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Out Of Ideas

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I can't seem to bring myself to think of anything else I'd like to crochet. My WIP list is almost empty, I have no more yarn left, and have no interest in completing anything else.

I think I have crocheter's block....:eek


Anyone have this before? Have any mind logging ideas? :crocheting

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I have this now except I have yarn and stumped for ideas

I am slowly working on a round ripple and not even working at my normal pace I think I hit a road block

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Maybe it is time to learn something new.... new in crochet or some other craft.


A change is as good as a rest :yes


For just plain fun and fiddl-y; I would recommend paper quilling. Love that stuff.

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Maybe it is time to learn something new.... new in crochet or some other craft.


A change is as good as a rest :yes


For just plain fun and fiddl-y; I would recommend paper quilling. Love that stuff.



You might try some thread crochet. Thread is so much less expensive than yarn. Or have you tried tunisian? When I look at my 100 stitches/squares books, I get all kinds of ideas. Maybe you just need to play at something else for a while...like Pogo:).



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Right now I'm having the opposite problem, so many ideas, so little time. But I've had block too. Sometimes it's good to just take a break--maybe you're burned out after crocheting Christmas gifts. The urge will return, probably with a vengeance!

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You could catch up on reading.


Or make a bunch of squares to send out during the year.

Squares to donate to Warm Up America.

Baby hats to donate.

Look through the charity section of the forum and see what you could do.

Look through the wish lists and see if there's blocks you could send.


Come help me catch up on my works. :lol

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I just took a trip thru Granny Square land by googling images of granny squares. What a wonderful adventure. Found a pattern for a "pinwheel" granny square at Craftown. So pretty. Thought I had copied the pattern, but see that I will have to go back to get the pattern. Anyway the journey was fun.



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I too have the opposite problems, too many patterns that I want to make and not enough time in the day!!! I can't decide what to make next...I promised to make a relative an afghan, there is a new baby on the way in our family and I want to make a nice baby afghan, I promised to make an ami for a friend months ago, I still want to make some socks and mittens, and a wearable for me!!!! Then there are all the tens of thousands of patterns I have and seem to end up spending most of my time looking up new patterns on the internet!!!!


I also agree about trying something new and different to crochet...using thread to make book marks, or trying some of those different double-ended crochet hooks. Keep those fingers and wrists moving, moving, moving! Maybe take a month off but no longer!!! Maybe try knitting something, but please don't leave the crochet hook laying too long!!! :hook

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Just switched browsers so was able to copy the Pinwheel Star Granny Square pattern. The link is http://www.craftown.com/cropat9.htm


I like the pop-up blocker in IE, but the browser does have it's draw-backs sometimes. Had to return to my Netscape browser.




Here's the link to the web site of the creator of the Pinwheel Star Granny Square. http://members.aol.com/gandal195/elegantcrochet.html


She has other free patterns. Don't know if Bonnie Pierce is a Crochetville member or not.



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:think I found yarn!!!! And can't think of what to do.....


Whew!! I thought I was going to have to call out for some help for you!! :D


I'm with the girls who suggested learning something new.......check out the KnitWits in the CAL section.......we've got folks learning how to knit!

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My best ideas come from looking at old magazines that are in my bins. Sometimes, I find just the right idea to make.


Also, try going to the library and checking out their books.


Or as someone said, just take a break. It's ok to do something else.



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I think I would start making squares of the same size and just put them in a box and when you get a nice amount then put them together for a ghan.


Or try something in crochet that you haven't tried before. That will make it fun and give you more ideas. I really wanna try entrelac. :)

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Start crocheting for next Christmas! Stockings make nice gift "bags" and someone would probably like a hat and scarf set. Maybe some holiday decorations?

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I have so many to-do projects, I don't know where to start. I'm working on a RR for my youngest daughter for her birthday, her birthday is Jan. 6th(I should be crocheting right now instead of been here:lol), also my oldest daughter's best friend is having a boy this month, so I want to make her an afghan. Need to start on a "Spidey" afghan for my soon to be 5 yr. old grandson. I have downloaded sooooo many free patterns and bought sooooo many patterns--where do I start??:think:eek Not enough hours in my day!!!!:hook

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I would do some charity projects, or how about 6x9 rectangles, or Warm up America...so many things to do...BUT ....NO YARN!! How awful...run to a store stock up, there are plenty of sales...poor baby, no yarn, that shouldn't happen to anyone!!

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YAY!!!!! The block is gone. I picked up my old ripple afghan and did a few rows on it just to have something to do, and looked at the balls and balls of scrap yarn I have......



......and I decided that I was going to take advantage of my Crochet! magazine subscription, and look at patterns.....




......and I found the wonders of a stitch library in the making in the past four issues.....




.....and decided that this is what I will do...... I only have two done so far. Pictures above.

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