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Athba, that's a beautiful pattern and the cotton it calls for is sooooo soft!


Check Lion Brand Free Patterns for shawls....there are a lot!

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i just saw ur post

i was gonna ask about you you`ve been away for tooooo long i missed you

your work is fantastic and i love it

how big the shawl turned out??

by the way i`m so happy that finally you`ve made a shawl which didn`t end up in someones else hand :lol

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Mel I love the dishcloths and the shawl you made.:clap The varigated yarns are very nice too. Is it peaches and creme and what did you use for the shawl.


Shay I love the aztec sun pattern,:clap I might have to get that pattern.


Valerie its nice to see ya. Hope your feeling better soon.:hug

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Hi, everyone. I've been super busy lately, but now that Christmas is over I've decided that I'm going to be pulling out a number of things I started for me and then put on the back burner indefinitely. I'm still working on my 3SURR and have two regular afghans about half done to finish. I'm going to try to learn to do tatting. I pulled out a counted cross stitch picture that is about 3/4 done that I want to finish, too. Think that will keep me busy for a while? :lol :lol :lol

Mel, those are wonderful projects. Love the shawl in particular! It's gorgeous!

Val, I'm glad you got some antibiotics and are finally starting to feel better. :hug

Athba, I just picked up "The Prayer Shawl Ministry - Reaching those in Need" book. It has some really lovely and fairly simple shawl patterns in it.

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Val - Glad that you feel better

Mel - very nice shawl, good colors, and cute wash cloths too....

Athba - I like the shawl, the colors remind me of ice cream sherbet, yummy. Should look good in your colors too...

Cara - It takes some strength, but if you take it slow, it is worth the effort.


I finished my newsboy cap and I hate it. It keeps falling down over my eyes, :rofl. I went to a thrift shop with daughter today and it fell down while I was on line and I bumped my cart into the rear of a lady in front of me. My DD was laughing but the lady didn't think it was funny!! :ohdear.

Stopped at Joann's (in same shopping center as the eye doctor where we stopped to make an appt.) They had the Sensations Boucle on sale, but didn't have the color I needed to finish a ghan I started, sooooooo I bought some Sensations brushed Rainbow classic in pale pink for 2 ribbon shawls I have to make. And of course I had to check out the clearance sections, and got a bunch of 50 cent things for my scrapbooks, 2 fabric remnants for pocket book linings and a new sewing box (40% off). My old one was small and round with a loose lid, this one is rectangle, big and has a hinged lid.

So I feel I had a good day, guess I will have to order the Boucle on line.

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I finished my newsboy cap and I hate it. It keeps falling down over my eyes, :rofl. I went to a thrift shop with daughter today and it fell down while I was on line and I bumped my cart into the rear of a lady in front of me. My DD was laughing but the lady didn't think it was funny!! :ohdear.


Oh no!! :rofl :rofl Phooey on the lady for no sense of humor :D

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Good night, ladies:hug


It's been a busy one for me - finished the RR for my goddaughter - will take a pic tomorrow...

Also spent tons of time sorting through my room. It SO needs help...but by tomorrow it should be a showplace!

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Good night, ladies:hug


It's been a busy one for me - finished the RR for my goddaughter - will take a pic tomorrow...

Also spent tons of time sorting through my room. It SO needs help...but by tomorrow it should be a showplace!


Wanna come do mine next? :lol I straightened it some the other day. At least I thought I did. Took two hours. Got down Tuon's carrier the other day and now it's a mess again :rolleyes Might help if I got junk like cat carriers out of there :yes

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I still haven't done any more of my coat, since I'm not going to work on it until I have somewhere to put it while I work on it, which is the 8-pocket tote, and I haven't been able to finish that yet. However, I am working on a convertible shrug from the same issue of Crochet Today. I adjusted it a little so it'll fit me, and I really like it. I have 10 joined squares out of 30.

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Carol- too bad about the hat-- could you sew a tiny bit of elastic all around the inside of it to make it tighten up a little bit or would that make it look bunchy ?

You must live around HERE -- if you bump into somebody in our area, you'd better get ready to get a tongue-lashing at the least (and also ready to give one BACK if the mood hits you )


Judy- you have been very productive lately ! Can't wait to see a photo of the RR .


**By the way, I have a question and thought you'd know the answer since you have a readily available source to ask ( Phil)


I saw a clip on the news last night about the increase in policemen getting killed in the line of duty and they showed a funeral for one-- they were carrying his casket out of the church and it was flag-draped, but the flag had GREEN and white stripes-- the rest of the flag looked like an American flag, but with green instead of red .

Would Phil know why they used this flag ? I have never noticed that before and didnt know if it was some type of "policeman's flag clors " or whether it was the department he was in, or what the significance of the green would be .

