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Would you rid yourself of? Pinkroses

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Suppose you had to give up your love of needleworks just to get some peace in your life at home

Could you?

I have a bunch of interest.

Crochet, knitting, sewing , quilting, tatting, hand-embroidering. counted cross stitch.

I love to read.

I have been collecting books in the areas of needlework I love

I also like to play the piano.

I have a small collection of hymnals. These are from different churches.

I can't help it . I just am nuts about all these areas

My problem is I am running out of space

We are planning on building our retirement home soon.

We had to cut down on the size several times; so we can afford it better.

( which I don't mind)

I have a large kitchen/dinnig room combine with a small walk in pantry and a wall pantry in the kitchen; we will have a country fram house ranch style home.

in the dinnging area we are going to have a victorian style fire place.


I wll have a small sewing room. I will get the Master bedroom and bath to myself

For different reason.

Hubby wants a bedroom in the basment, He wants to let his younger brother who is in his 40's come on the weekend sometimes to stay

His younger brother is retarted; but can help his brothers sometimes

There are 5 boys in his family counting hubby,

Any ways.

I have gotten rid of a lot of things.

I don't think it is fair for me to have to rid myself of the books I have collected for years.

Some are really old

So, would you or could you give those things you love up?

I do love my son and husband.

It is just the pits to have to deal with things like this.

thanks for the advice and reading

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Oh, Pinkroses, I feel for you -giving up the "stuff" we love is tough.


Your question really made me stop and think - I guess, if I had to, I could. Not that I'd like to, or want to, though. I've been thinking about shrinking down the amount of space that my crafts take up, and I think that what would make me feel better about "having" to get rid of some things would be finding the right places for the "stuff" to go.


Do you know of anyone who would really appreciate some of the books? How about any local charities or nursing homes for some of the yarn? Any relatives or friends who share the same hobbies that you'd like to share with? I think that, if my "stuff" had to disappear, I'd want it to be appreciated somewhere. Our crafts and our books are a part of us. Find them good homes.



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I'm sorry you're faced with these decisions. Couldn't you have floor to ceiling built-in bookshelves built into your sewing room or the bedroom in the basement? We have one that is only 12 inches deep by 27 inches wide and it holds tons of books. It's not invasive in the room at all - takes up very little space, but because it is floor to ceiling it holds so much. I think I would ask my husband to help me find a way to keep more of the things I enjoy. I hope you can find a solution!

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I agree, getting rid of stuff is hard. I am most likely going to be downsizing, as well as moving out of state. I will have to give up most of everything even if I have to start over. In the long run I won't be giving up any of my crafts or reading. but I won't be able to keep as much on hand. buy and pay as you go. Though I don't know what to do with some of my collections because many of those peices have been gifts and those will really be hard for me to part with!

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I'm sorry to hear about your situation. What if you just look online for some good organizational stuff and use every small space you have. We are a family of five who still moves around every year into small apartments and finding space is hard but if you love what you have and want to be able pass it down in the family somehow you find space.

Sorry hope you are able to work things out.

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I totally read the title wrong!!!!!!!!!! I thought you were asking if we should get rid of you or something....of course not!!!!!!!


I recommend categorizing everything by Love It, Like it, or not like it. Then take your Love it pile and split it into Have to have it, could live wihout it.


Then get rid of everything else!

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I had to think if I had to give up things I loved it would be hard...I am moving right now and had everyone in my house get rid of everything they had I was luckt put most of it in a storage unit ...Though I never knew what I had until I started packing.....

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There's not alot of things I couldn't give up really I'm not attached to too much. My mom passed away in 97 & because I was very naive I allowed my brothers & other family members to be in control of her stuff & I have nothing of hers not 1 thing :( The things I couldn't give up are a couple of blankets one my mom crocheted for my dd when she was born & also a blanket a friend made for me.The pearls my hubby gave me for our 1st anniversary. Some notes my kiddos wrote to me & pictures they drew & of course pics of my family & my 5 chihuahuas those are all possesions of course I couldn't give up my family :lol Now my hubby would have a hard time he has lots of stuff :lol

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I am sorry to hear about your situation. I've had to give up things before and it is soooo difficult!!! If this is your retirement home and ya'll are designing it...why not give your bedroom and sewing room floor to ceiling shelving?? That way you can keep your most precious items.

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I'm sorry to hear of your dilemma, Pinkroses, and I, too, misread the title of this thread--I definitely couldn't give up pink roses, is what I was thinking!:)


As for your cherished craft supplies--I agree with all who thought you should try organizing everything, and building shelving into your new room, to help store them--I love doing all the crafts you listed that you like, too, and over the last 15 years or so, I have amassed lots of books on the various crafts, as well as aida cloth, thread, needles, patterns, crochet hooks of nearly, if not every, size made, including the steel ones, knitting needles that I am so thrilled to have gotten from a thrift store[that saved me lots of money, finding them there!:yay] and, yarn, yarn, and more yarn--even latchhook rugs[small ones this time around] that I want to finish--so, if and when I might ever need to part with all of this, it won't be quite as easy as it was that first time, over 15 years ago--


--so, I understand completely just how tough it is to part with things you love so very much--because, I decided to give my craft things away, at one point in my life, too--we were retiring out of the Army, so getting everything ready for our move--and there were two young girls who lived across the street, who had been asking me to teach them how to crochet--I had done my best to help them with it, and I was absolutely thrilled that they were both so excited about it all--but, right before we began to pack things up--and, for reasons that I know were due to how much I never realized what crocheting really meant to me--I decided that I'd just give up the craft, and move on to something else, once our move was over--


