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I drove myself to the store and I didn't hit anything or nothing :jumpyay


I drove us to JoAnns and Best Buy and home again. I even parked in our back driveway which is hard to park in because it's a) on a busy street and b) surrounded by our security fence and c) we've got one big honking truck.


Considering I haven't driven in four years that pretty darn good, if I do say so myself :D

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Way to go Cara :D


How did it feel to be :drive again?


Ok, I'm nosy, so what did you buy?


Not nosy :hug I bought 5 of the Caron Pounders in their off white/fisherman color. I'm gonna make a fisherman cable ghan for DHs coworker.


It was kinda liberating actually. I've really felt like a prisoner for some time now. Couldn't go where I wanted to, when I wanted to and had to hurry up because people were tired or had other things to do. Now I know if I have to I can go on my own :)

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You're welcome...have fun! The VanGogh CAL has a blended technique you can use this pattern for, which is what I do. You can use 2 strands of RHSS with an N or P (for me) hook and it goes fast!


I will go to this site and I'll try it. I'm excited. They are so beautiful. Again thanks.

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Here is a link to the correction in the Sew On Fire RR pattern, along with other tips and tricks.



This is the pattern I use. I've made at least 15 RR's with this pattern and have had no problems at all.


Have Fun!!




I saw some of yours in the "Lets do a Ripple Cal." They were so pretty. I am going to try this. I'll let you guys know how hit turns out.

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Valerie, thank you!

If you need any help at all with the RR (I doubt you will) let me know and I'll try to help you.


Be careful, they are extremely addictive.


Thanks, I'll holler if I need help. This whole thing with crocheting is addictive. However, you gotta love it.:lol:lol

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Valerie, thank you!

If you need any help at all with the RR (I doubt you will) let me know and I'll try to help you.


Be careful, they are extremely addictive.

I second the motion. I'm on RR #10 at the moment and all but one of them are blended. I love them! :hook (BTW, 9 of the 10 are Christmas presents and one was for me. At least I think I'm going to keep it.)

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Please, we're not even in DECEMBER, and people have their houses decorated!!! Can't they just WAIT A LITTLE?!?!?


That's what I say. My neighbors & my Mom said i'm a scrooge. Oh well, so be it then. I wait until the 1st week of Dec. & i'de wait longer if I didn't have kids. BAH HUMMBUG! :lol:P


My one neighbor had her tree & all up before Thanksgiving. :eek

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Kathy, you make me laugh with your way with words!!:lol:lol:lol:lol


And the RRs are so easy! Once you get it started you don't need to look at the pattern at all. But I'll be here to help if you need it...an excuse (as if we need any) to sit at Starbucks!

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I did more on my shrug today, so I'm up to 14 rows. I did extra today because tomorrow will be busy with a doctor appointment and the mammogram. The doctor is just to do med refills and check my thyroid. I think that med still has to go up more. Ugh, I am so sick of pills. After that, I think my sister and I will go out to lunch, then shop at Walmart and the dollar store.


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I just noticed your hoho question-- they are real small lunch cake type things-- chocolate cake that have whipped cream filling, then a coating of chocolate on the outside .

Twinkies are almost the samel but they have yellow cake and no frosting.. kinda like sponge-cake .

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Hi, ladies...was busy on epatternscentral...so I got sidetracked this morning;)


We have a ton of rain here today...a little less of a torrent would be nice. Or sending some of it to you ladies in Georgia would be a great thing. Wish I could.


I was busy making some squares last night, so the rr is still not finished. Today for sure... I also need to put my patterns away in the laundry room. I got busy sorting my print outs into folders and you still can't see the counter tops in the kitchen or the top of the table! Phil would die if he saw the mess I made. When he called last night I told him that..."Oh" was all he said.:lol


Talk later!

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Good Morning Ladies :morcoffee

It is a rainy, foggy, cool, dreary morning here. I guess that means a day of relaxing and crocheting. I'm still trying to recuperate from working the weekend in retail. My Fibro kicked in overdrive yesterday, so I cut my work day short so I could come home and try to relax. The weather isn't helping matters much.


I stopped in at Hobby Lobby Saturday to get some black yarn for all these RR's, and saw that there is a lot of new colors of 'I Love This Yarn'. There were about 8 or so (can't remember the exact number) new variegates, ombres, camos and stripe yarn :clap

I was a good girl and only got 3 skeins for a ME RR after the holidays are over.


I hope everyone has a great day :rose

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hello ladeis

i`m useing sis computer my internet is done few days ago and am so sad

i`ll be busy these days cause at Thursday i`ll have dinner party ONLY FOR WOMEN on the honor of my going to hubby`s home

i still know and beleive he loves mom`s home most :lol

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Hey everyone. Been along time since I've really read the posts in here. I guess life just got busy. :) I finally got back to working on my messenger bag. I only have the strap to crochet before putting it all together. I am really hoping to at least get close to finishing it this week. Then I think I'm going to try out a pettern that was on the free pattern of the day with some lion brand yarn.

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Good morning! Rainy morning! It's been steadily drizzling to light rain since about noon yesterday and looks to be going to keep it up all day today. Hooray! Rain! I ache terribly when the weather is changing, but once it has changed, I don't do too bad. We'll take all the rain we can get. This is the nice steady soak in as it comes down type, which is great. We need this so badly. It can keep it up for several days and I won't complain.:2rain

I did some squares for Mr. Rooster last night. :hen Dark Brown and Dark Green. I think the Dark Green is the last of the colored squares to be crocheted, then it's Buff. There might be a few of the Dark Orange ones still left, too. I really need to start putting some of those squares together or I'm going to find myself with all the squares done and none put together. Oh dear! :eek

Kim's chest is junky, so I'm going to have to give her a bunch of breathing treatments this week. We don't want a repeat of last winter's endless bronchitis/pneumonia.

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O-o-o-o-h! I got up early today and moved my doctor appointments. I'm NOT going out there. It's cold (maybe 28 degrees) and rainy. I don't understand how it can rain when it's so cold. I'm crocheting instead.


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Morning ladies :flower


Joyce - I don't blame you. I'd much rather stay in and crochet on that kind of day than go to the doctor :yes


Linda - Hooray for rain :yay!! Sure hope Kim doesn't get too bad this year :hug


Brenda - Welcome back hon :hug


Mel - That fibro can be a pain :yes Take it easy and pamper yourself a little :hug


Judy - Poor Phil you sent him into shock :lol Have fun sorting. If you're like me it'll take days because you have to stop and look at all the pretty patterns and exclaim, "Oh! I forgot about this one!" :lol


Finished up the crocheting on my purse yesterday :yay Just gotta add handles (which I forgot to get yesterday :blush) and a lining. Came out halfway decent I'd say :yes

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:jumpyayHi everyone, I did get a chance to crochet a few rows of my ripple and today it look so cold and grey out, a nice day to sit back crochet and watch the soaps all while I am babysitting my grandson. I forgot how tired a person can get when taking care of an infant. I guess one of these days my body will get use to it. Have a fun day crocheting. Hugs and blessings :hug

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