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Thank you muchly ladies. I love my ripple and mum is not going to entice me to give this one to her.:no She always sways me by telling me that if I give them to her, they will be mine in the end. It measures 75 inches by about 68 inches and it is so heavy. I have it on the bed now to enjoy the look of it but I will store it away for winter.


The baby ripple is hard going as I am not very dazzled by the colours I made it but it will do.


I am making a few other pillows as my sister would like some MOcha, jade and cream ones.


I also would like to make a afghan for my daughter's man as I will be going to the UK after Christmas and that is where they live. I might make it so that I can keep warm while I am over there and then give it to him.


Judy, I find that when I am under stress I wip up a storm. It is my therapy.

I am now going to my hairdresser as at the moment I look very much like the wicked witch of the west. I have not been able to book an appointment as I can only go on a Saturday. It's today!!!!

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Thank you muchly ladies. I love my ripple and mum is not going to entice me to give this one to her.:no She always sways me by telling me that if I give them to her, they will be mine in the end.


:lol :lol That's funny...morbid, but funny :lol


I keep forgetting you're in the other hemisphere. I bet that thing is hot right about now! :yes

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Linda, Ines and Shaylen, your projects are wonderful.


I'm not working on my ME project at the mpment. My ripple lapghan, (for a donation), isn't coming along as quickly as I would like. To be truthful, I'm finding it kind of boring, and I could kick myself for changing colors for each row. Talk about a lot of ends to weave in. I have about 13 inches of it done and I'd like it to be around 40 inches long. I was hoping to have it finished by Wednesday, but I don't think I'll make it. I have to teach a class next week that I haven't taught in months, so I think I'd better do a little prep work.


My favorite Christmas cookie is probably the simple peanut butter dough wrapped around a miniature Snickers bar. Simple and tasty. I always make cut out sugar cookies to decorate, but I don't like them much.

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The baby ripple is hard going as I am not very dazzled by the colours I made it but it will do.


Actually, that was the first thing I noticed - I quite like the colors!


and I could kick myself for changing colors for each row. Talk about a lot of ends to weave in.


Been there, done that. :yes


Got caught up on my Viceroy while DD was singing in her rehearsal. I have three concerts for her next week - two of them duplicates and EXACTLY what I have been listening to her practice for THREE months. Do you think it would be bad if I brought my :hook and sat there one night? I'll listen on ONE night, promise! (Tonight I was right under the sound/light booth, sat right under the house light in front of him! :lol)

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Linda, I love your RR. I've never tried a 3 strand one. I may have to try one.

Ines, All of your items are so pretty. Love them all and can't pick a favorite.

Shaylen, I love the wave ghan. One of these days I will make one.


My crocheting is temporarily on hold :cry. I cut my index finger from the knuckle to the fingertip. It is so sore. This is not a good thing, since I have 3 RR's to finish up, and was planning on crocheting tonight and all weekend. Hopefully I will be able to get the hook flying tomorrow.

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Mel - one word: SUPERGLUE.


I am NOT joking. You can take that cut, clean it out, dry it. Then you squeeze the cut together so your skin is where it should be and superglue it shut. Works great with cuts from sharp things like that. Doesn't work if there's any skin missing, though.

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Shay, that is a pretty ripple! I'm changing colors every 2 rows...just finished weaving in the ends from the first rows I made. I'm only making 3 color changes...and it is boring, but I can talk to Phil at the same time as I crochet, so that's good.


Well, checking a couple of othe r threads and I'll be signing off for the night.

Have a good one, ladies:hug

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Mel - one word: SUPERGLUE.


I am NOT joking. You can take that cut, clean it out, dry it. Then you squeeze the cut together so your skin is where it should be and superglue it shut. Works great with cuts from sharp things like that. Doesn't work if there's any skin missing, though.


And to think I just usually use duct tape.....true story :yes Works wonders!

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This is how I cut it...I bought an office chair mat today at work. I was tired of my chair leaving huge marks on the carpet. I was opening it up, and sliced my finger open on the rivet (not a staple but a rivet) that was holding the cardboard together. My dad just came to pick up my DD and I showed it to him. It was the first time I actually looked at what cut me, and was shocked to see what it was. If I can get a picture of it tomorrow in the daylight, I'll post it. If I would have realized it was not a staple, I would have just cut the cardboard and been done with it. From now on, I will look to see how something is put together before opening it up.


Once I washed it out and got it to stop bleeding, it was back together, and I used 2 butterfly bandages along with other band-aides. I will have to re-bandage it tomorrow morning after I shower. I will also put a finger guard on it so I won't be banging it on everything (I am a HUGE clutz) :lol:lol


I don't have any superglue, and it is too cold to go the the store :wbrr

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Shay your ripple is gorgeous.


Mel ouch hope your finger is ok. I agree with Krystal, superglue would work. When i did ten pin bowling and used to get lots of sores on my thumb and fingers I used to use clear nail polish, certainly worked. So I guess either would be good. hmm Cara's suggestion of duct tape would be just as good to.

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Good evening Ladies, the ripples waves and RRs are all beautiful. :nworthy

I have been doll clothes worn out. Made 5 full outfits plus a poncho. Just have to add some snaps, buttons and an applique, and then I can ship them out.

Seems like alot of folks have been dealing with "boo-boos", sickness and stressy type things. Hope you all feel better soon.

My family on the mend, just waiting to hear about neighbor, his surgery was this afternoon, but his wife hasn't come home or called yet. Praying that "no news is good news" rings true this time.

I am going to start a purse for my next ME project. Have alot of ghan pattern books coming in the mail, so I am not starting another one until I get to go thru the books.

Also need to find a use for my Mohair, and would like to do a shawl.

Can't believe how fast you all are...You have done so many ME things and I only finished one Afghan that I gave away.

How do you manage to do it all :?

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:lol :lol That's funny...morbid, but funny :lol


I keep forgetting you're in the other hemisphere. I bet that thing is hot right about now! :yes


Cara, I agree it is rather morbid ... but that is what she says. :D The temperature here today is rather uncomfortable. It is very hot. By now I usually pack up the yarn and do my thread but I am still on that yarn.

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Shay-thanks for the recipe- I printed it out and will try it sometime. I like anything rolled in powdered sugar !


Ines-beautiful work, as always !


And I doubt if you looked as bad as the Wicked Witch, but glad you can get into the hair place today so they can dude you up a little more .


Shay- love your wave-ghan too ! It looks like it's a whopper .


Krystal ,Tab and Judy - I saved your comment for the last --


About the male cookies---- good grief :eek


Krystal- you are getting ornerier than Tab. Never thought it was possible.


Judy- you sit there chuckling right along with them, while shining your halo .....


Hmmm, what to do with you 3 ? :no


Alright, each of you with your nose in the corner .:yes

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I have been doll clothes worn out. Made 5 full outfits plus a poncho. Just have to add some snaps, buttons and an applique, and then I can ship them out.


What kind of doll and size were you making clothes for, please? I am trying to encourage DD to play with her dolls :eek (and not growing up too soon) and was hoping that by making it some new clothes she will play more? I have a lot of knitting patterns, but am looking for some crochet patterns as it would go much quicker. :hook

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Julie....see what happens to us when you're not around a lot???:devil


Well, we're looking at icy weather for tomorrow...so today we'll go out for our Saturday dinner and enjoy...tomorrow sounds like a hunker down by the fire day. THOUGH, I do hope we can use the 35% off coupon my local jewelry store sent to pick up my anniversary present. Phil hasn't seen it yet:lol

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