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Wanna come do mine next? :lol I straightened it some the other day. At least I thought I did. Took two hours. Got down Tuon's carrier the other day and now it's a mess again :rolleyes Might help if I got junk like cat carriers out of there :yes

I;m eliminating one crate - the younger dog doesn;t use his much: read, sleeps at my feet (or on them).... and will position one chair with it's back to the other crate, so when I'm sitting in the room I don't have to look at the mess of bedding in it.

Phil and I went shopping and he bought me some big plastic totes so I have a secure place to store my crochet projects in the garage (field mice:P)... and he said as we bought 3, that "I know you'll need more". He almost had a hernia dragging the box of pattern books into the garage:lol...should have positioned the box in there FIRST, then loaded it up:D


It feels good to staighten up - though I go kicking and screaming into "organization mode. I have a big shopping bag where I threw everything from my worse desk drawers so I wouldn;t be embarrased when I took the drawers out to move the desk.

I really need an intervention...really. Esp after seeing one of my New Year's resolutions from a year ago. Nothing has changed....:blush

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Judy- you have been very productive lately ! Can't wait to see a photo of the RR .


**By the way, I have a question and thought you'd know the answer since you have a readily available source to ask ( Phil)


I saw a clip on the news last night about the increase in policemen getting killed in the line of duty and they showed a funeral for one-- they were carrying his casket out of the church and it was flag-draped, but the flag had GREEN and white stripes-- the rest of the flag looked like an American flag, but with green instead of red .

Would Phil know why they used this flag ? I have never noticed that before and didnt know if it was some type of "policeman's flag clors " or whether it was the department he was in, or what the significance of the green would be .

Julie - this is what Phil said:

It was more then likely the colors of that department.

For instance the NYPD flag .... bears the colors of Green, Blue and white.

There is no universal "Police" colors. Each department has there own, and is generally depicted on there insignia or shoulder patch.

I would be curious as to which department the funeral was for......and then google them...to see what there logo or state/city colors are.

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Judy-thanks and tell Phil thanks for the answer to my question -- I'm like George - Always Curious .

I see things on the news and it bugs me til I figure out why or what they do it for .


I don't know what department or even city that was -- the report was on the national news last night, just talking in general about the increase in policemen being killed while on duty ( some by guns, others by wrecks) ,and it just showed different scenes from different towns, so i don't know where this one was .


By the way, did you watch the show when it was on ,I think it was just called The Academy ? It was a week-by-week account of all that people have to go through to be in the LA Sheriff's Department . Wow, was that an interesting show ! I never realized all the training and hard work and stressful situations they were under -- it was like boot camp .

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I hope to get to work on some crochet later this week, after dh goes back to work. He watched football last night, and dd, future sil and I 'tried' to play a game of CSI but it was very complicated and we decided to call it a night.

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Judy-thanks and tell Phil thanks for the answer to my question -- I'm like George - Always Curious .

I see things on the news and it bugs me til I figure out why or what they do it for .


I don't know what department or even city that was -- the report was on the national news last night, just talking in general about the increase in policemen being killed while on duty ( some by guns, others by wrecks) ,and it just showed different scenes from different towns, so i don't know where this one was .


By the way, did you watch the show when it was on ,I think it was just called The Academy ? It was a week-by-week account of all that people have to go through to be in the LA Sheriff's Department . Wow, was that an interesting show ! I never realized all the training and hard work and stressful situations they were under -- it was like boot camp .

You're welcome...and no, never saw The Academy...some training is very militaristic...seems to be a trend, I think... The training is one thing, but getting out on the street is a real eye-opener for rookies...

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By the way, did you watch the show when it was on ,I think it was just called The Academy ? It was a week-by-week account of all that people have to go through to be in the LA Sheriff's Department . Wow, was that an interesting show ! I never realized all the training and hard work and stressful situations they were under -- it was like boot camp .

That is where my man was trained. It is not like that in all states. The Sheriff's dept is different in every state. That includes the amount of authority they have. (When Reagan was Governor of CA. and we lived there Reagan passed a ruling that all law enforcement, even security guards had to answer all police calls when in that area.)

I remember how proud DH was when he finished the training. He looked so cool in his uniform with his riot helmet. :lol, guess it is true what they say about a man in uniform being irisistable.:manyheart

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Thanks Ladies, but the hat is gone. After the incident in the store I decided to say Bye-Bye to it. It was homespun and I don't like homespun either, this was my last try at anything with that yarn. It is real soft, and I truly appreciate anything anyone makes with homespun, knowing the work that goes into it, but my shakey old hands can't handle it.

BTW I have 2 gigantic balls of it left and DD doesn't want it back, so if anyone is interested let me know.

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, guess it is true what they say about a man in uniform being irisistable.:manyheart

...in uniform and packing (a gun, that is:lol)

Very sexy....

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