--so, I gave both girls the crochet books I had at the time, all of my yarn stash, and hooks--you name, I gave it to them--and, at first, I felt very good about it, and even very noble to have given it all to two girls whom I thought would really appreciate it all--but, within no time, once we'd settled into our new 'digs', I was regretting my decision---not because I thought the girls had not deserved the things I'd given them, and would never make good use of them all--but, because,, suddenly I MISSED my being able to crochet anything--no yarn, no hooks, no books, no patterns--I felt lost! So, I went out and began restocking my 'supplies', and, also, began adding in supplies to do all of the other crafts I found that I enjoyed doing, as well. And, due to how expensive resupplying myself with all that I needed really was, it took quite awhile!:) Now, as I look around this overly-stuffed room, that I've turned into 'Craft Central', here in our small house, I think I could probably put out a sign saying, 'Craft Supply Store', and really clean up--if I was ever that silly to part with it all again, unless I had to, that is!:ohdear


So, my advice would be for you to go slow, think this all the way through--and, if you find that your crafts really are a far larger part of your life, and that they give you far more enjoyment in this life than just about any other extra-curricular activity ever does--then, think--SHELVING & ORGANIZATION!:hook


God's blessings on whatever decision you end up making, pinkroses!:manyheart:hug

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I totally understand. We are moving soon and as I was going through all my books and I kept the ones that meant the most. For example, my Jane Austin books and.... so on. I gave away four bags full to my local library. They have provided many stories and music for me and my children, I thought it would be great to give back. As for my needlework - Ive kept it pretty organized and could never live without my yarn and needles. Its my one stress reliever. Good Luck!

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This is your retirement home. This is the space and place where you're supposed to enjoy your' golden years'. It's great that your hubby wants to be good to his brother but let him start by being good to his wife.

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I have moved more times than I can count and for many of those moves, I dragged (and paid for) boxes and boxes of fabric and other sewing stuff plus 3 sewing machines. I have learned that it is all just stuff. I wish I could sew again (physically) but I can't so it now seems silly that I put everything I had on the line for my sewing stuff and it was all for naught.


I am not saying that you should get rid of everything you have and love but the real question is how much clutter and junk are you willing to live with just to have it nearby?


I too am sorry that you are having to make these choices but I do think you will be better off for paring down a bit. (personal experience speaking here :sigh )

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I too can identify with what you are going thru. I have a ton of books too and I have lugged and moved them about three times now. You know most of them were in my attic and after reading once I never looked at them again. For years I thought I could never give them up, but in fact just recently I went thru all of them and I'm keeping one box full and the rest I am giving away. I've done the same thing with clothes and old dishes and things like that. I don't think I'd want to give up my yarn and hooks and needles and patterns and what not, but then I don't have the stash that some do. Pare down in areas where you know that you won't have to run right out to replace things because let's face it, if you're going to spend time and money to replace you may as well keep it now. Maybe you could sort things by how often you've used them. If there's a craft you haven't done in two years or so I'd give up those items so you can hang on to the ones you love the most. I do agree that you shouldn't have to be making all the sacrifices, but Darski is right, it's just stuff.

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I appriate all the advice you all gave'

I have gotten rid of a bunch of stuff

We have lived in this old house over 20 years.

Quite a bit of stuff My mother's Mom has given me and my Mom

I know things can get piled up.

I have never had but one good bookcase my oldest brother made

for me.

Hubby has a out-building to which he has stuff in

also we have a old half basement that once had a coal stove . now convereted to gas and had a half dirt thingyl

Why they had that I don't know

The house was built in the 30s or 40's hubby says.

I think a lot of my allergies are coming from there.

Any hows. I am getting rid of alot,; and already have gotten rid ofit

but, when you stay in a house as long as we have here things just seem to add up

I had a minister friend who once said."If your "things begin to own and control your every though and creative flow; it is thing to re-think it."

My minsiters friends wife said "He is a fine one to say that.; cause he has a mountain of things to de-cultter.":lol

I guess that is true in a way.

Oh fiddle-d-d , said Scarlet. I will deal with it tommorrow." :yes:lol

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Just a suggestion....I've seen some pretty awesome built-in bookcases that can go in a corner or in an unusual spot like by a staircase. Look for the built-ins to store your things.


I moved 3 times in more year and that taught me to give up the less important things, but keep the things dear to me. It also taught me to get creative in storage solutions. There is also a magazine that is usually at Home Depot/Lowes about small houses and storage solutions.


I gave up some of the craft things that I don't do anymore. I also had a large collection of recycled things that I used to use for angels and snowmen. My craft area had to go down...but not my yarn or anything crochet. I chose that passion not to decrease in size.


Good luck!:manyheart

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My minsiters friends wife said "He is a fine one to say that.; cause he has a mountain of things to de-cultter."

I guess that is true in a way.


You can have alot of stuff, and it still be just stuff. I've lived here for almost 20 years, and I'm a little OCD with the collecting. (one? I need them all!) but it is just stuff. and can be rebought of you changed your mind.

BTW I have a set of bookcases in my bedroom that are 8 foot tall and there are 5 each about 36" wide. they are permanent. they hold so much, and I can see it all. so the bookcases all areound the room are a great idea. they can be covered with shades if it is too busy to sleep in.

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