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Yarn Snob?

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I'm wondering if I've become a yarn snob... ;)


I used to crochet with nothing but Red Heart.. and then discovered Simply Soft and Red Heart suddenly felt coarse. Then I tried Wool-ease, and Soy silk, and just a day ago I tried Bamboo and was smitten with it's softness, but a bit troubled with the lack of colors in these softer yarns.


Today I was in the yarn section of my craft store and was eyeing the Red Heart colors.. but couldn't stand the feel of it.


Have I become a yarn snob? I don't want to touch it (the Red Heart yarn in my stash), or use it anytime soon while I'm creating projects with the much softer yarns.


Are you a Yarn snob? :yarn

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I don't think you'd be a snob till you looked down on someone for useing red heart.


I still use my red heart for things that it works well for, slippers, afghans, toys, and kids hats. I use them for things I know will need washed a lot. I know that it is going to wash up soft, and my hands don't seem bothered by it. Plus the price is right and you can't beat the color selection.


But I am getting pulled more and more toward the dark side. :devil The other yarns just feel so good, and they way they slide off my hook is just heavenly.


I say use what works, and what you can afford. To each their own. I do have to admit that if I get a great deal on some really great yarn, I feel a little superior. Does that make me a bargain snob?

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I wouldn't say you were a snob, just touch sensitive. I can honestly say I can't think of the last time I used Redheart, but I have looked at some of their newer yarns that are soft. I am very sensitive to the feel of fabrics and yarn. I love the colors it comes in, but I just can't use it. I have been buying caron simply soft instead.

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I'm still using red heart, but I've made the leap to experiencing some other types...I only buy small amounts and make small projects with the more expensive yarns. mainly because I can't afford to spend $500 on an afghan that can't be put in the washer.


Anyway, as previously noted, your only a snob when you look down on others.


Finally I am finding Red Heart to be more an more "scratchy". I'm working on an afghan, or shall I say I have a WIP that I can't bring myself to work on right now because its kind of irritating my fingers. I'm sure it will soften upon washing, but either way...I think Red Heart is having some quality issues, especially with the darker colors.

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I don't think you'd be a snob till you looked down on someone for useing red heart.


I say use what works, and what you can afford. To each their own. I do have to admit that if I get a great deal on some really great yarn, I feel a little superior. Does that make me a bargain snob?

I agree.

Maybe donate the RH to someone who would be willing to use it, maybe for charity if you want or for whatever reason. Or if you can, find the softest you have of RH and double it with a softer yarn and make a charity blanket or for yourself a rug.


I've noticed that some of the newer red heart is getting softer. And some seems a bit rougher. It just depends on the dye lot. But there was a time (last year I think) that it was rough. I just bought some and it's all soft except the vergiated (which I don't have to use much except one round and the boarder on the afghan I'm making), but I don't think it's too bad.


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I still love Red Heart, but I'm occasionally buying Caron Pounders now.


I am becoming a bit of a yarn snob, when it comes to yarns to knit with. I really like some of the merino wool/cotton blends that I've found at the knitting store (notice I didnt say "crochet" or "yarn" store)


I really like how the merino/cotton blends just flow over the knitting needles.


I still like Red Heart tho. It'll always be one of my favorite yarns to crochet with. It's what I learned on, and what I've used for most of the past 30yrs that I've been crocheting.


At least I'm branching out to other types of yarns, and enjoying playing with all sorts of yarny-type stuff.

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I use a lot of Red Heart and Caron 1 pounder for donations and always wash them in a tiny bit of detergent and no softener (allergies) and they come out quit a bit softer.


I really like the stiffness of RH when I'm working with it, and love how it softens right up after a trip thru the dryer.

