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Ahhhhh Christmas...

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is going to be the death of me. We just moved into a new apartment 3 months ago. The rent is 2 X's what we were paying. So I decided for all my family I would crochet to keep costs cheaper this year. I also had 2 baby afghans to do for baby showers. So I have been crocheting like a mad woman and I swear I havnt even made a dent in my list. Most of the things are small like bath sets but I chose a set if 5 to do and have to do 3 individual sets. Then I have to finish an afghan for SIL and much much more. I think I went overboard. I will get it done but next year I'm starting earier LOL!:eek

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Yeah, I know what you mean. I should have definitely started earlier. It's seems like I found something just absolutely perfect to crochet for everyone this year! A LOT of work.

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is going to be the death of me. We just moved into a new apartment 3 months ago. The rent is 2 X's what we were paying. So I decided for all my family I would crochet to keep costs cheaper this year. I also had 2 baby afghans to do for baby showers. So I have been crocheting like a mad woman and I swear I havnt even made a dent in my list. Most of the things are small like bath sets but I chose a set if 5 to do and have to do 3 individual sets. Then I have to finish an afghan for SIL and much much more. I think I went overboard. I will get it done but next year I'm starting earier LOL!:eek


Wait... is that the ghost of Christmas past I hear... oh no, it's just what we crocheters say every year when November hits the calendar. :wlol


I do know the feeling though and I don't even "actually" do Christmas.

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is going to be the death of me. We just moved into a new apartment 3 months ago. The rent is 2 X's what we were paying. So I decided for all my family I would crochet to keep costs cheaper this year. I also had 2 baby afghans to do for baby showers. So I have been crocheting like a mad woman and I swear I havnt even made a dent in my list. Most of the things are small like bath sets but I chose a set if 5 to do and have to do 3 individual sets. Then I have to finish an afghan for SIL and much much more. I think I went overboard. I will get it done but next year I'm starting earier LOL!:eek
Ouch. Must you do so much? Can you cut back this list before your hand falls off? Goodness! I thought my list was bad. (At least you're not trying to knit all these things. Crochet is much faster!)
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if for some reason you don't finish it all:eek:eek:eek make cute little tags of iou. you could even crochet a border around the card. i have a friend who does that and its darling. that way you won't drive yourself insane and they will still get their hand made gifts just a thought:D:D:D:D

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lol, my list is long but last weekend I began picking up presents for people low on the list. I just can't get any done I am sure. I am going to do something simple this year, and people can just deal. We have so many people to buy for now, I can't afford the elaborate gifts, and I don't have time for handmades for all.

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My list is decently short, but I have barely started. I'm almost done with one afghan, but I have two others, possibly three, to make. Plus classes, papers, finals, NaNoWriMo...Can I have the yarn padded room now?

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Oh, yeah. I'm really feeling the Christmas crunch right now, too! Let's see, in the next 7 weeks until Christmas, I need to make 14 more pairs of slippers, finish a Skipping Stones Circular Afghan for dd1's birthday (by the end of this month), make 5 dozen snowflakes (if possible), finish a white doilyghan for dd2, and deliver dd2 (she's due 12/21). Yuck. Also, if there's time, finish 2 Baroque Lady's Jackets (designed by Jennifer Hansen) for my SILs. Don't know if I"m going to be able to do it all! :faint

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finish a white doilyghan for dd2, and deliver dd2 (she's due 12/21). Yuck. Also, if there's time, finish 2 Baroque Lady's Jackets (designed by Jennifer Hansen) for my SILs. Don't know if I"m going to be able to do it all! :faint

Tracey, this is so funny, the way you have giving birth on your project list! I hope you have time to slow down and enjoy the season and the birth of your baby:)


Mama4ray and everybody who is feeling stressed out about Christmas projects, I also hope you can take time to enjoy the season and your crocheting. If some of the bath sets have only 3 items instead of 5, won't that be OK?

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I do something different every year. one year it was slippers, then it was topped towels, yes even for the kids. this year though I have collected enough "rescued" cross stitcha, needlepoint and embroider pictures that, all I need to do is come up with a good poem so they don't think I nmade them all! and still need a few more for kids. little boys are hard to find.

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