finished CDBear's squares and got them mailed out today. I didn't take pics of those. I always forget to photograph the squares I make.


Oh, wow, now I can cast on my Yoga socks. Good times! :lol I'm anxious and scared of DPN's. :blush


Everybody's projects look and sound great! It's obvious that we have begun this quarter with gusto. I'm impressed. :D Way to go everyone! :cheer


Turning the side pockets into a crochet hook case is a great idea! I hadnt thought about that. I still have the side pockets somewhere... I'll have to try that!


Good luck with the socks!! Let me know how it goes! I tried to start something on a set, but I think I need more experience first!!

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Only five more rows of the actual chart, and then just 20 rows of blue and the front if his pillow will be done!




If I get the whole thing done by tomorrow night, I'll probably see if I can at least work out a chief wahoo chart for the other side, otherwise I'll probably keep the back plain....

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Only five more rows of the actual chart, and then just 20 rows of blue and the front if his pillow will be done!




If I get the whole thing done by tomorrow night, I'll probably see if I can at least work out a chief wahoo chart for the other side, otherwise I'll probably keep the back plain....



That looks great! I love those colors!

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Hi Ladies! I have been MIA from this thread for too long! I am going to go over what I accomplished last quarter and get what I want to accomplish this quarter. Hope everyone has been well! I am going to catch up on all your posts! :manyheart

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Hello! I finished my Aunt Judi's afghan yesterday (just have to hid the ends and wash it up) and I'm halfway done with my Aunt Shirl's prayer shawl!

WTG everyone for setting those goals and hooking or knitting away to get them done!! :cheer

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Hello! I finished my Aunt Judi's afghan yesterday (just have to hid the ends and wash it up) and I'm halfway done with my Aunt Shirl's prayer shawl!

WTG everyone for setting those goals and hooking or knitting away to get them done!! :cheer

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Have been working hard trying to get my SP things finished, have sent off her package, but still have a few things left to complete.


Having a big sort out of all my craft room and found a few plastic containers with some more WIP's in, most of which I planned to frog.


Have thrown away 2 items as it will take forever to frog as they are made from mohair, only small items.


Found aload of yoyo's I made for my dad's afghan that I never used, gonna turn them into cat toys.


Put all my little scrap balls in a small plastic container with a lid, I still have more scraps to put in.


Put the eyes on my Mr Bean bear, stuffed the head and sewed on the ears, found the pattern I was using, but it's been that long since I started it I can't remember what hook size I was using.


I have started some things for the pet swap as well, need to buy some more yarn to finish the main item off.

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Hello! I finished my Aunt Judi's afghan yesterday (just have to hid the ends and wash it up) and I'm halfway done with my Aunt Shirl's prayer shawl!

WTG everyone for setting those goals and hooking or knitting away to get them done!! :cheer

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My CAL is coming along pretty well. I haven't tried any felted potholders yet but will this week. I've been able to complete a bunch of caps and a few dishcloths. My numbers slowed a bit for the last week because I needed to get my son's Harry Potter scarf done before his birthday. Slowly but surely!

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Okay, I'm wired! I just finished my Aunt Shirl's shawl, minus the hiding of ends and washing! :crocheting


Now to make a plan of when I will work on the other items on my list as I have A LOT of homework this weekend! If anyone would like to do some homework, I'll have more crocheting and knitting time! ;):P:yes


Can't wait to see who will post next with their progress! :clap

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Cool pillow Nila!


Thanks! I've already made a chief wahoo chart for the back, whether I get to it or not. (I'm really hoping, I only have 21 more rows on the front) It'll need a lot of detail embroidery on the face, but it'd be worth it.



Edit: I finished all the color changes for the front! Now just 20 rows of blue. I'm hoping to get 10 of them done before I go to bed but I can't stay up too late because I have class.

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Now that the Secret Pal Swap is finishing up I have time to get to my own things again :D I made the bedside rug for my hubby (photo coming shortly) and have also started my rug. They are quick to make so maybe I'll finish mine before the weekend is over. I did Sunshine's in an evening.



New stuff:

1) baby blanket to make for co-worker's wife who is due in July

2) striped sweater for me from swap pattern using pink Joanne boucle

3) one skein scarf for me with new yarn from ebay

4) two bedside rugs in Lion brand suede for my Sunshine and me 50% done (John’s is complete - started and finished on evening on April 8th) and mine is started now


On-going stuff:

5) Fix the stars on Sunshine’s afghan

6) Baby shells blanket in peach and white (25% done)

7) Baby shells blanket in mismatched no-dye lot pinks (75% done)

8) Knit sweater for me (10% done)

9) Lots of yo-yos to join together

10) Use up stash - make Baby yarn squares and WW squares for charity

11) Finish my crochet socks (50% done)

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Here is the rug I made my Sunshine.





It is made with Lion Brand Suede. I sued a 6mm hook and used the griddle stitch (sc, dc, sc... in one row, in the next row dc on the sc, sc on the dc...) Gives it a nice texture. It is about 14 by 24 inches.

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Hi Everyone!! YEA ME!! I have been up since 4am as my son had to be at school at 5am for a band performance. I decided not to go back to bed and let my hubby sleep in. I crocheted some squares for charities, and worked on the border of the afghan for my friend until 6am, when I got our younger 2 up to get ready for school. The best part, other than getting some crocheting in, is that I didn't take my meds for 2 hours upon waking as it was too early to start my schedule (too much day left and not enough doses I can take).

Anyway, I am so proud of ME! Now I'm on the Ville lifting my spirits even more with all of the wonderful friends here! I know I'll need to take a nap real soon, but I'm off to a great start! I'll post a pic of the afghan when I complete it later today. There's a great story behind this afghan, and I'll tell you it with the pic when posted. Just had to share my early "having fun getting it done" work I have accomplished.


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Here is the rug I made my Sunshine.





It is made with Lion Brand Suede. I sued a 6mm hook and used the griddle stitch (sc, dc, sc... in one row, in the next row dc on the sc, sc on the dc...) Gives it a nice texture. It is about 14 by 24 inches.



Awesome Rug!:clap


I was given some of this yarn from my swap partner... I had no idea what to make with it, now I have an idea!!! How much yarn did you use to make it?

And I love that stitch too, I have also seen it called the up-down stitch.... and it's been in patterns I've used but never called out as anything

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