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Hippie Hat


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I've been working on some stuff to sell at my work and this hat is one of my creations. It's an original pattern (I would love some testers if anyone wants to volunteer - this is my first time writing up anything!) and I used cotton yarn that I recycled from an Old Navy sweater I got for a buck at Sal. Army.




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Thanks everyone for the nice words! I had fun trying to get this hat the way it was looking in my mind...


Now hopefully my pattern will be clear enough that it will be easy to recreate! I'm going to send the pattern to the first three people that asked... TepperWear, Kymberlina, and Crochet Buffet, check your PMs.


Once they give me the okay, I'm going to go ahead and post this on my blog and in the original patterns section.

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Wow, it turned out so nicely! :clap Thanks so much for being my guinea pig!


Kymberlina did spot an error in my pattern, so once I make the corrections I'll have the pattern available on my blog. Hopefully sometime Thursday morning...


Thanks everyone for all the compliments! :blush

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  • 8 months later...

This was the first thing I ever made other than a blanket. I was trying to figure out how to crochet by myself. I think I did okay thanks to such a great pattern! All I knew before the blanket I made was a chain stitch and I had to teach myself the rest lol. Not bad for first project. So I had to make two yesterday! My sister saw and loved so I had to make another! I posted pics below. My daughter turns 4 next week and she tried it on and it's sooooooooo darn cute on her. I gotta make a smaller one now. I think I'm HOOKED. HAHA Thanks so much Natalie! I emailed you earlier before I found a place to upload the pics to show here. I think you can click on the thumbnails for a bigger pic. Did I do ok? Different yarn.. they turned out a little different in size. Which do you like best? Janey


p967.jpg p968.jpg p969.jpg


p970.jpg p971.jpg p973.jpg

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sn0w--bot the hats are great, but I love love love the second one. What kind of yarn did you use on each of those? It looks kinda hemp-y, but that could be just the color.


I'd love to make this hat, even though in general I'm pretty terrible at anything other than scarves. Can't wait to see the pattern!

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Reba, The pattern link is in this thread I think. It's Natalie058's design. :) On the second hat, I used 4-ply worsted weight. (mainstays from walmart) The other one? (lighter) I don't know what brand that is as my 1 year old snagged the label. LOL It's from walmart too though. Man, I like the hempy colored one too but my sister has dibs on it so I guess I'm making another. LOL The lighter colored one came out a little looser. I like how both fit a touch different.


Here's her link... I think I revived this thread LOL.


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