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Red Heart is a double edged sword...the price is great, even when it isn't on sale, the colors are great, they do have a "soft" line, and sport weight and they are even trying to go the novelty route----but on the other hand, it can sometimes feel like you're working with fiberglass insulation--you know, the cotton candy pink stuff you put in walls. I still use it tho, it is a staple and it has its place. I think my point is the really good stuff is very expensive...and some of the not so good stuff is expensive too. Depends on what you're making and what you're willing to spend on the "feel" you like. I wrote about the Vanna's choice yarn and quite frankly I'd take Red Heart over that brand anyday...I didn't find it softer, just more expensive and the only reason I got the one skein was cuz it was variaged in white, black and grey and my daughter loved the colors for a hat. Anyhow, I wouldn't say you're a yarn snob.....your fingers are just enjoying the feel of something more pricey :)

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If you're a yarn snob, then I am, too! I do still use Red Heart, but it's because I can't find the kinds of colors and multicolors they have in yarns such as Caron's Perfect Match/One Pound. I would MUCH rather use that yarn than Red Heart. Okay, honestly, I'd rather use ANY other yarn than Red Heart. It looks and feels so cheap and rough! Alas, these other companies either haven't made the colors or aren't going to for some reason or another...

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man i'd say i am a yarn sort of snob. i dont like RH SS but i still use over WW acrylics, tlc essentials/caron SS/ etc i just dont like he redheart feel. i dont really have enough money to put into yarn to say i am a full on snob yet. i dont think people who can use and like rh ss are bad or look down on them, just the yarn itself. i have sensitive skin (eczema) so i would rather save up and make a nice sweater than to make more projects that leave blisters between my fingers. plus there are some great deals to be had online/ebay

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No one who uses Simply Soft could possibly be a yarn snob!


I'm only a yarn snob as far as my own work goes... and like others, I know there are uses for acrylic yarns. I still have some stashed, though lately I gave away quite a bit for some Girl Scout craft projects (acrylic is definitely the right yarn for a 7-year-old to make God's Eyes with!). But I've been working more with natural fibers, mostly because I like the idea of it and I think the finished item looks higher-quality--not all of them are really that pleasant to the touch. And when I went "back" and crocheted something with Baby Clouds, I didn't enjoy it nearly as much. But it was a very tough and machine-washable baby blanket! And I knew the person I was giving it to wouldn't know from natural fibers.

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I agree with what everyone else has said. You aren't a yarn snob until you chastise someone for using the RH. RH was the very first yarn that I ever used when I was learning to crochet. I bought it at my local Woolworth's.


I have found that it is a bit more scratchy than I remember, and have since started using other yarns. There are other acrylic yarns out there that are softer, like the ones that Patons makes. I also really like using real wool or a wool blend, and most of the time, a wool blend is just as washable as acrylic. Lionbrand woolease is great in the washer, and that is what I made my nephew's sock monkey afghan out of.


I agree also with what others have said. If you like, donate what RH you have left. There is always someone who needs yarn. You could even ebay it if you want and then reinvest that money into your stash.

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I like Red Heart Soft as well as Caron SS. Have also used Red Heart Classic which was just fine for a sweater I made, but haven't stitched together due to sudden family problems re son and daughte-in-law. Anyway the only Red Heart I've found that I don't like is the Super Saver which I used to make anti-scuff things for my dining chair legs. Don't want to use it again...it really felt rough by the time I made a 2nd set. If it doesn't bother others, I wouldn't look down on them. I use what I can afford. Haven't tried anything more expensive than some of the Paton's or Bernat yarns.


Actually haven't worked with the Paton's yet, but it feels good in the skein.



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I like Red Heart. I could live of of rh, css and sugar and cream. Mainly because they are so affordable. I don't have the time or resources it takes to make a lovley bambo soy mocha milk blend blanket. which by the way sounds like a bad coffe from starbucks for the price of 450 dollors. I could make at least ten blankets out of red heart and use that.

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I don't think you're a yarn snob!! I live in a small town, so the only yarn of choice is RH. There is a LYS, but she is tooooo expensive for me!!:eek When dh and I do happen to go to a bigger town, I always end up at Joann's craft store or Michael's and I get to see all the really neat yarns out there. I know I can order really neat yarn from the net , but sometimes the shipping and handling is to costly for me!! So no, YOU ARE NOT A YARN SNOB!!:lol

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I guess I am a yarn snob in the way that most of you are. I use RHSS for afghans and stuffies, but for most of my wearable items I use the "better" yarn.


I would never look down on anyone that uses RH or other so called "cheap" acrylic. I have seen many projects here that were made with those yarns that are just beautiful!


I say use what you like and can afford.....and to heck with those "snobby" people!

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