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How can they do this?

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I guess so - I just want to post somewhere the link to the Lion Site. Oh well, I guess if people will buy a grilled cheese sandwich that looks like Mary or whatever....

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LOL! I got a kick out of the grilled cheese. When my friend told me about that I almost peed myself!!! It is unbelievable some of the stuff people put on there and even worse, the people gullible enough to buy them!!!

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I wish I knew where to post negative feedback for this person, they're trying to sell all kinds of free pattern sheets. I clicked the link to see all the seller's items and she has sheets for sale that I picked up at Wal-Mart for free.


The nerve of some people....http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQfgtpZ1QQfrppZ50QQsassZmissa1901QQssPageNameZDBQ3aOtherItems



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Yes, please report them to eBay. The more the merrier, maybe we can get them to stop if eBay realizes people take this stuff seriously.

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I agree that people are suckers, but there's actually nothing illegal about selling that pattern sheet. I'm also sure it doesn't violate any of eBay's rules.

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That kind of thing always chaps me :yuck I also realize people should check out what they're buying but not everyone has the opportunity to get out and shop or for whatever reason don't know they are free. It's just not right :irk to rip people off like that.

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I really don't think it is illegal. We had a thread about a similar situation not too long ago. They're simply selling a hard copy of something some people may not be able to make a printout of themselves. Not everyone has access to a working printer. I know it took us a long time to replace ours when it broke down.


As long as they don't claim to be the only source for this pattern I don't think they're breaking any rules. I think I said this last time, but wouldn't it be like saying that since you can read a book for free at the library the bookstores shouldn't charge for theirs?

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Illegal or not, I do think it's a cheap trick, but I think I'm just going to feel bad for someone who is willing to go through all the trouble of posting, paying ebay fees, paypal fees, mailing out all those patterns, etc. After all of that, they are probably not making more than 10cents per pattern! It wouldn't be worth it to me.

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Doesn't EBay have a message board? Someone could start a thread about that and tell others that way. I just find it disturbing that someone is selling this stuff when you can go to any craft store and get it free or just go to the website of the yarn company and get it there.:angry



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Buyer be ware!!!. I see patterns even on this site (blogs etc) for sale, what a joke, just because they use differnent yarn or colors they then deam it original, NO it is not, I never never buy anything like that, I even get mad at myself for paying for ones in the store, I good book, like the Encyclopedia of Crochet tells you all you need to know, now the fun comes from ones own imagination with colors and yarn. Yes I have bought many crochet books and leaflets, but nothing from any one stating it is their pattern. My hubby is one of those kind of people, you can sell him anything, anytime.LOL

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The nerve of some people. I wanted to email her so bad.


My parents sold an Alf doll with a grilled cheese sandwich that he "made" on ebay. The sad thing is, they actually SOLD it! For some odd reason the winner didn't actually want the sandwich, just the alf doll.

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If you email her you're likely to get a flaming one back but it would be so worth it to let her know what I think of her scruples of selling free patterns on EBay. :devil:



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Well, while it is not illegal, it seems like the patterns would have some kind of coyright. Of course, she is not selling them as her own.


Anyway, I emailed Lion Brand. Let them do what they think is right. I just hate people getting taken.

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I saw on Good Morning America a while back, this little girl and her mom caught the "monster under her bed", threw a blankie or whatever over it and stuffed it in a storage ziploc baggie, and she drew a pic of the monster...they put it on ebay and got $100 for it.....people WILL buy anything...:think



it isn't right to sucker people into paying when you can get the patterns for free. :( She mentions she wants the $ in 48 hrs because there has been a high amount of non-payers...gee....could it be because they went surfing and found the patterns for free?????:oops

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I saw on Good Morning America a while back, this little girl and her mom caught the "monster under her bed", threw a blankie or whatever over it and stuffed it in a storage ziploc baggie, and she drew a pic of the monster...they put it on ebay and got $100 for it.....people WILL buy anything...:think


Ok I just think that's funny and kinda cute. If I was filthy rich and thought the kid was gonna get the money I'd have bid on that.


As far as the seller selling the free patterns I think it's sleazy but I bet there's nothing illegal about it.

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I don't think she's doing this legally. I got this from Coats and Clark's website about copyright:


Patterns and all copy currently available in our Free Leaflets or on our Internet site can be used with proper credit to Coats & Clark (see sample credits below). Depending on the format, we prefer that the pattern be scanned or photocopied directly from the source, as reentering content can lead to errors and consumer dissatisfaction.


Not only has she cut off the part of the front of the sheet that says Free Project Sheet, she's put some kind of watermark on it that isn't in the original sheet.


Plus there is no mention of it being a Coats and Clark pattern sheet.

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I don't think she's doing this legally. I got this from Coats and Clark's website about copyright:




Not only has she cut off the part of the front of the sheet that says Free Project Sheet, she's put some kind of watermark on it that isn't in the original sheet.


Plus there is no mention of it being a Coats and Clark pattern sheet.


I work with copyright a lot in my job. It is not illegal to copy or download or print out the pattern for personal use as long as you give the owner his due (ie. mention that it's a Coats&Clark pattern or whatever). It _is_ illegal, however, to sell it as your own. Cutting off the Coats&Clark or putting a watermark on it or whatever will not protect her from copyright infringement if all she did was xerox the original. The reason for copyright law is to protect the owner of the work from someone who merely copies it and makes money from it. Someone should let ebay know (sorry, I don't know how to do that; I'm not sure I"m even registered at ebay anymore...).

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I've just put a letter to Coats and Clark in the mail informing them of what missa1901 is doing. I gave them the names and numbers of the leaflets I recognized and her EBay name.


I hope they do something, this just isn't right.



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